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Temporary Home For Those Who Appreciate the FHU
PLEASE READ THIS!!! Welcome Folks! This is not meant as any replacement for the FHU Discussion Board. The rules of the board are governed by your conscience. Barring that succeeding, then that of the moderators takes precedent. You need to know that this is NOT an FHU or Roy Masters sponsored board. Nor are any of us who participate here a replacement for what needs to come from within yourself. Do not share unnecessary personal information here. Share wisdom, share experiences that may help others. Do not use this as a replacement for other aspects of your life. A board of this nature is by its very nature prone to abuses. With collective patience and wisdom it IS possible to foster an atmosphere beneficial to each other. Keep in mind that this site is predicated on a respect for what the FHU teaches. It starts there, travels that path and ends there. So when and if you wish to write about another religion or way of life etc, please keep in mind that that discussion will be terminated after it has served its use here vis a vis its value of fleshing out the benefits of the FHU, the Observation Exercise ETC. There are plenty of places to spread other gospels other than here to foster other ideologies. And you must respect that nature of this board. So if you are going to use free speech as a talking point please free speech your way to your own forum. One final point. This page is sort of a Main Lobby. If you click on "Link to Discussion Topics", you will find many more subjects of discussion ongoing That area requires an email address for accountabilty. It is suggested that you consider creating an alternative email address if you have any security concerns... Enjoy your stay. - ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** The Foundation Of Human Understanding ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** The Russian Book on Psychopoltics ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** The Delphi Technique ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** LINK TO DISCUSSION TOPICS **********************************************************************************************************************************************************
The Foundation of Human Understanding

Subject: Voy Closed for Posting

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 22:58:19 03/08/04 Mon

The Voy board is now closed for posting but will remain here as an archive.

Our new and more powerful board is located at:


It can also be found by clicking the link above the says: "LINK TO OUR NEWEST DISCUSSION BOARD"

See you there.
Subject: Conrad~

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Date Posted: 20:57:07 03/07/04 Sun

Forgive you? for what? I'd have to resent what you said, to think you need forgiving, by me, or by the Lord. (G) You can't help it if you are a benbot,or if you lack the insights to SEE clearly for yourself, without asking others.

Paranoid? Oh yes, your mind is not clear, for it thinks another is "paranoid" for seeing error in you, but it...your mind, didn't even use a term that fit, for being bothered that I said what I did, to you, about you. if you're just a silly accuser playing games, you can do better!

If you are sincere, praying you see the error in yourself. You aren't seeing clearly, that's for sure.

God bless~
Subject: paranoia?

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Date Posted: 20:44:48 03/07/04 Sun


good to know you.
this is no roybot or other kind of bot talking (chuckles).
you are right, it is hard to find people with a common interest sometimes.



that's ok.
i didn't know who you were referring to.
that's why i asked ben who I thought might.


you seem to me to be a bit on the paranoid side, if you will forgive me.

Subject: Hi Melissa~

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Date Posted: 20:32:44 03/07/04 Sun

Hi there, good to meet you! you are very blessed to have parents that love God & appreciate Roy's ministry. Hope you didn't miss the link at the top of this board, which will take you to our new discussion boards/forum. Welcome aboard & please don't be shy, & contribute anytime. God bless~
Subject: I am new to this site

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Date Posted: 19:56:11 03/07/04 Sun

I am new to this site and I have been searching for quite some time now for a site that had Roy listeners.
I have been listening to Roy now for about 2 months. My parents have been following Roy now for about 28 years. I have seen drastic changes in me and I am very happy to have found him and his teachings.
Subject: intolerance

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Date Posted: 16:11:44 03/07/04 Sun

I was in a bit of hurry on my last post. The webmaster of the board I think we are both talking about is Jim. He could not have any critism of himself because he had clients, or potential clients, looking at the board. I had no idea he had clients looking at the board and I had heard Free Speech was the way with this board, so I felt free to critise hoping to start a dialog about the old FHU board. Read a Blank Page topic named "Thanks Jim, but" and my offending posts may still be there.
Subject: Conrad~

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Date Posted: 15:43:39 03/07/04 Sun

Hope you know I said that "tongue in cheek," as I know Ben isn't the webmaster. Maybe you are a "benbot" and can't see for yourself, etc. Find that inner-leading, and then come back here and try to show others their supposed error, okay?
Subject: Ask BEN?

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Date Posted: 15:33:58 03/07/04 Sun

Is Ben the webmaster there?!
Subject: intolerance?

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Date Posted: 13:15:31 03/07/04 Sun


I'll have to ask ben about that.
I find that hard to believe.

Subject: roybots

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Date Posted: 08:19:36 03/07/04 Sun

I was on the other board for a short time and was banned for criticising the webmaster. So there is intolerance for some things there. Have you tried the our new board?
Subject: Hi Conrad~

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Date Posted: 00:31:29 03/07/04 Sun

I know where the new board is. It seems to be cleaner now, as when it started it had a good amount of Roy-bashing, & some PITIFULLY blind new age crap. I barely have enough time for our new board, & life in general, as well as email with my daughter in California, etc. I have no desire to post at that other board, but thanks for asking. If you don't wish to continue it here, that also is fine. I really have to wonder why you'd prefer to continue this there, when this voy board has caused us no problems.

As for that other place, hopefully it will continue relatively clean & neat, but I wouldn't bet on it. I've already seen enough darkness and crap over there, as well as the old game of hypocrites projecting roybotism upon others, etc.
Subject: roybots

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Date Posted: 22:50:28 03/06/04 Sat

You're right I'm not a roybot, and I have not run across any pied piper on the board yet. I am not susceptible to pipers because I am not looking for direction or a leader. I think we are having a good conversation, but I have to make it short for now.
Subject: Conrad made a valid point~

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Date Posted: 21:11:50 03/06/04 Sat

Roy did say that eventually, there'd be a pied piper that led the others away from following their inner leading, to follow a person that, thanks to the dynamics of human nature would become a leader of the group. I need to email Roy, or phone him on the show, and ask him about this, in light of the fact scripture tells us to "not forsake assembling together."

I know Roy was speaking of experience, and what he said would eventually happen being why he himself couldn't prevent it from happening years ago when he held regular church services. Within that context, he can't expect anything but...that to eventually happen, in ALL churches, all bible studies, and all forums/boards where believers assemble.

The bible being a great authority than Roy, I have to wonder if Roy thinks people should be islands, and intentionally AVOID this assembling that bible exhorts us to not forsake. I know Roy has never once told me to do anything contrary to bible, and I know Roy has started to have regular meetings again, in Oregon, so my God given common sense comes into play, and I watch..observe, with a meditative heart and mind, to see what dynamics are, or are not, coming into play at this new board.

We have a chat room, we email each other, but not on a regular basis, and as of yet, not one of the other mods, nor members have slapped me on the back verbally, and told me that I am okay. I've been complimented in the way I have taken correction, not letting my ego deny, a couple of times, and at those times I was humbled at first, but so thankful and impressed that instead of another keeping silent, to be a powerful piper (G) or to be popular, indeed a couple of regulars have corrected me, what beauty.

I go over the board on occasion, looking for any suckups or any hint of someone campaigning for piper, but I see it isn't there. when we first started this board, there was so much to discuss, I got fifteen and twenty emails some days, from the other members, but now...I had to write the other mods to make sure they were all okay, and that I wasn't lost on the email chain, and I haven't heard from any other regulars in more than a week, so I emailed one, and sure enough, we're just all about our busy lives, and not living off this board experience, nor can I see even a hint of anyone having wrong motives.

This board has lots of light, may its enemies grind their teeth, and it is clearly blessing us as we kick around ideas, and learn some important things, as we ponder other fun to wonder about...stuff.

The Lord is surely pleased, as we actually have found other meditators that are of a kindred spirit, and that spirit is the Holy spirit. we have a group of pretty BLUNT beings (g) and I feel confident we'll be called on the carpet should the wrong dynamics start raising their ugly heads, as Roy suspects will happen. He may have to stop getting together regularly as he is in Oregon currently, for just the same reason, but I am glad that we, like him, are giving assembling a chance.

It is well with this board. God is blessing those that use it.
Subject: conrad

roybots or roynots?
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Date Posted: 15:50:28 03/06/04 Sat


what you say is true, but it can last a lot longer and run a lot deeper. it's hard to see.

roy definitely doesn't want anyone to be his bot.

many people have been preprogrammed by their religious training, however, to be bots.

tranferrence to roy for a time will help one make the transition to a true self.

it takes time, however, and many are still in transferrence to roy long after and they do not realize it.

in transferrence are complicated relationships.

the person under therapy does not want to part with the person even if that person tells them they have to.

it is like a parent tells their child they have to break away. they child doesn't want to (understandable in this case).

now, roy said he didn't want a group formed in his name, because it would tend to short-circuit the process of becoming oneself.

probably not you, but a few others in your group are trying to play at being roy and taking over the transferrence of the bots. that is why roy called them "piedpipers" that would lead others astray and they would forget about roy and his teachings.

look, roy told everyone and explained it all for us.

can't you see that he is right?

i have no problem talking with others about roy and his teachings, but i will not be bullied and dictated to by an ignorant roybot. Tim, you apparrently are not one of those becasue we are having a very reasonable and friendly exchange.

Subject: Roybotism

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Date Posted: 07:43:28 03/06/04 Sat

No the situation is not the same at all. A roybot is someone caught up with Roy to an unhealthy extent. Usually this is someone who has just discovered Roy's meditation and is in a state of transition from old destructive ways to a new positive objective way. For awhile Roy becomes too much a part of their life, this usually passes after time.
Subject: Conrad~

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Date Posted: 21:13:43 03/05/04 Fri

"This situation" is very different. You are hynpotized as you type, apparently. You are amazed this board still exists, when the Lord surely is pleased at the amount of wisdom and sharing it holds. THIS forum, I don't mean this voy board, but of course I mean our active board and chat room.

C'mon back again, if you feel the need, and say it again, your words remain as untrue, hollow and roybotic as the first time you said them. The people at this forum follow their/our inner leading. This just gets your goat, obviously. We were called roybots when we quoted Roy at his own board, which stated in its opening headers that its purpose was to speak of his teachings, etc. We were called roybots when we disagreed with another, and we are called roybots now, by some that clearly are, and worse. Did you read at "that board over there" last night? before it was deleted, an entire thread showed the worst accuser up for the hypocritical roybot that accuser is. It showed the emperor to be naked, and in need of healing itself, while it....judges others, using that term roybot....repeatedly.

Conrad...you just don't get it, but in case you are sincere, and not just an accuser also, be at peace, as your prayers are already answered.

It is well with my soul. It is well with this board. People are being blessed here.

God bless you~
Subject: roybotism

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Date Posted: 20:09:16 03/05/04 Fri


it does make sense.
roy tells his hypnotized subjects to change their shoes to the opposite feet.
this after tell them all day long what is he going to do and how it is hynpotism.
when they do it he asks them why.
they make-up excuses to justify their actions.
roy is demonstrating that these subjects are not their own persons and will not admit it.
if you listen to roy's programs, you will find roybots calling him all of the time.
they believe they are roy's greatest disciples and best friends.
he tells them to stop being a roybot and they make up excuses and deny what roy told them.
sometimes roy works with them, but usually he dismisses them.
sound familiar?
this situation is really no different.

Subject: Pearls

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Date Posted: 09:07:26 03/05/04 Fri

My pearls post was not aimed at you specifically, but at everyone.

You contradict yourself but telling me I am not doing what Roy says and somehow that makes me a roybot? That doesn't pass the logic test does it.
Subject: Howdy Conrad~

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Date Posted: 00:48:43 03/05/04 Fri

didn't roy tell you guys to stop the forum thing?
why can't you guys get it?
wanna know why?
you're hopeless, helpless roybots.
you guys are like the people roy brings to the front in the afternoon at his seminars.
he tells them to change their shoes and they do it.
he then asks them why and they make up an excuse.
in your case roy told you to cease and desist from the forum and you ignored him.
then you went and started a new one.
you made excuses for roy's repudiation of the old forum and blamed and demonized others.
you bots really don't get it do you?

YOU are the bot. You can't fathom someone not doing what Roy suggested,and NO he didn't try to "order" it closed. He said it shouldn't have been started, his whole issue being the WAY it was started with his own FHU mailing list, offered, not asked for, offered and given by Roy's employee, the webmaster.

We love, respect and cherish Roy because of his message. We aren't bots, we do what we are led to do and this board of ours is running better than Roy's board ever did, for obvious reasons.

You just don't get it, but I will try to help you to. As for those Roy gets to change their shoes, sorry for you to be so wrong, but I was on the 3rd. row center at a seminar, and I even spontaneously contributed to Roy's talk, the opening talk when he isn't interacting with his audience, but he paused, looking for the right words, and they were given to me. That was SF
84, feb. I think.

You need to try to save yourself before you come here thinking you see some that need saving. Also, those pearls of you are cheap costume jewelry, only to your eyes do they look like gems, but you clearly aren't...seeing clearly.

Roy probably won't, but should he ever look in on this new board, and read at that new one the webmaster started, it is clear which one will bless him more, and which one will have him going, "EGADS!" what darkness, what new age crap and what lost souls there are.

It was NOT a coincidence that Roy closed his forum within less than one hour of the time the last naked pic went up, and it was NOT the one of the little cherubs, but of the two teen looking beings lieing naked on the sofa. There was a presence at Roy's old forum that got away with a lot, and these pics were not the only reason it closed, while they WERE the last straw, the one that broke the proverbial camel's back.

Like I said, THIS board has run a couple of months, more smoothly than Roy's ever did. Some learned from the old board, and we don't have some people that PROVOKED the most problems at the old board. This is truth, whether you "get it" or not.
Subject: Howdy Conrad~

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Date Posted: 00:44:55 03/05/04 Fri

didn't roy tell you guys to stop the forum thing?
why can't you guys get it?
wanna know why?
you're hopeless, helpless roybots.
you guys are like the people roy brings to the front in the afternoon at his seminars.
he tells them to change their shoes and they do it.
he then asks them why and they make up an excuse.
in your case roy told you to cease and desist from the forum and you ignored him.
then you went and started a new one.
you made excuses for roy's repudiation of the old forum and blamed and demonized others.
you bots really don't get it do you?

YOU are the bot. You can't fathom someone not doing what Roy suggested,and NO he didn't try to "order" it closed. He said it shouldn't have been started, his whole issue being the WAY it was started with his own FHU mailing list, offered, not asked for, offered and given by Roy's employee, the webmaster.

We love, respect and cherish Roy because of his message. We aren't bots, we do what we are led to do and this board of ours is running better than Roy's board ever did, for obvious reasons.

You just don't get it, but I will try to help you to. As for those Roy gets to change their shoes, sorry for you to be so wrong, but I was on the 3rd. row center at a seminar, and I even spontaneously contributed to Roy's talk, the opening talk when he isn't interacting with his audience, but he paused, looking for the right words, and they were given to me. That was SF
84, feb. I think.

You need to try to save yourself before you come here thinking you see some that need saving. Also, those pearls of you are cheap costume jewelry, only to your eyes do they look like gems, but you clearly aren't...seeing clearly.

Roy probably won't, but should he ever look in on this new board, and read at that new one the webmaster started, it is clear which one will bless him more, and which one will have him going, "EGADS!" what darkness, what new age crap and what lost souls there are.

It was NOT a coincidence that Roy closed his forum within less than one hour of the time the last naked pic went up, and it was NOT the one of the little cherubs, but of the two teen looking beings lieing naked on the sofa. There was a presence at Roy's old forum that got away with a lot, and these pics were not the only reason it closed, while they WERE the last straw, the one that broke the proverbial camel's back.

Like I said, THIS board has run a couple of months, more smoothly than Roy's ever did. Some learned from the old board, and we don't have some people that PROVOKED the most problems at the old board. This is truth, whether you "get it" or not.
Subject: another pearl to trample

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Date Posted: 00:17:56 03/05/04 Fri


didn't roy tell you guys to stop the forum thing?
why can't you guys get it?
wanna know why?
you're hopeless, helpless roybots.
you guys are like the people roy brings to the front in the afternoon at his seminars.
he tells them to change their shoes and they do it.
he then asks them why and they make up an excuse.
in your case roy told you to cease and desist from the forum and you ignored him.
then you went and started a new one.
you made excuses for roy's repudiation of the old forum and blamed and demonized others.
you bots really don't get it do you?

tread on that pearl!

your friend,

Subject: Swine Be Gone

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Date Posted: 23:06:10 03/01/04 Mon

Yes, that's right.

Subject: Pearls before the swine

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Date Posted: 21:30:46 03/01/04 Mon

Why should we cast our precious pearls of truth before the swine? The swine would not know what they are anyway, and would find them useless, trampling them into the mud, snorting for more slop to eat all the while.
Subject: Evil Empire World Conspiracy

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Date Posted: 13:11:17 02/26/04 Thu

hey that's right!

there's a world conspiracy against roy and his roybots.
they are that important as to be the focus of everyone else's attention.

but don't worry, if roy can get enough donations we will all be saved (from David Masters).

I love roy, but he's only human.

here's lovin ya all,

Subject: NetKing/aka SunshineII

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 09:44:45 02/26/04 Thu

Netking, that was funny....sad too. Hahaha. Folks, Netking (aka, Sunshine) is a chap from New Zealand who doesnt like me much. You see, I view America as having some bad but still standing for a lot of good. And I have some respect for President Bush. Netking here who is using a nickname that I once used (Sunshine) despises much of America to the degree that he cannot see that there is not much else but the US standing in between chaos and some small semblance of order. Netking is member of a small cadre of anti-American folks residing at a gold forum...there were three or four of them and I called them the Axis of Evil on that forum. I had pretty much forgotten about you Netking...but obviously I got under your skin enough that you needed to relive the experience of jousting with me.

Ready when you are.
Subject: Al Fulchino

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Date Posted: 02:23:47 02/26/04 Thu

Whwn is Al coming back to post us some more snippets about Roy?
Subject: To Paul

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 19:54:45 02/18/04 Wed

Paul, Thank you for your kind words but I can not take all the credit by far. This whole thing has been a group effort and one beyond just the moderators at that. Many many have contributed ideas, thoughts and suggestions, including yourself and ALL are deserving of congratulations.

Paul, your idea is on track with what Al proposed as well. To keep these boards frozen but accessible as archives with links between the old and new. That should happen within the next few days.

Mary Teresa has done a great job of copying and pasting some threads to the new board. I know she plans to bring over the Movies thread and another one that I can't remember just now. We are open to bringing over anything anyone wants us too. Suggestions are welcome.
Subject: Message For Rick

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Date Posted: 19:10:23 02/18/04 Wed


Congratulations on the new board. As I said, it looks pretty good.

Moving some of the threads from this board to the new board and closing the threads is a good idea - it prevents duplication and leaping about from board to board (confusion).

On that subject, perhaps most, if not all of the threads here could be closed/deleted leaving this board largely empty, merely to serve as a back-up to the new board.

Just a suggestion Rick. Thanks.
Subject: Sorry Charlie, Part II

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Date Posted: 17:41:45 02/18/04 Wed

You keep on proving my point every time.

Sorry Again Charlie!
Subject: Conrad

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Date Posted: 12:54:04 02/18/04 Wed

You are coming from the wrong place Conrad.

You are a sower of dissent and conflict - both here and on the other board, where you seek much-needed comfort in the arms of your fellow dissenters. You carp along with them in order to justify yourself and glean sympathy.

While Jim is well meaning there will always be the likes of you around, taking advantage of everyone and everything and undermining people in allegiance to your sociopathic nature. You seek to create discord for your own advantage.

I see you for what you are - be in no doubt about that.
Subject: "Sorry, Charlie."

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Date Posted: 10:52:53 02/18/04 Wed


Did not Christ teach against what you are espousing?

I'm sorry, but you've just proven my point.

True faith does not bicker and contend.

You are not ready.

Remember the old tuna commercial?

"Sorry, Charlie."

Subject: Likewise

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Date Posted: 07:53:57 02/18/04 Wed

"wouln't mind giving-out the url, but I want to reserve membership invitations for those who are really and sincerely interested in Christian healing an mediation of a certain orientation. I do not recognize that attitude in anyone here."

The same could be said of your attitude and the truth. Quid pro quo Conrad.
Subject: Is Seeing Believing?

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Date Posted: 05:34:50 02/18/04 Wed

I wouln't mind giving-out the url, but I want to reserve membership invitations for those who are really and sincerely interested in Christian healing and mediation of a certain orientation. I do not recognize that attitude in anyone here.

Just "seeing" the group forum will not help you. There is no tick or gimmick about it.

"Seeing" is not really "believing."

It is the internal attitude of the people in the group stemming from a right relationship with the Creator that is most important.

Subject: Is Seeing Believing?

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Date Posted: 05:31:12 02/18/04 Wed

I wouln't mind giving-out the url, but I want to reserve membership invitations for those who are really and sincerely interested in Christian healing an mediation of a certain orientation. I do not recognize that attitude in anyone here.

Just "seeing" the group forum will not help you. There is no tick or gimmick about it.

"Seeing" is not really "believing."

It is the internal attitude of the people in the group stemming from a right relationship with the Creator that is most important.

Subject: To Conrad

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 09:46:11 02/16/04 Mon

Conrad, Would you mind sharing with me the address to that board you speak of. I would like to see it for myself. I've activated my email address for you to do this IF you decide to share it. Thanks in any case. -Rick
Subject: "It Ain't Necessarily So"

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Date Posted: 03:00:12 02/16/04 Mon

About the unending list control debate all I have to say is:

"It Ain,t Necessrily So."

I take part in another group about healing and meditation, and it is so different from what has been going on here you can't believe.

We have had our few oddballs and anti spirits, but they have been dealt with with Christian Love and no on has been ever kicked-off.

When people are treated without hostility, but with reason, light and firmness they eventually either change or give-up.

I have met many good people on this other group and exchange a lot of personal emails as well with these people who live in this country and all over the world and it is really a positive experience.

By the way, I'd like to ask you, Merv, if you gave up your other group?

Subject: Catholics do What?

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Date Posted: 02:48:07 02/16/04 Mon

Evan do you really believe this?

Catholics are spiritual, but .. . . .They teach Santa Clause to their Children, and that masturbation leads to hair growing from the palms or loss of eyesight; a little fresh chunk of Middle Ages madness.

Subject: New Views

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Date Posted: 01:24:54 02/16/04 Mon

Shirley wrote:

This makes me laugh. I personally do not feel you could corrupt me in any way and would welcome new views, as long as they are biblically based, but it looks like Merv has other ideas.

Merv: We are not preventing all new views. We do not want to get into arguing with the anti Roy forces at this point with the Roy is good, Roy is bad stuff. If you want to argue about church doctrine, that is fine as far as I know.

Roy is not biblically based. He is inspired by the Spirit that wrote the bible and his views are therefore in line with the bible. You might not agree; I don't know. When you say the bible, you are probably talking about the church interpretation of the bible; not just what it says. The meaning should be seen and determined from within. It should not be a matter of just believing some authority. The same goes with Roy. If we don't see what we believe and believe what we see, it is not good enough.
Subject: my typo~

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Date Posted: 00:32:39 02/16/04 Mon

I accidentally typed "God and have a field day."

MEANT to type "God and have a field day."
Subject: Joey, lurking, reading~

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Date Posted: 00:30:56 02/16/04 Mon

Don't kid yourself, no one here thinks you have the power to bring an Apocalypse to this forum. Roy bashing simply won't be tolerated. If Jim can look at himself in the mirror while allowing his employer to be bashed endlessly as his forum, that is his business. God and have a field day. Here you will be banned if you think you're going to bash a true man of God, for sport.
Subject: JOEY

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Date Posted: 23:43:44 02/15/04 Sun

It makes sense though, from a moderator's point-of-view, that you'd have an extra stake in vigilantly keeping detractors out because the Internet really brings the worst sort into your face. But it's a sad state of affairs to be so sensitized, so poised to think that I would bring on some sort of Apocalypse to this forum. Silly.

This makes me laugh. I personally do not feel you could corrupt me in any way and would welcome new views, as long as they are biblically based, but it looks like Merv has other ideas.
Subject: Last Message

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Date Posted: 22:33:20 02/15/04 Sun

Joey Wrote:

I know that I'm not exactly popular here and the following comment won't help endear me much but I think what you have here is a Theocracy with Roy, the centerpiece, on an impossibly high pedestal. I don't think there's much humor in a Theocratic system, and that's enough for me to distrust such an environment.


Roy is not involved with the board at all. The board is for those that who have been helped by Roy or are seeking help from Roy. The moderators do not want to use the space here to play host to long and endless arguments with those who disagree with Roy. What was accomplished with all of our old arguing? You still believe as you do and I still believe as I do.

I hope you will go back and listen to Roy again, but that is your choice. It would be impossible for me to go to the church for my information after listening to Roy because that would be pulling back to a more shallow situation. It didn't work for me before and it won't work now.

Best wishes to you,

Subject: Final Comment --really, truly

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Date Posted: 21:48:47 02/15/04 Sun

OK, I probably made a mistake by writing here in the first place. It was too hard to resist, as this list resides in a temporary spot which is publicly accessible.

When I was on the original list, I saw it evolve and I put a lot of myself into it, believe me. So seeing this list brought back a rush of memories and some of the frustrations (I do not dwell on it though). I read the history of posts and it was so uncannily familiar --you'd have to be in my shoes to know what I mean. However, Merv is correct and it's important to remember that the moderator of that old list PERMITTED disagreement with Roy as long as we didn't descend into personal attacks.

Personally I like the democratic nature of being able to have thoughtful dissent. I learn more that way. Democracy is a delicate and often difficult balancing act, but it's worth it. I know that I'm not exactly popular here and the following comment won't help endear me much but I think what you have here is a Theocracy with Roy, the centerpiece, on an impossibly high pedestal. I don't think there's much humor in a Theocratic system, and that's enough for me to distrust such an environment.

It makes sense though, from a moderator's point-of-view, that you'd have an extra stake in vigilantly keeping detractors out because the Internet really brings the worst sort into your face. But it's a sad state of affairs to be so sensitized, so poised to think that I would bring on some sort of Apocalypse to this forum. Silly.

Bye and good luck.
Subject: Much Obliged

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Date Posted: 21:06:23 02/15/04 Sun

Sunny, thanks for the answer.

I'll assume that the answer to my other question was that Joey did have an axe to grind and was not completely honest.

I was surprised, however, that peace was kept, which is why I gave a compliment to you and the others for being sincere.

You see, on most boards that mostly have spiritual or intellectual guns firing every which way, I would find myself the odd man out with Protestants, Catholics, and others. However, I have made peace with the Catholics insofar that they are more spiritually sane than most Protestants.

Don't get me wrong, many Catholics are spiritual, but also nominal fruitcakes in other ways. They teach Santa Clause to their Children, and that masturbation leads to hair growing from the palms or loss of eyesight; a little fresh chunk of Middle Ages madness.

Sort of like that disgrace of a conservative, Glenn Beck, that guy is more emotional than a woman, and yet is fierce, overweight, and annoying at all other times. Humph, I say.
Subject: What Up?

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Date Posted: 20:59:10 02/15/04 Sun

Evan Wrote:

I was just curious, what kind of bashing did Joey do in the past? I know that, had I not seen good people on the FHU board, and had I been repelled, I might have criticized Roy past what I did on the old board, and thought of as Satan to many of you. However, since I saw reason and decent people, I was held at bay, and have made it here amiably.



There are many people who listened to Roy a long time ago and they have gone elsewhere for their help. I do not remember what it was about with Joey. He disagreed with Roy on many things as I recall.

The list he was on at the time was church oriented as I recall and they thought Roy's people were being misinformed about religion. They thought Roy was being too tough on people, teaching incorrect religious doctrine, and causing too much involvement with him. They blamed Roy for the fact that they had problems after listening to him and it did not seem to work out for them.

Roy has no shortage of those who disagree with him. It is up to each individual to listen to Roy and to determine what they believe for themselves. I believe Roy is doing his best to guide us into having our own relationship with God. He cannot make it happen however. That is up to us.

Subject: Hi Evan~

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Date Posted: 20:44:29 02/15/04 Sun

Evan, your doubts about some of Roy's teachings were always said with sincere pondering, wondering and with respect. Beyond that, you just gave off good vibes and were read differently than someone having an axe to grind, with Roy. That is why you never were in danger of being banned, shunned or anything like that. Your sincerity of a seeking heart shined through even while you questioned Roy's ministry so much that you apologized for doing so, as you did.
Subject: Hey Hey Hey1

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Date Posted: 20:39:38 02/15/04 Sun

Please strike these last exchanges--it has reached the bickering stage.

Subject: What's Up?

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Date Posted: 20:25:16 02/15/04 Sun

Okay, real quick question for someone like Merv or Paul.

How did Joey cause trouble? I mean, I have learned to trust your opinions, especially when I was wondering why Paul criticized someone--and then it turned that that someone was the cause of the end of the FHU board at FHU.com.

I was just curious, what kind of bashing did Joey do in the past? I know that, had I not seen good people on the FHU board, and had I been repelled, I might have criticized Roy past what I did on the old board, and thought of as Satan to many of you. However, since I saw reason and decent people, I was held at bay, and have made it here amiably.

So, just curious, pass some info when you get the time.

Subject: Hmmmm Part Deux

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Date Posted: 16:11:29 02/15/04 Sun

"Thank you for your cartoonish conflating of my opinions."

No problem. You are welcome.

"Also ridiculous is your claim that I'm hypocritically acting innocent and above the foibles of humanity."

Hmmm. You say it's ridiculous. I say it's true.

"So far, all I have talked about is my experience on the original discussion group."

No you haven't. You talked about this that and the other, then judged it. Now you are making excuses for and denying it.
Subject: To paul

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Date Posted: 14:41:37 02/15/04 Sun


Thank you for your cartoonish conflating of my opinions. It's almost flattering that you'd invest an unduly amount of brainwork railing against my passing screed. Although what's not flattering is playing the Hitler card. That's just ridiculous; this is a message board not a global holocaust. Also ridiculous is your claim that I'm hypocritically acting innocent and above the foibles of humanity. I've got as many flaws and problems, warts and boils as Job... You'd think I was the Joey the Anti-Christ!

Vent away! -- you've obviously got a lot invested here.

Of all the personalities who are equipped to deal with public criticism, I would put Roy at about #1 on the list. Why you'd bend over backward to guard him just from one person's view is remarkable. So far, all I have talked about is my experience on the original discussion group. However, don't get me wrong, I would have expected some level of disagreement. I have my opinions but it's hardly a Mein Kampf --sorry to deflate the drama.
Subject: To Post or Not to Post

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Date Posted: 09:39:24 02/15/04 Sun


Hello to you. Correct me if I'm wrong but was your message not laced with an itching desire to toss me in the doghouse? Just like old times!


Not at all. I hardly remember you and I don't think I tossed you anywhere. If I recall right, we were both on a list that favored your views, not mine.

ON this list we see and believe that Roy is a good man with a God given talent, and here only to help us. His guidance is invaluable to us and out of respect for him we do not want to spread gossip or misinformation about him. We know he has plenty of enemies and detractors. That goes with the territory. This board is not their board.

If you have something that would be helpful or of interest to those on the board, you are welcome to post it. If you are just out to enjoy yourself by attempting to discredit Roy, you are in the wrong place.

Subject: Hmmmm.

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Date Posted: 06:56:44 02/15/04 Sun

"I believe I was seen as some sort of trouble-maker. No, I know I was."

Well Hitler was also "seen" as some kind of Fascist and the devil is also "seen" as some kind of evil. Cutting to the chase, just because you claim you're "seen as something" (inferring you at thereby innocent) does not mean you are innocent. You're trying to justify yourself.

"It seems to me that there is the same exact dynamic at play. There's almost a obsessional hand wringing"

Maybe, but on your part there is an obsessive arrogance claiming to be "above all that" by looking down on it in judgement as though you are perfect and more than all of us. No doubt we are therefore in need of your "enlightened wisdom" which you will be quick to offer us. A game intellectuals like you often play.....

"there's the messages from people who take that too far into the realm of a public display of self-flaggelation"

You mean - in your opinion. And that opinion is probably wrong. Re-read the comments above on the arrogance of intellectually judging others as though you are above them all or some kind of deity.

"is the totally obnoxious game of one person telling the other to relax or to trump the other guy by "outing" their resentful motives... that little trick seems to be the currency of power among Roy groupies."

If that is actually happening (maybe....maybe not)it is no more obnoxious than having unresolved resentments that you inflict on others by your barely cloaked venomous barbs and comments here based on false judgements - a kind of "everybody is stupid except me" diatribe of self-justification....

"quit trying to be so pious."

You mean - in your opinion. Whether people are "posing" as pious or are actually speaking from the heart is not your call (your judgement being impaired by your resentments). Leave such things to God.

"although I did make a couple of dear friends, no question"

Well, there are always defectors out there to follow your 'Dathan' (see the movie the Ten Commandments if you don't know what that means). Like him, you know how to push their judgmental buttons and play on the emotions (more often than not their need to be angry with someone or something). A lot of people play that game by the way - of scanning for and preying on the weaknesses of others to convert them - so sorry to burst your bubble but you did not patent it.

"But the thing that will always grate on me --and I'll just say this and move on--"

If you're such a good person why would things grate on you? The fact that it does probalby means you will NOT move on. That is the way resentment works.

Your problem is you have unresolved grudges (resentments) against either the FHU or people who you encountered at the FHU, which you now act out by in sitting in judgement on it or them - attributing motives which are not there in most cases so you can find fault with people and validate your own "sanctity" (as though you are right and they are wrong). They refused to see you as a good person? Maybe they were right......

The problem you have with your approach is this - when other people become aware they see in the words of others whether there is a malicious intent there. And it is always possible to tell that whether you try to hide it from them or not (you are not that good an actor). Resntful people have to be true to their nature.

The kind of comments you make and they manner in which you make them are not intended to help anybody or build a better world. They are merely the potshots and gripes of a malcontent angry (secretly or otherwise) because they have not been seen in a good light and welcomed into the fold just as they are (with their faults.

Your problem is you hate other people - both for what they do, and for what they will not do, especially for you.

As your comments reveal, it matters not to you whether who is right or wrong, merely that you can portray yourself as "right" and other people as "wrong" regardless of the facts - so if the facts won't do to serve that purpose, accusations or some kind of innuendo will be found : the "you're only doing that because" routine....

It's a very old game you are playing here, the kind of 'mad preacher' territory we've all seen and heard before ("follow me and everything will be OK").

Meanwhile under the surface, you have your hates, resentments, hang-ups and compulsive behaviours just like anybody else which you are not aware of and you defend.
So you are in no position to judge others as you don't even know yourself, let alone others.

That is all I have to say for now : I am sure you have more angry barbs waiting to 'repudiate' the points I have made....
Subject: What Next?

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Date Posted: 06:33:44 02/15/04 Sun

Well, what can we talk about at this point?

Subject: To post or not to post

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Date Posted: 03:53:22 02/15/04 Sun

Merv wrote:

Hello Joey,

I am still here after all this time and right now I am one of the moderators. You should know that we don't put up with Roy bashing here. If you don't understand Roy, that is not our problem. Don't try to blame Roy for it here. I would suggest you stay off of that topic or you will find yourself banned in a very short time. You will have to find something else to talk about.



Hello to you. Correct me if I'm wrong but was your message not laced with an itching desire to toss me in the doghouse? Just like old times!

For the record, I have always considered my opinions regarding Roy rather than launching any sort of arbitrary "bashing" comment. I've known of and listened to him for over 20 years! And yes folks, I did make criticisms in the past but I've always held to testing ideas by challenging them. I've already read here reminders that indeed "Roy is only human"... I would certainly hope that the notion that he's something other is held in check. The rest is really about the IDEAS that Roy leaves in his wake. If you can't ask questions or criticize (sans being rude about it) how can discussions have a meaningful trajectory?

More than that, I was strolling by to say hi.

Subject: Hello Joey!

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Date Posted: 02:00:54 02/15/04 Sun

Hello Joey!

I appreciate your experience and your candor.
Not all is what it seems.

Subject: Greetings from the Past

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Date Posted: 21:52:00 02/14/04 Sat

Joey wrote:
On the other hand, you all know what Roy's all about (or is he really more of a conundrum than any care to admit), so what else is there to talk about? That's essentially why I stopped posting... although I did make a couple of dear friends, no question.

Hello Joey,

I am still here after all this time and right now I am one of the moderators. You should know that we don't put up with Roy bashing here. If you don't understand Roy, that is not our problem. Don't try to blame Roy for it here. I would suggest you stay off of that topic or you will find yourself banned in a very short time. You will have to find something else to talk about.

Peace, Merv
Subject: Hi Joey~

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Date Posted: 18:01:23 02/14/04 Sat

"so what else is there to talk about? That's essentially why I stopped posting... although I did make a couple of dear friends, no question."

You were wise to stop posting. You saw/see nothing else to talk about. Those of us that do see a LOT to talk about, still post. It is all based upon our strong agreement with Roy's message, sure.

I applaud this board and the old one at Roy's for having the cajones to post bluntly to each other's faces, a rare commodity in this world. We aren't yet perfect, so how can any board be? We see a world of things to post about, hence, the board hums along quite nicely.
Subject: Greetings from the past

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Date Posted: 17:48:40 02/14/04 Sat

Hello everyone... I just chanced on this board and it's interesting to me because I had participated on the first known forums re: Mr. Masters, lo so many years ago. The only name I recognize here is Merv's, who is quite the veteran. I think I may have caused him some consternation back then and we locked horns. I believe I was seen as some sort of trouble-maker. No, I know I was.

Reading over the dialogue here was like a complete deja vu. Meaning, it seems to me that there is the same exact dynamic at play. There's almost a obsessional hand wringing about trying to untie the conundrum that is Roy without signalling others that you've strayed too far. Additionally, there are deeply heartfelt postings from searching people with an undercurrent of real vulnerability --and there's the messages from people who take that too far into the realm of a public display of self-flaggelation (you've got to wonder what's being played out there).

But the thing that will always grate on me --and I'll just say this and move on-- is the totally obnoxious game of one person telling the other to relax or to trump the other guy by "outing" their resentful motives... that little trick seems to be the currency of power among Roy groupies. It would almost be better to outright yell at each other to get it out of your system and quit trying to be so pious. On the other hand, you all know what Roy's all about (or is he really more of a conundrum than any care to admit), so what else is there to talk about? That's essentially why I stopped posting... although I did make a couple of dear friends, no question.

Subject: Al

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Date Posted: 13:35:49 02/14/04 Sat

I believe there was no malice intended in setting up this board on your part. Personally, I think Roy could have given you some notice, so some could share e-mails etc. These were people who were friends. From what I understand it was shut down without notice. I quit participating because of the bickering, so I understand why Roy did it, but I truly believe that your intent was and is pure.
Sincerely, Shirley
Subject: Pipette

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 13:12:27 02/14/04 Sat

Unfortunately this won't answer much for you as far as specifics go but here goes anyway:

If anything I am firmer in my resolve about what has happenned than ever before. No one is going to shake me from that. And this is a go it alone position. But one also must realize that I set this up for all of us after all of us were lumped in a big basket and thrown out the door.. this site is not for me or for any agenda. I have said many times that a revolving moderatorship was good. Whether I am a moderator now or not or in the future should not matter a hair to you I was unimportant in the begiining and I remain unimportant now....I have zero doubts about what has transpired here and with Mr Masters. Not a one. And I know what I am doing. I am quite at peace at the path in front of me. Thank you. - Al
Subject: What needs to be resolved?

Pipette ;-)
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Date Posted: 12:25:50 02/14/04 Sat

This is all to confusing. I thought you made peace with your resentments. Am I missing something here? I'm beginning to think your relationship with Roy is of a personal friendship level(?) Is there an emotional tie between the two of you or is your relationship a business one? I know you mentioned having an ad in his newsletter but whether you have a forum in my opinion should not affect that relationship.

The only resolution I see based on the updates on this board is the resolution concerning non response to your email re advertising.

As far as the "pied piper" comment. Well he's entitled to his opinion but that doesn't necessarily make it the truth unless you think so.

I really don't think you should step down from anything which you sincerely in your heart wanted to do (are you doubting yourself? was your first gut feeling to start this board an outgrowth of resentment? or was it something deep down you saw you had to do?
Subject: Everyone

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 09:43:12 02/14/04 Sat

Louise your gonna like this:

One of the moderators thought it wise that I step down as a moderator until any issues w Roy and I are resolved. I agree and that is why I suggested moving on at the end of March a while back. Now its just a bit faster, as in today...a little sad but a good thing just the same.

To my friends, thank you for your friendship.
To my enemies, thank you for your resistance.

Subject: Sorry about my Discussion Board

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Date Posted: 03:13:04 02/14/04 Sat

Hello all, sorry about the discussion board.
It is working right now as I type:


This board is not associated with FHU, but you can discuss whatever you want. I hope this helps.

Again sorry about the board, but it "is" working now...just go to the link above and all should be okay.

PS - Roy's new website is now getting over 50,000 hits a day! Pretty good...:)
Subject: Webmaster Jim

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Date Posted: 14:31:31 02/13/04 Fri

I went to your new board and was unable to register because it said email was not enabled yet so it could not send password.
Subject: Thanks

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Date Posted: 06:30:16 02/13/04 Fri

My thanks as well for the deletions!

Subject: Crystaldi Message Board

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Date Posted: 21:16:29 02/12/04 Thu

Sorry folks...I guess I did not add a registration button.
So please go to

there is a registration button there on on the uppler left
Subject: Thanks

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Date Posted: 13:03:23 02/12/04 Thu

Thanks Merv. By the way, I am aware you weren't driving that process .....
Subject: A few posts deleted

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Date Posted: 08:22:56 02/12/04 Thu

In response to Paul's request I deleted the last few posts regarding Conrad and myself.

Subject: Request To Al

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Date Posted: 02:29:15 02/12/04 Thu


(Thanks for the link. I will take a look.)


Would be obliged if you could delete the last few posts of the "Merv-Conrad debate" here : it has now passed into the bickering stage (the "You did, No I didn't, Yes you did" stage) and now serves no purpose other than to disrupt the purpose and content of this board. That is my request.

Thanks Al.
Subject: New Message Board

Webmaster Jim
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Date Posted: 23:06:52 02/11/04 Wed

Hi there...finally here...

Subject: Hi Conrad~

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Date Posted: 05:07:00 02/10/04 Tue

I thank you, too, for allowing me to share, and for replying.
Subject: Hi Conrad~

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Date Posted: 05:04:34 02/10/04 Tue

I thank you, too, for allowing me to share, and for replying.
Subject: Thanks Sunny

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Date Posted: 02:04:23 02/10/04 Tue

Thanks Sunny, for your candor and honest exchange.

It is true theta Roy wants us to be individuals.

He has also criticised self-help groups and group psychology.

Now I am not denigrating Roy by saying this, he has said it.

As I've said before, Roy is human.

I am glad to know that sincere followers of Roy like you are out there and it is a privilege to exchange views with you.

blessings and peace,

Subject: Hi Conrad~

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Date Posted: 01:52:29 02/10/04 Tue

I just listened to Rick and one of the gal mods from this new board talking to Roy on the radio show, for the first time, as I couldn't call in.

Roy just repudiated the WHOLE IDEA of all boards and forums, and I see why!! He stopped having regular church services of his own church when people got too close to one another, and lost their identities to each other. He is REPUDIATING this board for the same reason, nothing more, but of course, nothing less.

If Roy's idea were to be strictly adhered to, we wouldn't even have friends we stay in touch with, visiting regularly. This board is much nicer than Roy's was because of the POISONOUS element that is gone, and because some of us remaining have learned lessons from the old board.

BIBLE says for us to not "FORSAKE assembling." Some of us do not have relatives that love God and believe the same. I do, but they are in South Texas and I am in the middle of the Pacific ocean.

This new board is a good thing, and if it starts becoming spoiled, like Roy's own church did, we can disband, just close the thing down. As for now, THIS is the only place many of us can assemble with like minded people, and I intend to just that, until the Lord shows me not to. Even now, He leads me to stay away at times, and be alone. THAT...is excellent.

Thanks for continuing dialogue. God bless you~
Subject: I Love Roy

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Date Posted: 00:58:55 02/10/04 Tue


I have nothing against Roy or anyone else.
I was accused on this list of just that.
When I objected I was again accused of grinding an axe against the person who accused me.

I heard what Roy said on the air about the previous forum.

One of them was all this type of bickering and viscious attacks.

I also heard him repudiate this forum.

The fact is clear: Roy has publically and on several occasions repudiated this forum.

I was invited to this forum, I did not break-in for any bad reasons. When Roy repudiated it, I suspended my judgment about it.

My treatment has now indicated that Roy was right.

Subject: I Love Roy

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Date Posted: 00:57:55 02/10/04 Tue


I have nothing against Roy or anyone else.
I was accused on this list of just that.
When I objected I was again accused of grinding an axe against the person who accused me.

I heard what Roy said on the air about the previous forum.

One of them was all this type of bickering and viscious attacks.

I also heard him repudiate this forum.

The fact is clear: Roy has publically and on several occasions repudiated this forum.

I was invited to this forum, I did not break-in for any bad reasons. When Roy repudiated it, I suspended my judgment about it.

My treatment has now indicated that Roy was right.

Subject: Conrad~

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Date Posted: 00:15:49 02/10/04 Tue

No, you obviously do not understand why Roy "repudiated" this forum, or its founder. Roy had an EMPLOYEE that went against his wishes, and involved Al in what he did. Roy was unhappy with Al...he must have been LIVID at his employee.

Al simply accepted something from this employee that was not the employee's to offer. Al apologized, and that is THAT. I am sure you, like a tiny few others wish it were more, but it wasn't, and never will be.

You surely, like the tiny few I mention, can't stand the FACT that THIS board looks better than Roy's old one did. Some are gone that needed to be at the old board, and still others of us have learned from our errors at the old place, provoked and understood at they were/are, for the most part.
Subject: I Love Roy

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Date Posted: 23:55:27 02/09/04 Mon


I understand you are living in a state of denial.

I also now understand why Roy repudiated your actions and your forum.

You go against what you profess to represent.

Since I do not have any more time to waste with your and others' passive-aggressive fraud, I bid you goodbye for good!

Subject: I Love Roy

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Date Posted: 22:00:27 02/09/04 Mon


Your snarling teeth are showing now.
Try to calm down a bit if you will.
Maybe you should meditate more often.
It will stop you from taking yourself too seriously.
Try to be a little less personal in your next post.

Subject: Conrad

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 21:28:23 02/09/04 Mon

Fine if we disagree..now I have to ask you, if you wish to contribute here..to please make it more substantial than just this back and forth thing where you blame Merv..you go away and come back and start the same diatribe up once more...happy to have you here Conrad ...but you have to have something more substantive than rehashing an old axe to grind with Merv.

Please do better in your next post, should you choose to make one. Thanks again - Al
Subject: I Love Roy

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Date Posted: 21:02:55 02/09/04 Mon

Hello Again Folks!

Al and Paul,

Thanks for airing your views. I have reflected on them a bit. I'm sorry I do not agree with you, but it's good you got it off your chests. I hope you feel better. Resentment is a really bad thing as Roy teaches so often.

best regards,

Subject: Conrad

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 08:23:43 02/09/04 Mon

Dear Conrad, if the first thing you feel a need to do is do battle with someone upon your return, then you have a short leash with me and this serves as the one time notice..it would have been far better had you returned after your absence and shared some pearl of wisdom. All he did was identify himself as the point of *your* thrust and declare his view on you. You made the first salvo...he responded as is his due....either contribute in a fashion appreciate of what the FHU message is or at least give members hear a reason to think and ponder on why they appreciate the FHU and its message.....barring that move on.

Subject: Conrad

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Date Posted: 07:50:57 02/09/04 Mon


I'll take you rmessage with a pinch of salt if you don't mind : here's why...

As an IT consultant with about 15 years experience and who worked on Y2K pre-millenium I can tell you the following for sure:

1) A lot of bug fixes, patches and other workarounds had to be applied to things like sytsem BIOS, mainframes, proprietary software and Microsoft products pre-emptively to prevent problems : a lot of them were not Y2K compliant. That's apart from having to test virtually everything pre-Y2K (rollover tests) in order to assume it would work, which most medium to large-sized corporations did.

2) Just because Oracle worked OK doesn't mean everything else did. A false claim.

3) I was aware of Roy's points on Y2K at the time (1999) and I agree he had a point - while I know the original 2-digit problem with mainframes and early OS's was not a conspiracy (nobody thought 20 years ahead in the 1980's), there are people out there who over-react when things fall apart (looters, thugs, psychos) and there are those who seek to take advantage of our dependency on them (I've worked for the UN and the govt so I know about these people and how they think).

So with all due respect - a pinch of salt.
Subject: I Love Roy

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Date Posted: 05:26:13 02/09/04 Mon

Hi Folks!

I've been out of town for a while and not been participating. I was reading the old posts and found that Merv has been at his old tricks again. I am not trying to denigrate Roy, but Merv is obviously trying to denigrate me as can been seen in his message copied below. Merv is obviously angry because I quit his other list some time ago.
It's really sad.


"Conrad has been on my mailing list. He mentioned that he had been on another list with an intolerant moderator. That was me. The general motive behind every post is to discredit Roy Masters. It is not really about y2K."

Subject: SHIRLEY

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Date Posted: 21:35:19 02/03/04 Tue

Shirley - the option is definitely there - here is Al's post from the 20th January. Just follow the directions....

Al Fulchino : Date Posted: 18:00:31 01/20/04 Tue

The DISCUSSION AREA previously required that your email address be displayed....NO LONGER...you now can choose the *NO* option for displaying your address. This means you no longer need to aquire another email address to protect your privacy...Remember that the Moderators will ALWAYS be able to see your address. You can find this option in YOUR PROFILE SECTION over in the Discussion Area.
Subject: Hi Shirley

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Date Posted: 00:10:45 02/01/04 Sun

Hey gal, I am sorry to hear that, as I don't actually recall the page and what it looked like, but I did click on my own name, and looked at my profile, where I can change it, and sure enough, at the bottom it asked whether to let email address show to others, or not, and mine was clicked to let it show, and just this afternoon, I fixed that, so I do know it exists somewhere, then after you sign up, but on your profile. Sorry I am not more help, but do know that somewhere...when you sign up and have a profile, it does exist, the choice and way to hide the addy.

Maybe you will decide to hold your nose and get a free hotmail, or yahoo email account. I don't meant to sound pushy, I sincerely am hoping you start to post on the threads. Sounds like you have a lot of good to share. wishing you well~
Subject: Sunny-sign-up

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Date Posted: 23:32:25 01/31/04 Sat

Hi, I checked out the sign-up page but I did not see anywhere to check to not let my address show. Shirley
Subject: Hi Shirley, good news~

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Date Posted: 22:47:27 01/31/04 Sat

I use a hotmail account, and even it has junk mail filters. it is much better than it used to be, for the MOST VILE, degrading, grotesque, EVIL/pornographic subject lines come in some emails& you see their description in the subject line even when only deleting them, BUT..hotmail finally got its slimey act together, and I rarely see those anymore, so I still use it.

BUT..the good news is that at the discussion board site, if you pay attention to your profile questions as you sign up, (I didn't at first, or Al had it changed) so we now can click to NOT let our email addy show in our profile and it doesn't have to. I hope you sign up and start to post.

LOL yes we are a mixture of personalities. I like these people better than any I have met on any site cuz of the gut-level HONESTY, I'd rather have a person insult me, than to be politely two-faced.
Subject: discussion board - other topics

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Date Posted: 22:41:30 01/31/04 Sat

I am not posting on the other areas as from what I can understand it is not a secure site and my e-mail address would show up. The only alternative is apparently to get a hotmail account and I've heard that it is a full-time job just getting rid of the junkmail. What do you do for security? Do you use your regular e-mail acct? I am able to read the messages however and I am finding some of the posts quite interesting and some bring a chuckle. I appreciate the honestly of those involved. Something seemingly spiritual is said and then it is followed by "that is crap" and I find it very amusing that we are a delightful mixture of spiritual insights and human gut emotions. Bye for now. Shirley
Subject: Hi Shirley~

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Date Posted: 21:45:26 01/31/04 Sat

I do know what you mean about not needing to meditate as often, as we become centered more times a day, and easier, after years of meditating. I guess Roy was saying that the day "can" come, but hasn't even for him, not yet...that one can not need to meditate for the naturally will BE centered all of the time. That probably was one of those things he was saying is possible, but so rare that there may not be a person on earth, alive right now, that has attained to it, not yet anyway.

I think I take for granted the way I don't force myself to meditate every morning, yet come into my center many times a day some days. Thanks for a thoughtful and patient reply. I hope you are not only reading here, but clicking on and, going to the many discussion boards linked from above this.
Subject: The "Word"

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Date Posted: 20:32:26 01/31/04 Sat

MarPluto, Read John 1:14 it talks about the Word becoming flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus was the "Word" or the truth. It is the basis of our faith.
Subject: Sunny-meditation

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Date Posted: 20:06:52 01/31/04 Sat

Hi Sunny, no I do not think I misunderstood him. When I was meditating frequently I remembered so many things Roy said. Having said this, I want to clarify what I think he meant by that. I do not think there ever comes a time when we should not be "aware". I think that is the ultimate goal, to be so aware that we are not vulnerable and get sucked into the world's reality. Jesus told the disciples to "watch and pray". We constantly need to "watch" or "be alert". Meditation is a means of knowing what that frame of mind is. Once we have been there enough times, we can consciously keep ourselves there more and more without meditating. Does that make any sense? I am in no way discounting meditation, just making the point that it is a vehicle to find that place of peace, where we can hear God. I hope that I answered your question. I do not think you are at all being rude, I, like you, only desire the truth. I believe God intended for us to share our questions and concerns. There is only one pre-requisite and that is that we must agree that everything line up with scripture. It does not mean that we can only read the Bible but that we have to have a "reference point" otherwise there is no basis for discussion.
Sincerely, Shirley
Subject: The Word/Non-Family Etc.

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Date Posted: 18:10:36 01/31/04 Sat

I like what was mentioned about the "Word."

I may be wrong, but I believe many inferences in the Bible regarding the "Word" actually means the Word of God or the scriptures. The same is true of the term "Bread" as written in the Bible.
There is one passage where Jesus speaks saying: "Man cannot live by bread alone, but by EVERY word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord."

What this verse means to me is that God did not shut up after the Bible was written, and that to read ONLY the Bible as my roadmap would be limiting. In order to hear what God is saying today, I have to shut up and be still.
Subject: Thanks, Shirley~

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Date Posted: 17:17:05 01/31/04 Sat

Hi there,

I don't mean just ROY's specific meditation, (not really Roy's, just that he rediscovered it) I mean meditation, being silent prayer, that stillness. When one is totally still in mind, one IS doing what Roy suggests. I mean the focusing on the hand, raising it or any of that stuff is NOT necessary, and I knew this without him telling me, many yaers ago, it is the stillness.

Some people are so psychotically lost in their thoughts that they don't have silence ever, in their head, I suspect, and so Roy's meditation, I will call it, is needed out of desperation.

what I am asking you is if you are sure you understood Roy that there comes a time when a person can be so STILL and silent, so NOT lost in thoughts at all, that they do not need to meditate..they no longer need to intentionally become objective. I don't mean to sound rude, but your reply to me has not yet answered this. I suspect that may be because you misuderstood me about meditation and maybe think I am one of those that does the meditation JUST like the tapes or doesn't know how to meditate on my own.

Meditation for me is a repeated exercise of noticing thought, and choosing to not run with it, submerging myself with it, it is not what the tapes say, and only was a few times. My bottom line, does there come a time when one no longer needs to INTENTIONALLY bring themselves into the stillness? I sincerely doubt so. I am wondering if Roy did say that, or if you misunderstood him.

Thank you for taking the time with me, as it is a sincere inquiry, not just for conversation's sake.
Subject: Sunny, meditation

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Date Posted: 17:04:11 01/31/04 Sat

Sunny, Roy's meditation technique is admittedly profound and I believe that it is a means to an end. The goal being to have control over your mind. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says to "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ". Roy's technique is especially helpful to those whose minds are taken in by a multitude of conflicting messages along with childhood confusion, not knowing who you are, victims of abuse etc. This was definitely me when I found Roy and I thank God for him at that time in my life. I think it is imperative to still our mind, if using Roy's technique is what it takes, by all means, we should do whatever it takes to get us there. Sometimes even watching the flickering of a candle will put me in that place where I can commune freely with my Lord without distraction. As for meditating for 4 hours at a time, well, we all seek the Lord more fervently in times of great need. I think we are on the same page, and sometimes I think we get into a certain culture, ie, "Roy Masters culture" or "born-again church going culture" and we learn the lingo and we operate in that lingo and miss the unity that is there between us. Bless you. Shirley
Subject: Hi Shirley, et al

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Date Posted: 16:34:23 01/31/04 Sat

Wow, he said we can reach a place where we don't need to meditate?! I have missed that in all the years I've been a supporter/subscriber. Now I know there comes a time when one doesn't need the tapes and all, hopefully within weeks or mos, but one will get to the place they don't need to meditate? Roy isn't even at that point though, for he still does meditate, even for four hours recently, at a time, when in pain.

I can't imagine any human in this busy, noisey modern world reaching such a point, but wanted to ask you if it's possible you misunderstood him about this.

Thank you for a reply, and nice to read you, Shirley. God bless~
Subject: non-family

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Date Posted: 15:47:42 01/31/04 Sat

Just as an aside Rick, having good manners when you enter someone's home is a godly thing to do. When we talk to anyone, in a sense we are entering their home, as our spirit resides in our body. Shirley
Subject: The Word/non-family etc.

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Date Posted: 15:16:07 01/31/04 Sat

Rick and Merv, your points are well taken and I agree with you wholeheartedly. I do believe that we need balance because as humans we tend to swing from one extreme to another because it is our human tendency. I admit that I meditate little the last several years but at one point in my life, I lived and breathed R.M. I remember years ago that Roy said if you depend on him, you will become worse and that you can actually reach a point where you don't need to meditate. I think it is a good thing to do however, because especially for me, it makes me realize when my mind has lost the discipline it once had. But why do I need this discipline? My answer is so that I can know God and serve him without distraction. If that is our goal then I think it is genuine, but the "Word" is our guide once we have the "presence of mind". Sincerely, Shirley
Subject: The Word

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Date Posted: 10:36:55 01/31/04 Sat

Date Posted: 00:15:29 01/31/04 Sat

Rick, I am curious about your reference to non-family types coming in. If I am a born again Christian, I am in the family of God, right? Also Romans 12:5 says "in Christ, we who are many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others". I hope you do not dismiss the rest of your family simply because they choose to meditate more on the "word" than on a method. Sincerely, Shirley


Roy Masters is not about meditating on the "word". We are already full of words, and the fact that we think we know because we know words is a problem. We need contact with the Spirit.

When we have our own contact with the Spirit, we will be able to understand the word. Reading or studying the word without understanding it doesn't work. If it did, those that studied the bible would not have any problems.

Subject: Response to Shirley

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 06:03:10 01/31/04 Sat

In the instance you are referrring to i.e non-family, I am talking about people who are antithetical to good behavior, proper manners, and decency while a guest in anothers home.

In terms of the point you make about born again christians, or any christian for that matter, being in the family of God automatically, God Himself has declared that many who call Him Lord, of them He will say, "depart from Me for I never knew you". There are clearly those who think they are saved when they are not otherwise the bible would not issue this warning.
Subject: non-family types-Rick Hurst

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Date Posted: 00:15:29 01/31/04 Sat

Rick, I am curious about your reference to non-family types coming in. If I am a born again Christian, I am in the family of God, right? Also Romans 12:5 says "in Christ, we who are many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others". I hope you do not dismiss the rest of your family simply because they choose to meditate more on the "word" than on a method. Sincerely, Shirley
Subject: John

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 23:57:33 01/29/04 Thu

Mucho Apprecio :)
Subject: Al...

John Ohnimus
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Date Posted: 22:08:15 01/29/04 Thu

Okay Al, didn't realize there was another section to the forum other than this page. I re-read the intro paragraph and must have missed it.
Subject: John

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 19:15:56 01/29/04 Thu

Hey John...you seem on a bit of a better track now...this is just me asking and not the board...how about now if you take this into the Discussion area..create your own uninterrupted topic....this will facillitate a whole lot less scanning of posts....I was hesitant to suggest this before because you seemed to have such a basic need, that I didn't want to disrupt anything...so, if at all possible, I think making your own topic would be appropriate now.

If there is a technical reason that you can't....let me know..it will just facillitate board speed.
Subject: What kind of mate do meditators have??

John Ohnimus
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Date Posted: 16:14:58 01/29/04 Thu

Hi all,
Still going strong with the meditation here :-)

An area which I'm sure will be improving as I meditate more is relationships. I've had a few short-lived ones in the past year, after going 20 years without any relationships. That's how oppressed I've been!

One thing I've always wondered is what type of people do FHU meditators end up marrying? We don't seem to fit into any group. I know in my case that I'm too moral-minded for the left-wing, New Age type of woman, who is initially excited by my spiritual inclinations and the fact that I'm not a church-goer. But her interest fades when she finds out I still embrace Christianity and read the Bible.

On the other hand, I met a Christian rural homesteading woman with four daughters. They wear long dresses and have homeschooling and no TV. Radicals! This is right up my alley! However, unless our discussions included Jesus and the Bible, she began to judge me. Like I wasn't enough of a Christian if I didn't spout verses and chapters constantly. My radical views about law and Christianity bothered her, and then her rebuke would be that our focus should be on Jesus and not all these worldly things. She was rather humorless and just didn't get my lightheartedness.

So if the Christians won't have us and we don't want the new-agers, who do we find? Who have you found? Or is the whole question moot because if we're meditating then God will bring us the mate that we seek?
Subject: Merv

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Date Posted: 20:57:28 01/27/04 Tue

Al Wrote:
Good point of course..and the header message discusses that point

Does anyone misuse Roy's Radio program? Answer , YES! Should he shut it down?

Merv: Hi Al, Roy is the radio show. If people misuse it, he did not intend it, nor participate in it. The list is made up of many individuals who lack the kind of authority or awareness that Roy is. If they misuse it, they are the misuse.

Al, Does anyone else in the world..any one else at all, *get* what Roy has been trying to share all these years? If one does...just one...can he or she not talk about it?

As I said in an email..the overplay on the guilt doesn't play in my peoria :)

Merv: I don't think of it so much as a matter of guilt. It may be a case of human frailty or the tendency to misuse things. If Roy does not want the board to spin off of the old one, why not? WE will find out more later, but at this point I can't help but think he must think we are getting too much comfort or a wrong kind of fulfilment from it. I may be wrong of course.
Subject: To John O

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 20:32:11 01/27/04 Tue

Hi John, Thanks for the update. I can only echo what the others have said. You are doing well. Having conquered the third day is a huge milestone...Now...do not stop this train...no matter what comes up...no matter how "they" try to get you to stop...keep meditating...keep watching those raging angry thoughts always, for as long as you have your eye on them they can't get behind your back...know what I mean? God bless you as you move, day by day, toward your salvation John.
Subject: Hi John O.

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Date Posted: 16:55:21 01/27/04 Tue

God bless you as you continue on, meditating the third day at a time! The evil within can and does attack when you obediently meditate, but be encouraged and know this, that the evil inside CANNOT change your heart's inclination. It cannot change the fact that there is MUCH hope for you. It can't get you to stop seeing it, or your past mistakes. Only people that deny there is anything wrong with them, have no hope. Oh how the thing, IT...in all of us wishes first to keep us from knowing it exists.

Then, when that fails, it tries all manner of attack. Sure it can distract us, slow us down, etc...but that is ALL. That isn't very much. God, the boss of all, the reader of our secret thoughts, and the judge of all, He alone holds our future in His hands, and He will not forsake an honest seeker that admits, humbly, our past mistakes.

So, your road is rocky, but it is a road that leads somewhere, right to His throne, and a loving smile as you arrive there. YOU WILL BE FINE. Your submitting to the meditation the 3rd. day...and onward is all that is expected of you. Ignore the liar within that was making you doubt. I see that "it" is losing.
Subject: John

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Date Posted: 16:07:52 01/27/04 Tue

Keep meditating John, no matter what.

First thing in the morning (as soon as you wake up) and last thing at night : otherwise you wqill find excuses not to do it....and you DO have enough time.
Subject: John

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 14:28:13 01/27/04 Tue

You are getting closer. God Bless.
Subject: Rick

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 14:26:16 01/27/04 Tue

Amen once more...that IS the type of discussion that *family* members should be able to have...to endure..to wake up with..and go to sleep with.

Warts never got cured without investigating the causes...and the only things afraid of full discussion is the warts....we saw what happenned on the old board when the warts were listed as a "protected species" :)

May I suggest that you set up that topic?

Subject: On the third day...

John Ohnimus
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Date Posted: 14:24:09 01/27/04 Tue

Reply to Rick Hurst: your question about my statement that I meditate for 2 days, then everything breaks down.

My experience has been that when I set out to meditate I can do it for 2 days, then stuff starts happening. I get busy with all of the things that have to get done in a day and don't find time. Or if I am able to meditate, there is a backlash from the demons inside me, and they just beat me down. There might be a haze over my inner vision that I can't even envision my right hand. Or I want to bolt out of the chair. After that I always ended up giving up.

This morning was the third day, again. Typically, I had a whole bunch of things to get done. But I meditated anyway. There was a cloud over my vision but I hung in there. Near the end there was some howling and coughing like perhaps something was trying to get out of me.

This time I'm going to keep at the meditation.
Subject: To Al

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 12:52:13 01/27/04 Tue

Al. Perhaps the time has come for retrospection. How about if we take these last few posts since Mervs, add them to a new thread inside and name it something like "The FHU Board: A Post-Mortem" and there examine and dissect all to heck how things could have, might have or should have been different. Sunny has already made known how she would have done it different, Roys words have convicted her and she has vowed to do it different. Others may feel they would do it all again the same way. And I know I have an interesting take on it given the realizations I have come to see and which spawned my post below. How about we let it fly, warts and all, and see where it lands?
Subject: Rick

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 12:18:16 01/27/04 Tue

Amen...now where do we go from here?

and of course this looks like a full blown discussion now :)
Subject: Response to Merv

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 10:04:13 01/27/04 Tue

It was also in the commentary of the 20th that Roy said that his disappointment with the boards was that he was hoping it would be as it was in his home. A constant dynamic of interchange and exchange between intelligent bright people, a sharing and hearing of new ideas, points, discussion, debate, point, counterpoint and yes, even disagreement all the while with the TV on, perhaps, for the kids to watch cartoons. The impression I got was that this is an every day expreience in his home and one he believes is most edifying to the participants and part of everyday life. Think for a moment, when the apostles were with Jesus, I am sure that almost everyday was filled morning, noon and night to a constant, important and edifying ongoing discussion and exchange about things true, pure, good and holy. It had to have been that way for the most part. This is what Roy says, I believe, he has in his home and if the boards were up to his expectations, when he looked in, I do not believe that what you suggested would be a problem.

Now follow this for a moment. Roy likes to use the illustration of a guest in his home who uninvitedly, walks up to and helps himself to Roy's refrigerator. Roy promptly throws that rude guest out on his ear, at least until some future repentance is shown. The problem with Roy's board was two fold, in my opinion. 1. Non-family types were coming in to the home and walking up to the refrigerator and helping themselves in front of the eyes of the family in the living room who had thier arms tied behind thier backs, unable to do anything to get rid of the rude guest and 2. unfortunately, though technically right in what they were observing, many in the family did not have the spiritual maturity to deal gracefuly with the rude unwanted guests and descended into bitching and school yard tactics of rude interchanges and personal attacks out of a sense of impotence to do anything about the strangers in the home.

Clearly, the lack of oversight and moderating factor was a problem, just as Roy is the moderator in his own home with protocols and bounds of behavior guests are expected to follow or be ejected. So too should the board have had such safeguards if Roy was expecting it to function like his own home. But so too, the family, who were suppose to be of Roy, were dealing imperfectly with imperfect people, to the embarrassment of Roy, at least when he looked in, and caused Roy to shut it done lest the name of the FHU be sullied. (his term)
Subject: Merv

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 09:13:21 01/27/04 Tue

Good point of course..and the header message discusses that point

Does anyone misuse Roy's Radio program? Answer , YES! Should he shut it down?

Does anyone else in the world..any one else at all, *get* what Roy has been trying to share all these years? If one does...just one...can he or she not talk about it?

As I said in an email..the overplay on the guilt doesn't play in my peoria :)
Subject: boards and lists

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Date Posted: 08:20:24 01/27/04 Tue

In light of Roy's comments on the board, and the fact that he shut it down, I am thinking that he is indicating that there is a tendency to misuse the board and mailing lists.

Are we getting too much security and sense of purpose from the list? Is that what Roy is going to tell us?

In my life, there is not much I do in the world that has much meaning. I work, doing the same thing over and over. I do not share much with anyone regarding truth, least I lose jobs or offend someone, which is very likely. I do not find fulfilment in the church; I do not attend. Our families on both sides are not interested much in Roy or anything like Roy so we don't have much communication in this area.

Does the list substitute for living our life the right way? Does it fulfill me too much and prevent me from seeking ways to do something of value in the world?

Is this what Roy is trying to tell us?

Subject: just sent this to them

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 18:36:29 01/26/04 Mon

Hi again, one issue..they are not using the same computer..they in fact live on two different continents....I believe Landmark stated he did not log out prior to her post entry...How is it that Mary posted under his name...? this could of course be problematic down the road....please advise - Al Fulchino
Subject: Attention

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 18:32:52 01/26/04 Mon

Ugh, 97 emails but this one is important ..please read below....make sure you sign out of the discussion board every time..i am quite suprised we had not seen this before..and i do not recall seeing any notification that this could happen..'caveat emptor' ..buyer beware...oops i forgot we are freeloaders lol

I think we know that Landmark and Mary are not using the same computer...right Mary???? hehehehe....I will respond to them that it is not the same computer just the same and give you any feedback - Al

From: Sparklit Support - Shahmeer
Posted On: 2004-01-26 11:43:34

Hi Al,

A possible cause of this problem is that the user "Landmark" may have
been logged in at the same computer Mary Teresa is using but never
logged out. Ask Mary Teresa to log off then log on and continue posting
messages from there.

Sparklit Support

From: Al Fulchino
Posted On: 2004-01-26 07:13:52

hi and thank you..in the meantime a user by the user name Mary Teresa is
stating that all her postings are coming under another username's
acct..that of Landmark...glitch???? please assist asap - al fulchino
Subject: No problem...we have one of the most patient groups of people around :) Besides, its not like we haven't been shut down before :)

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 08:32:27 01/26/04 Mon

From: Sparklit Support - Rajiv Khaneja
Posted On: 2004-01-25 21:55:15

Dear Al,

Our appologies for any inconvenience you may have experienced.

Some updates were recently made to the activeboard servers. As a result
of this process we made changes that needed to propogate to various DNS

This has temporarily affected a small percentage of users whose internet
service providers have not yet reflected the new changes on their
system. You should now be able to fully access your activeboard.
Additionally, we have taken steps to ensure that this does not occur in
the future.

Sparklit Support
Subject: Message Board Now Working

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Date Posted: 02:30:51 01/26/04 Mon

I checked in this evening (Sunday around midnight) in the hope that the board would be working - AND IT IS. I've posted a couple of messages with no problems and read a couple of threads..

Just so you know.
Subject: Alternative Board just in case

secret one
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Date Posted: 21:01:30 01/25/04 Sun

You might want to check this one out: just
in case of a major problem getting this one
back up...
Subject: Discussion Board

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 18:09:28 01/25/04 Sun

Hi folks...been gone for a bit but I see that the discussion area is in a state of mind freeze still.....I have not received a "support" reply from Sparklit as of yet, I requested it this morning.....so I apologize for the board having its difficulties today....if you wouldn't mind,just use this site for the time being...I am sure I will receive an answer by tomorrow,,if not I will proceed with a solution.

Subject: Hi Tricia~

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Date Posted: 15:53:39 01/25/04 Sun

Hey gal,

oh wow, I don't know what state is your home, but I sure will be glad for you guys when spring is sprung! I am native Texan, as you may have read in the past, and sure do miss the mainland. Yeah, the grass even grows in the winter around here. There are pros and cons to living here. I will be very thankful when we return to Texas, to live.

I hope all is great with you, today.
Subject: Hi

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Date Posted: 15:38:22 01/25/04 Sun

So Sunny , you mowed your lawn!!? Geesh it's below zero here.
Subject: Hi y'all

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Date Posted: 15:12:44 01/25/04 Sun

Last night, not two hours after I started the thread of the scripture that I think speaks of Roy, I couldn't get any of the threads to load. I don't get the error message, and it doesn't even time-out, it just tries forever, but doesn't make it. Right now it is approx. 3:11 PM EST, for a reference, Sunday. Hope all are having a fine one. We made it through another very windy, stormy one this last week, and the remnants of what promised to be a stormy weekend, but didn't transpire. I mowed the front and back yard yesterday, which I enjoy a lot. Grocery shopping today.

God bless~
Subject: Blocked Cookie

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Date Posted: 11:03:13 01/25/04 Sun

Its not the cookies, I deleted them all, and tried using IE instead of Netscape. With IE I get no error message it just doesn't load the link. With Netscape I get this:

Redirection limit for the URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked."

I am set to accept all cookies.
Subject: Rick

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 10:52:18 01/25/04 Sun

Actually there does seem to be a problem...I could get to the topics page but not in to read... I have contacted Sparklit, but cannot promise a solution since it is Sunday..for now, folks can use this...in hindsight it was good to set up two boards on two different systems.

Subject: Blocked Cookies

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 10:02:31 01/25/04 Sun

Hi Tim, I have no problem entering, just did and came back here to respond to you. Perhaps some of your cookies became corrupted, happens sometimes, have you tried to delete all your cookies? You'll just have to re-sign in to whatever web pages you had cookies stored for to reestablish them, but this may take care of your problem. -Rick
Subject: John

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Date Posted: 09:11:08 01/25/04 Sun

You said you were battling demons - don't do that. It's not your efforts that will free you. Remember let go and let God.

Remember also, you have to do the correct thing in every momment of life otherwise you will become more seperated from God. By "correct thing I mean not doing something you know God would disapprove of. God will lead you, stay out of the way and meditate regularly. Don't expect certain things to happen and when they don't you get angry - that will hold you back. There is a saying "God works in mysterious ways" and its true. Also its very important not to hate your mother although she may do things that make you feel that way.

Also, if you haven't called Roy yet, by all means do so.
Subject: Main Diiscyssion Page

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Date Posted: 08:53:40 01/25/04 Sun

I am unable to follow any of the links on main discussion page. I get a message about "blocked cookies, unable to load URL". Is this happening to others?
Subject: What Now?

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Date Posted: 08:40:07 01/25/04 Sun


I appears you have a very debilitating relationship with your mother. It happens.

When you were about to leave, it seems you were confronted with your dependence, which is weakness, and felt unable to do it so you got angry.

You have to find a way to get enough self reliance, independence and strength to take care of yourself in the world. Ask God how you can achieve this.

Roy has a lot of information on his tapes. Do the meditation seriously and yearn for a way out. You have to find another way.

Subject: What Now?

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Date Posted: 01:08:07 01/25/04 Sun


If moving to another state is what you have to do, then do it. The further away the better. Just make sure you have a source of income or the potential for a job so you can survive.

Also note that it does not have to be perfect : I know you have your problems but just do it anyway. It wasn't perfect for me, but it still worked.

It will take time to resolve your rage issue, but that does not matter either : all that matters is that you move in the right direction.
Subject: What Now?

John Ohnimus
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Date Posted: 17:07:48 01/24/04 Sat

I should specify in the previous message that I was going berserk in my room in my parent's house; I hadn't moved into the apartment yet.

Thank you for that encouragement, Sunny. I just meditated a half-hour ago and feel a bit better already.
Subject: What Now?

John Ohnimus
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Date Posted: 15:34:33 01/24/04 Sat

Thanks for the replies. I've been worked on by Catholic priests, non-denominational ministers, shamans, etc. I went to Roy's Philly lecture and was up on stage shaking and sobbing, but it wasn't a full "exorcism."

I know that I HAVE to get out.

Two years ago I tried to move out. My father was still alive then. It was a low-priced apartment (for this expensive area) and I really couldn't afford it. I left the deposit and everything. Then I went berserk. I was vibrating and didn't sleep for 3 days. Was alternately sobbing and exploding with rage. I was throwing chairs and stuff around my room. I had visions of myself taking a baseball bat and smashing everything in my path, also of putting my head down and ramming myself into the walls. It felt like my heart was going to burst out of my ribcage. So I cancelled the apartment and ended up losing my $800 deposit. It was either that or be carted off to a hospital.

If I leave, it has to be to another state. I can't stay here, near my mother. I can't afford to live here.
Subject: Hi ,John

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Date Posted: 15:25:52 01/24/04 Sat

You said that when you start to think about your wasted life, you sob. Please don't miss something profoud here. The problems are IN your thinking! Your thoughts depress you, they make you feel hopeless when you are NOT, and your thoughts accuse you and reaccuse you, endlessly, about your "wasted life." The meditation should help you STOP thinking about your past, as you are NOT hopeless. Anyone that is NOT in denial about what they have done wrong, CANNOT be without hope, and you are not. There is MUCH hope for you.

I don't know why some of us need more help than others in our healing process, but since we do, please get to Roy's next seminar.
Subject: Correction

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Date Posted: 13:26:48 01/24/04 Sat

Correction : John - from your comments I see you ARE meditating. What I should have said is you need to do it consistenyl ever morning and evening....

Sorry about that.

The rest still applies of course....
Subject: What Now?

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Date Posted: 13:24:07 01/24/04 Sat


Are you meditating? If not that is the first thing you need to do every day. It will disconnect you from your rage, being caught up in your thoughts and being totally subject to your conditioning so you can view things objectively. Being sucked into these things is at the root of your problems.

Secondly, you say you have had "exorcisms and clearings". Whose exorcisms? Roy's? No, in my opinion it sounds like you have had the standard "hooplah" exorcisms practiced by the likes of Peter Popov or the plastic Church which are no exorcisms at all, just a lot of phoney baloney. IF your mother approves of it all the worse....

The other source of your problem is your mother herself. It should go without saying that there is something seriously wrong with living with your mother at the age of 45.

Look, as long as you live with either of your parents you will never grow out of your childhood conditioning and you will stay a child on the inside (regardless of how good or bad a parent your mother is, that is the unbreakable rule).

The reason is it is very difficult, if not impossible to speak up to someone upon whom your are dependent for your food and shelter, especially when you have been "under their thumb" for 20 years or more. Probably you have a lot of unspoken resentments for the infractions and injustices of your mother which are paralysing you.

John, you *have* to get out and live independently OF ANYONE if you are to grow and have your own identity. It is more important than life and death. You cannot be a "self" otherwise, you will always be an appendage of someone else.

It does not matter if you only have means to live in a small room, a really crummy apartment or in a house, you *have* to get out. No matter how bad it is, you are better off (and I speak from direct experience - being very poor on my youth).

So - find a free/sponsored course, some training or some job in a field that your are interested in and naturally drawn to to enable you to do that - unless you cannot make your existing business support you (then use that). BUT GET OUT.

Do NOT discuss it with your mother or "OK it" with her. She will find a way to sabotage it or stop you form doing it. It is not her business anyway.

From your circumstances it sounds to me like she wants to keep you a cripple so she can have someone who is dependant on her to treat her as a saviour (my mother did exactly the same thing and so do most mothers). And that is a very sick relationship, nothing to do with love at all.....

That is what you need to do John. Yes, it is late in the day, but it is not TOO late. Act now. And keep quiet about it until you've done it. After you're out and independant THEN you can confront your mother about what she did to you (I can tell you from perosdnal experience that also definitely works too).

You need to be your own man John.
Subject: What Now?

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Date Posted: 13:20:34 01/24/04 Sat


Who did your exorcisms? Have you talked to Roy about it?

Subject: To John O

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 13:14:32 01/24/04 Sat

Could you please elaborate on your statement that says "I can meditate for a day or two and everything breaks down"? I'm not sure exactly what you are saying, what breaks down? Thanks -Rick
Subject: What now???

John Ohnimus
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Date Posted: 12:03:34 01/24/04 Sat

I've been battling demons for most of my life. I can meditate for a day or two and everything breaks down. I'm shaking and I want to bolt out of the chair and go berserk. Been through many exorcisms and clearings but no freedom. I'm in a state of constant depression, fear, anxiety and rage. Life is just hopeless - I'm 45 and live with my mother. I have a small business but hardly make any money and just don't care about anything anymore. My fear has kept me from doing so many things. If I think about my wasted life I start to sob.
Subject: Hi Conrad~

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Date Posted: 02:19:56 01/24/04 Sat

Yes people of faith should have hope. I think there's something you are missing. Roy Masters *personally* doesn't feel nor speak of doom and gloom. His calling in this life is to WAKE OTHERS up. He is right, that if people don't get our/their hearts right with God, doom and gloom is their/our future. If people do not prepare for the future, it isn't going to be pretty, ie: being survivalists.

Bible is clear, in that the worst times EVER on earth are still to come. Again, prepared materialistically or not, if one has their heart right with God, He will take care of them. It all boils down to the fact that Roy is right about what he preaches. Horrible times are coming, and time is relatively short, so to tell people good, uplifting things is a waste of time. Roy is speaking to those that are not ready. He'd be a liar to say anything but what he does say. You say this turns off people. TOO BAD for them. It doesn't turn everyone off. I still listen to him, and am thankful he was the one that shocked me awake. His message isn't for everyone.

Many are called, few are chosen...by God, per the bible.
Subject: Y2K?

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Date Posted: 01:42:07 01/24/04 Sat

Thanks for the interesting replies.

I know many people in the IT business who worked on many of these computer problems and not one of them ever heard of Roy Masters, let alone heeded his warnings.

That is not to put-down Roy.

I think Art Bell and his guests beat the Y2K horse to death, not Roy.

The problem is that it seems that Roy is very often prognosticating gloom and doom.

This turns many potential listeners off, I'm afraid.

I know many are saying that that's Roy.

Yes, it is Roy, but shouldn't we turn to God for postive reasons and not just to avoid punishment?

Now let me ask of you: do those who practice the meditation have need of gloom and doom as an incentive to get closer to yourselves and your creator?

need we be survivalists in order to be safe?

do not those who live in faith cease to worry in these ways?

I appreciate your perspectives.

Subject: bo

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Date Posted: 14:33:23 01/23/04 Fri

Subject: Ben and Y2K

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 11:25:28 01/23/04 Fri

Yes, Ben, I'll respond inside the Alternative Views Topic.
Subject: Y2K

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 11:17:59 01/23/04 Fri

Sounds like a new topic in the Discussion area, raised here...everyone sees it now....let's keep it in an uninterrupted thread over there.
Subject: Y2K

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Date Posted: 11:05:14 01/23/04 Fri

I work in the IT industry as a system administrator and I can tell you that not much was being done until people like Roy, Joseph Farah and a few others starting giving warnings. It could have been a disaster of huge proportions. Finanly there was enough public concern that a suficient effort was made to fix it.

Roy was right it could have been utter chaos in the cities.
Subject: Y2K and Roy

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Date Posted: 10:55:03 01/23/04 Fri

There is preparadeness and there is extremism. Despite the L. A. riots and the terrorist acts of 9/11, this is an extremely stable society with millions of people working hard at productive jobs. We have a strong economy (despite the recent recession) and an enormous manufacturing base.

I remember during the Clinton impeachment hearings, Roy was talking about the Monica Lewinski matter. He said that he "assure[d] everyone" the if Clinton "[got] away with it" that "within 6 months there will be civil war!". Now pause a second. Isn't this a tad skewed?
Subject: Y2K and Roy

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 10:21:40 01/23/04 Fri

For the record, Roy never, not once said Y2K would happen, he simply warned that it could be the trigger, repeat COULD be, not would be, the trigger to unleash all the pent up hatred of the low-lifes of the world, like what happened in the LA riots. How easily we forget. This pent up evil force still awaits an opportunity to unleash itself in destruction of all that the civilized hold dear. It's just a matter of time.

As to what happened to all those warnings. I'll tell you this, I, am numerous many like me, are prepared to live and survive in the event of the social breakdown that COULD follow a catastrophic terrorist strike, as one example, are you?
Subject: y2K

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Date Posted: 00:11:44 01/23/04 Fri

Conrad Wrote:
Roy was talking a lot about Y2K in 1999 as a good opportunity for the cataclysm he has been predicting for 40 years.

Whatever happened to to those warnings?


Conrad has been on my mailing list. He mentioned that he had been on another list with an intolerant moderator. That was me.

The general motive behind every post is to discredit Roy Masters. It is not really about y2K.

Subject: Conrad, Y2K

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Date Posted: 23:02:13 01/22/04 Thu

Nothing happened. Roy didn't prophecy or say for sure, to mark his words, from what I recall. He simply said it was an opportunity, didn't he? I remember many people not knowing what to expect technologically, but saying...feeling ominously that this COULD be...the catalyst to bring about major change in a short time.

It could have been, had the computers shut down, etc. they didn't, so it wasn't.
Subject: What ever happened to Y2K?

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Date Posted: 22:34:28 01/22/04 Thu

Roy was talking a lot about Y2K in 1999 as a good opportunity for the cataclysm he has been predicting for 40 years.

Whatever happened to to those warnings?

Subject: Ben and Paul

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 18:31:34 01/22/04 Thu

No it is not...(said mildly) :)

Please take it to the discussion board as you have done/started it there recently. Otherwise I am just gonna clean all this up anyways and move it...it helps if you all just police yourselves. Thanks in advance.
Subject: Ben's nonsense

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Date Posted: 18:01:10 01/22/04 Thu

I've posted info about this on the Finding God in Physics board. Is it inappropriate for me to respond to Paul's posting here? It will be very educational.
Subject: Ben's nonsense

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Date Posted: 17:40:04 01/22/04 Thu

You very confidently state your "facts" Ben. The problem is those facts are not "facts" at all. To take just one example :

"Roy repeatedly takes wrong information and runs with it. This includes the incorrect beliefs that light slows down in a solid and speeds up on the other end "

Well, you're wrong about that. I already knew that anyway, but here is an article excerpt from the BBC website which confirms it.

"Scientists freeze beam of light"


Light normally travels at about 299,000 kilometres per second (186,000 miles per second), but it slows down when passing through some materials, such as glass.

The team fired a light beam called a signal pulse through a sealed glass cylinder containing a hot gas containing atoms of the element rubidium, illuminated by a strong ray of light known as a control beam."

So there you have it. QED.
Subject: Response

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Date Posted: 17:31:36 01/22/04 Thu

OK. Thanks.
Subject: to Ben

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Date Posted: 15:57:01 01/22/04 Thu

Ben , up above you will see a 'link to discussion topics' you need to click on that and take your ideas to that place.It's the part of the board for discussion.
Subject: Paul/Ben

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 15:45:49 01/22/04 Thu

Paul...yes the page is growing. I can *force* an archive...that will clean the page and still make all the posts accessible. When an archive is created you will see an archive option...but in the meanitime, you do not have to wait until you get the full page to load...have you noted the Post a Message option in the upper right of this page?


Ben...take it to the Discussion area. I think the point has been made to you once before.

Subject: Response

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Date Posted: 14:46:42 01/22/04 Thu

A river overflowed and a flood ensued. One man had to climb up on top of his house. As he stood on the roof he prayed, "Lord, save me!"

Soon a man in a row boat came by and offered to take him to safety. The man on the roof said, "It's o.k., I asked the Lord to save me and I have faith the He will." The man in the row boat shook his head and moved on.

The flood level rose and now the man was standing on the highest part of the roof, and the water was up to his knees. Then another man came by, this time in a motor boat, also offering the man in the water rescue. But the man again refused, saying, "Thank you, but I prayed to the Lord and I have faith that He will save me." The flood was rising rapidly, to the man in the motor boat left him there as he wished.

In only a short time the water level had reached up to his neck, and he was standing on his tip toes. Now a helicopter came by and dropped a rope ladder. The man in the chopper frantically called to the man in the water to grab a hold of the ladder. The man in the water yelled back that he had prayed to the Lord and had faith that the Lord would save him. The pilot moved on in disbelief.

It came to pass that the flood level continued to rise and the man finally drowned. When he died, he went to heaven, and as soon as he realized where he was, he asked to speak to the Lord immediately. The Lord welcomed him, and asked him what he wanted. "Lord," he said, "I prayed and I had faith that you would save me. Why didn't you?"

The Lord replied, "I sent you two boats and a helicopter! What else did you want me to do?"
Subject: Come again?

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Date Posted: 14:21:46 01/22/04 Thu

You do talk an infinite deal of nonsense. Your arguments like acupuncture, are full of holes. (If they were paying people for rationalisations you would be on top dollar.)
Subject: Acupuncture Atheists

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Date Posted: 13:51:39 01/22/04 Thu


Your attitude is pretty good. I'll respond to Nick and Paul. Here goes.

I used to believe that the problem lied purely in "intent", "purity of heart", and "connection to God". This is tricky territory. You can get messed up from pressure in your life (I sure was). In this state, you are disconnected from the sense of life and vibrance that many kids have, for example. Their minds are not dominated by anxiety. It is because they feel flowing positive energy.

In my case, I lost that energy. I tried various things including meditation. They all had elements of sensibility to them. Ultimately, I found that I wasn't moving past a point because the years of turmoil had pinned my stomach into a state where it was tightening up over an ulcer. I found this out because a little old Vietnamese acupuncturist with a balanced, positive disposition spotted it and treated it. When my stomach "opened" it was an upheaval. Separately, I had a very positive reaction to, dare I say, Prozac (coupled with L-Tryptophan and Buspar). After I plateaued on them, I eventually got off them. I took them because a psychologist explained to me that the body responds to heavy trauma by chronically producing large amounts of stress hormones. These, in turn, cause your body to metabolize one of your principal neurotransmitters, seratonin, which regulates much of the transfer of nerve impulses across the nerve terminals.

As for acupuncture, as a whole, when it is properly practiced, you are being told a great deal of fully rational information, none of which is blasphemous. You are being told-- you feel healthy when energy is flowing properly through your brain and body. You're told that your anger and warped lifestyle creates blockages of this energy and that you require specific stimulation to break up the blockages. Enduring this requires the intent on the patient's part to confront the issues behind the stagnancies and work through them (so does taking Prozac, by the way).

Are there people looking for comfort from medicine without looking at the problems underneath them? Yes. But from what I've seen, people are mostly victimized by a lack of information. Most doctors in the West don't even see the obvious link between stress and illness. As for acupuncture, even the National Institutes of Health has studied it and found a scientific basis to it (http://nccam.nih.gov/health/acupuncture/).

There is this reflex that thinks that I'm talking blasphemy. But I can argue the exact opposite. I don't make the rules. This is how God designed us. If we are going to look for "truth", we had better start with objective physical reality. One can readily argue that the Bible represents the best that people thousands of years ago could do to communicate their sense of balanced life, without insight into how the nervous system (endocrine system, etc.) works. So to them it seemed mysterious and required words like “faith” and “conscience”.

As for “Finding God in Physics”, Roy repeatedly takes wrong information and runs with it. This includes the incorrect beliefs that: light slows down in a solid and speeds up on the other end, planets rotate because the atoms in them spin in the same direction, lightening comes from discharge from a layer surrounding the Earth, "light does not need its emitting source for power", photons should somehow slow down after they lose energy, like a “baseball”.
Subject: Trim Required

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Date Posted: 10:37:01 01/22/04 Thu


You need to trim this page. It is now so long, for dial-up users, it takes about three minutes to load down to the bottom so you can use the reply section.

Short back and sides, Al......
Subject: Acupuncture Atheists....

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Date Posted: 10:31:16 01/22/04 Thu


You trod this same ground before on the previous board.

While I agree there is some root of trauma stored in the physical, that is not "all there is" to it. There is a spiritual component to it where we are separated from God by our reaction to the trauma source. That is without mentioning the emotional aspects not rooted in the physical body. There is a difference between purely physical trauma (breaking your leg) and the kind of trauma Roy is alluding to (more than that). Acupuncture cannot resolve a spiritual or emotional issue any more than you can seal a leak in your water tank with a fork.

As for "Finding God in Physics" being 'irrational', well that is your opinion. More likely is you just don't understand it.
Subject: Mea Culpa

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Date Posted: 09:57:58 01/22/04 Thu

Sorry Al. Use of that word Was out of order. I was operating on the principle of: never let bad taste stand in the way of a good joke.(You might want to delete offending word although if it is unknown to Americans it will perhaps not cause offence)
Subject: Nick

Al fulchino
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Date Posted: 09:17:56 01/22/04 Thu

Nick, I did wish to ask you about the last word in your post....to clarify..woudl you explain the British definition.of that word...We here in the states need to be reinformed....as I Understand it it is different than the US slang of that word...and I dont wish anyone to think I would allow the US version to stand here.

thanks ole chap
Subject: Sovereign State/Ben/Nick

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 09:15:16 01/22/04 Thu

Thanks for the heads up Sovereign State...keep me posted over in the "Technology of this Board" topic as to any further spam...I haven't gotten any extra..but I may be isolated.


Ben...I am not going to say that your view is disallowed here...If you wish to say contrary things to what the FHU stands for...so be it...but they will have to stay within the bounds of respect ..no baiting...no trying to force views....it is good to have a dissenter for often times it teaches people how to deal with a dissenting view...I am not saying that your post was rude in anyway..but I do wish to set a tone for voicing dissent on this board...if after voicing and discussing and receiving counter point..if at that time there is no agreement or changing of minds then that will be that...the end...it is my view..often times..that when people disagree, that that cannot be it/enough....one side OR the other gets a little bent out of shape and then it gets out of hand...and before you fret...I do understand that this can happen from the pro FHU opinion /side as well as the opposing side.

Anyway have it it under that tone...over in the Discussion area...it seems Nick with his wonderful sense of humor already wants to chat with you. :)
Subject: ?!?

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Date Posted: 05:57:33 01/22/04 Thu

Roy Masters is suspect - and the solution is to stick pins in ourselves?! I wonder how Ben manages to use a keyboard whilst wearing a straightjacket.(Acupuncture - what a Prick)
Subject: Hi

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Date Posted: 03:42:25 01/22/04 Thu

Well, this may be fun and hopefully educational.

I used to listen to Roy. After many years, I concluded that while a lot of his message is sound, a lot isn't. So as to not to have to give a long diatribe, in short I've found that Roy doesn't see that the problems people have become physically rooted in them and can and should be addressed not just psychologically but physically. For this reason people "feel" pain and inadequacy. It is not sufficient to call this "conscience". What people are feeling is the actual physical strain on their nervous system, their organs, their endocrine system, etc. For this reason, their emotional blockages cause cancer, diabetes, and so on.

My recommendation to people is to watch out for possible Roybots in sheep's clothing. They are narcissists. They are concerned solely with their self image as “truth seekers”.

As for those people truly searching for answers, I have found that the answer isn't glamorous. I found a lot of answers, believe it or not, through acupuncture. It may sound feeble, but ultimately we have to go with what works. That's a part of humility. I have also found that humility is not a matter of following a strict code near as much as it is coming to the conclusion that under the right circumstances, any of us can fanatically believe in the wrong thing.

For those of you who would like to start to see the irrational side of Roy with some particular clarity, just read, "Finding God in Physics".
Subject: spam

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Date Posted: 01:55:14 01/22/04 Thu

I have gotten alot of spam since I've logged in here too. I took my email off, but just thought I'd let you know.
Subject: Paul

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 07:55:48 01/21/04 Wed

I am unclear ..are you saying you got some spam that was generated from this place directly or indirectly?...is there anything I should know? Let's take it to the discussion area in the board technology topic so that I can make sure no one is getting anything that is undesirable
Subject: Thanks Al

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Date Posted: 23:44:01 01/20/04 Tue

Thanks Al. That's a great move.

My spam filter "caught" some nasty mail to my e-mail address which others could see on this board, so I am a lot happier now.

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 18:00:31 01/20/04 Tue

The DISCUSSION AREA previously required that your email address be displayed....NO LONGER...you now can choose the *NO* option for displaying your address. This means you no longer need to aquire another email address to protect your privacy...Remember that the Moderators will ALWAYS be able to see your address. You can find this option in YOUR PROFILE SECTION over in the Discussion Area.

Sparklit was very responsive in their dealings w me...hat's off to them.

Subject: WELCOME

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Date Posted: 23:00:54 01/19/04 Mon

Date Posted: 20:04:56 01/17/04 Sat

C.A.L. and Randy welcome to the board! I know you'll find it
worthwhile. Carl, I remember your name, you used to send
tapes to people who could not listen to the program, right?

Tim, sorry to take so long in responding. Lately I've been really caught up in Dorothy's toronado (emotionally, spiritually and attitude-wise). The answer to your question is YES. I did used to share tapes of Roy with you. If you would like to talk, I can be reacted at: www.lovethefhu@yahoo.com . I'm presently dealing with being a Roy-Bot co-holic, as well as other coholic's. I sure could use a 1-2-1 friendly sounding board. No offense to you other's reading this.
Subject: Today

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 23:10:16 01/18/04 Sun

The board, your board, took action to remove the person known as Carol Ann (you may recall her from the previous board) It was a complete decision by the five members who currently moderate. Her nickname here was Tinker Bell.

Questions, shoudl there be any, should be directed in a topic in the discussion area..and if not then we will just say end of story and back to your regularly scheduled programming :)
Subject: Announcement

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 21:38:01 01/17/04 Sat

A change in the "Link to Discussion" area has been made. As Tim pointed out...we are getting more and more posts and members. Because of this the topics were getting longer....since I cannot reverse the order of the posts on that board, I limited each page to ten posts...this means that the newest posts are now located on the highest page number....I explained this in my best english lol....this should shorten your scan time and scroll time.

Subject: Welcome

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Date Posted: 20:04:56 01/17/04 Sat

C.A.L. and Randy welcome to the board! I know you'll find it
worthwhile. Carl, I remember your name, you used to send
tapes to people who could not listen to the program, right?
Subject: Randy C

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Date Posted: 15:11:50 01/17/04 Sat

Hi Randy

Welcome aboard. Just continue to meditate and listen to Roy and you will see what will be shown to you from within.
You don't need to be preached to as I am sure you have had alot of that in the past and rebelled.
I have heard him talking to inmates and he ls very patient.
He has the patience of an angel.
Keep posting.
Subject: To C. Alain

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Date Posted: 13:44:52 01/17/04 Sat

C.A.L. said: This web site appears to be 180 degrees different from the former non-FHU sponsored one.

Hello C.A.L., Welcome aboard. Wondering if you could elaborate a bit on the above statement of yours. Who, what, where and when i.e. "former non-FHU sponsored" site are you referring to. Thanks -Rick

Merv: Good question. If it was my list he was writing about there was no format or discussion topics. What you saw was what you wrote. If you didn't write anything, nothing happened so don't blame the list. The list was you.
Subject: Randy

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Date Posted: 13:28:15 01/17/04 Sat


All you need to know is that Rage is at the root of all your problems. Overcome that and you will overcome everything that is or has ever been wrong with you.
Subject: Prisoner in need of escaping emptyangry past

Randy C. Scott
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Date Posted: 13:09:58 01/17/04 Sat

I'm a prisoner in the Pleasant Valley State Prison in Coalinga CA 93210. My mentor has introduced me to Roy Masters. I'm in prison for robery. Won't be released for another 7 years. I could use some positive support to help me change my life (exastance) style. My mailing address is: Randy C. Scott E51259
P.V.S.P. D3-104L
BOX 8504
Coalinga CA 93210
Right now, I just need friendly support. Please don't try to convert me. I'm so sensitive that only God is qualified to do that. Thanks for understanding. Randy
Subject: C Alain L

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Date Posted: 13:08:53 01/17/04 Sat

Welcome C Alain,

There are plenty of listeners in Sacramento so I hope you find some. If you publicised a weekly or monthly meeting at a specific venue ("meeting at Joe's Diner at 8PM every Thursday" Sepulveda and Vine, or whatever) then you should get some response (Hey Al - you could add a thread topic on "Listeners Gatherings/Meetings" where people could post this kind of stuff).

On the bipolar/dyslexic thing I feel you are still angry at what hypocritical pressuring teachers did to you at school (destroying your natural proclivity and inclination to learn at you own pace). We all went thru that horror, (me included) and it is certainly not pleasant - it is like having something stolen from you.

However if you can really give up the anger (and it is not easy in this case I admit) then the symptoms will go away. The anger is what sustains them. They have to feed on something to survive.

Really there is no such thing as dyslexia or bipolar - there is only really a rejection of the forced knowledge or false identity that these people try to put in you, by rebelling against the input or indwelling false identity coming from them (because you are incompatible with their insanity or wicked nature).

You can get over this - just look at Einstein - berated in school as an idiot who would never make anything of himself, when left to his own devices he surpassed them all....
Subject: To C. Alain L.

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 13:05:40 01/17/04 Sat

C.A.L. said: This web site appears to be 180 degrees different from the former non-FHU sponsored one.

Hello C.A.L., Welcome aboard. Wondering if you could elaborate a bit on the above statement of yours. Who, what, where and when i.e. "former non-FHU sponsored" site are you referring to. Thanks -Rick
Subject: An In Person Meeting of Like Minded Souls

C. Alain L.
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Date Posted: 12:51:03 01/17/04 Sat

'Am in search of other listeners of ADvice Line here in the Sacramento area for just a chat over some french fries, or a fish sandwich. Also 'am hoping to contact FHU fans in Australia. This fan club emailed Roy ahwhile back. I've always enjoyed the sights and sounds of Australia. I've always also enjoyed the sights and sounds of Roy and his tough Christ like loving corrections.
Allow me to introduce myself: I'm a 44 year listener of Roy. I'm bipolar, dyslexic, a recovering denial coholic, 'been recording Roy for the past five years. I enjoy and look forward to having common sense conversations. I'm sooooo tired of superficial junk. I'm also so very tired of this charm of anger I seem to constantly wear around my souls' neck - much like people who wear a silver cross around their neck just for decoration and to impress themselves as they look in the mirror of lies.
This web site appears to be 180 degrees different from the former non-FHU sponsored one. I've just now come across this site on this Saturday morning (Jan. 17th) here in California. I've got my fingers crossed.
Subject: Paul

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Date Posted: 11:37:00 01/17/04 Sat

Thanks Paul

I will look into pop-up softwear protection although I don't have them come up on other sites.
I do have Norton virus protection. I am still learning about the computer and how to protect it.

Subject: Mere Human

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Date Posted: 05:07:51 01/17/04 Sat

I think it is mportant to know that Roy is simply a human being. He is far from perfect, but at a higher level of consciousness than most people. If we practice the prseence will can all be like Roy (but not Roy).>>

That's a healthy and realistic attitude to have toward Roy. And it shows a lot of love to see him as the mere human he is rather than as perfect. But he's much more perceptive and courageous than the average mere human and we all owe him a great debt. May he live long and be well.

Subject: what of the future ?

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Date Posted: 00:28:22 01/17/04 Sat

I think it ismportant to know that Roy is simply a human being. He is far from perfect, but at a higher level of consciousness than most people. If we practice the prseence will can all be like Roy (but not Roy).

I think this is a good part of Roy's message.

Lighting a candle to a Roy altar and continually replaying his tapes won't get you there.

Fighting over who is the most "Roylike" will not get you there.

Practicing the Presence faithfully and sincerely will do it.

We can talk about Roy or his sayings, but that will not do it.

Remember, much of what Roy says is based on Christ, and look how He has been misused?

Roy did not originate any of his teachings.

Roy merely has made himself a good instrument to reflect the divine.

He did this by raising his consciousness, true; but he also
can do what he does through divine grace.

This grace and this raising consciouness is a gift.

You cannot depend on Roy to do it for you, you must walk the path yourself.

If we but knock it will be opened to us.
Subject: KIlling Spam

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Date Posted: 23:46:48 01/16/04 Fri

Yeah, use a Hotmail address or an address that you can shut down if the spammers and abusers get too bad.

Not only does Hotmail have a spam filter which keeps out these lowlifes, my ISP does too - and it works very well...

As for any unwanted popups, you can get popup killer software on the net on several shareware sites.

Put a barrier between yourself and the bottom-feeders....the Internet is still "The Wild West"..

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 23:36:44 01/16/04 Fri

The Discussion Board provided by Sparklit in the Link to Discussion Area requires an email address..the alternative is a board that is totally anonymous ...there has to be some accountability....if you would like to any way maintain some extra privacy, I suggest that you create another email address.....and use that ....it would sure help especially if after 1000 posts you end up asking me to remove them all. I will add a warning at the top of this page as well.
Subject: Al

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Date Posted: 23:25:39 01/16/04 Fri

I don't think you understand what I am saying, After transfer the entire section you seperated Ricks and placed it by itself at the bottom and my posts were below his and was not placed there. When I scrolled down past all the posts to get to the bottom that is all I found.

I did not read all the rest on the way to down.
It's water under the bridge now.

As I was finishing this post, a viagra filthy spam popped up. Those perverts sure get around.

Subject: Louise

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 23:06:16 01/16/04 Fri

please point out the time and date of the post that you say I did not transfer..I will be happy to do so if I missed something...also I hope you realize that you can certainly copy and paste / transfer all by yourself. You dont need any assistance if I made an error.

Subject: Al

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Date Posted: 23:00:56 01/16/04 Fri


Was it an assertion when the section you transfered left Ricks post below it? My two posts were below his post, why did you not transfer my reply to him also?

You can laugh if you want to, but, please question that also.

Subject: Discussion Transfer

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 20:45:40 01/16/04 Fri

I started a topic called "Following in Roy's Path" sorry Conrad, my memory went blank..old age setting in at 44 lol...anyway I transferred everyone's posts on that subject over there and the posts are very obvious..i just did a simple copy and paste....I will leave the discussion here so that you all can see that nothing was disturbed or edited, Lord knows I already had a good laugh at that assertion by another poster. We just need the bandwidth esp for dial up members.

Anyway...if we could continue the good discussion there instead of here it would be appreciated ...thanks. - Al
Subject: When Roy is Gone

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Date Posted: 19:47:16 01/16/04 Fri

When Roy is gone it is very likely that groups will form to discuss his teachings. These groups will very likely be, or become over time, more like support groups than real learning experiences. The leaders will very likely be intoxicated by receiving respect from the followers, and the weak followers will try to get identity and reasurance that they are good people from the leaders, and gradually the teachings will be watered down in order to cater to the ego needs or desires of the members. This is what has happened when other religious teachers have died in the past and it is likely to happen again.
Subject: Hi Nick~

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Date Posted: 16:03:03 01/16/04 Fri

Even one of the apostles spoke of having a "thorn in his side," and I agree with many that it was probably some physical affliction to keep him humble or something. I agree with David Masters that the reason he once experienced health problems was to show him that he could, indeed, get sick.

Bickering? have you witnessed members of the FHU bickering in person? or is it just the written word that you are referring to? I suggest you can't tell the difference many times in bickering, and written debate. I see it as people being outspoken and not letting others get away with excuse-making. I also suggest that were the same people you read bickering from, in person speaking before you, you wouldn't see it as bickering, because it wouldn't be bickering.

I agree with what I have heard Roy say many times before, that it's better to speak up the wrong way in the early stages of our growth, than to be spineless and not speak up at all. I witnessed a lot of this on the old board. Others called it bickering. Some of it could be read both ways. I recall that Tall Timber Ranch had a "blasting zone!" Was there never any bickering during BLASTING?

Lastly, don't doubt one iota that many of us that blast or "bicker" on the forums spend plenty of time speaking up in our communities, and world as much as we can. Sadly, there are too few of us. Speaking up to fellow FHU'ers doesn't take away from the rest of our lives.
Subject: "Stop. Look what your doing to Chandler!"

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Date Posted: 15:36:40 01/16/04 Fri

Boy, in order to reply you do have to scroll down a long way! Mark M by his own admission in a business lecture referred to himself as 'semi-shallow'.

Interesting that even RM has not been able to avoid the physical afflictions that flesh is heir to -and that includes his son in law and son David - and of course he does have or did have an estranged son unless the prodigal has returned?

I meant to include in my intial post the observation, albeit it may not be received kindly, the proclivity of too many Fhuiacs (US ones included) to bickering, internicine strife, intrigue, pique, petty conceits, rancour and petulance. No subject is too trivial not to have an argument about apparently. If only half the time Fhuiacs spent tearing into each other were spent confronting the people destroying our respective countries we might get somewhere.

Could it be, as Brigham Young once observed: "The reason we are so disatisfied with other people is because we are so disatisfied with ourselves"?
Subject: Me and my typos!

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Date Posted: 14:47:44 01/16/04 Fri

I think readers can tell that I meant to say.."no one could."
Subject: Could anyone fill Roy's shoes?!

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Date Posted: 14:46:01 01/16/04 Fri

Nope, one could! Some could try, but they are pitifully lacking, in comparison. No one but he, associated with the church, has had an angelic visitation, I bet. No one was chosen by God but he, to suffer the least, while seeing so much with so little help.

If the Lord took Roy home today, we'd have literally THOUSANDS of tapes that we could still continue to support with our donations monthly. What we wouldn't have is the man with the intuition that ranks very close to psychic ability, nor would we have the man that has experienced so much, and was chosen to be so very sharp from birth, etc.

Yes, he does confirm some of his kids are very sharp, having a fresh individual way of saying things, but like Ann for the most part, they have it, as many of we posters do, intellectually, but as recently as '97, Roy made it clear that NOT ONE of his kids..."gets it," yet! He is on a tape I have in my car, speaking about the secret magnitude of the entire message from God resting on those two commandments, to love the Lord our God with our whole hearts, and our neighbors as ourselves. He very clearly and more than once said only he gets it of his family, yet.

But...should he go, while I think he has maybe ten more years, should he go, one of his kids, or they could take turns, hosting the show, so that people needing personal help could have a live one to talk with. But...has God yet been able to use anyone but Roy to help those with exorcism that need that extra help? I doubt it! THAT requires just the right, Holy spirit filled to the brim, person to hold that cross, or it can't have the same affect.
Subject: about the future?

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Date Posted: 13:58:52 01/16/04 Fri

Nick writes: "Personally my experience of UK Fhuiacs is that they are largely psychotic inadequates living on the margins of society,losers and no hopers who are heard for much speaking,talking the talk but not walking the walk (I don't exclude myself before you ask) and have not really been helped by RM to any significant degree. I don't blame RM for this as I see him as the greatest Christian teacher since Christ."

To some extent you are right, but unlike most other religious teachers in the common run, both Roy and his Master, Christ, offer a way out of that trap. But it is easier to be a Roybot than do do what he teaches.

If enough of use did that we would not worry about Roy or Roy's replacement. Christ left because he already gave us the teaching so we can practice it on our own. If he would stay all and sundry could just worship Him instead of changing their lives and following Him.

I, for one, have been positively affected by Roy, but I know he is human and I certainly don't worship him. For those who do so I suggest they check themselves out.
Subject: Nick

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Date Posted: 13:19:28 01/16/04 Fri

Don't rule out RM's son Mark. He is very intelligent and is a very good prospect to take over the site.
Have no fear, Roy will know what to do.

Subject: Nick

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Date Posted: 13:18:10 01/16/04 Fri

Don't rule out RM's son Mark. He is very intelligent and is a very good prospect to take over the site.
Have no fear, Roy will know what to do.

Subject: A One off

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Date Posted: 12:37:46 01/16/04 Fri

Conrad enquires what will happen if RM ever goes to his reward? Well he did write a book entitled 'No one has to die' but for some reason the title was later changed to something else. Perhaps he had intimations of mortality?

RM is a one off and there is no one to take his place, certainly not any of his offspring no matter how well intentioned they may be. I do believe David once hinted he might wear the crown but the others disabused him of that one pretty quickly and he was last heard broadcasting under a cognomen.

Personally my experience of UK Fhuiacs is that they are largely psychotic inadequates living on the margins of society,losers and no hopers who are heard for much speaking,talking the talk but not walking the walk (I don't exclude myself before you ask) and have not really been helped by RM to any significant degree. I don't blame RM for this as I see him as the greatest Christian teacher since Christ.

In a nutshell I would say that RM will continue to broadcast beyond the grave thanks to modern technology but don't expect any one to fill his shoes - they were too big.
Subject: Rick

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Date Posted: 11:57:42 01/16/04 Fri

I know what He said, but,
It was not transferred I replied to you at the fhu demise board.
Subject: Post Transfers

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 11:37:07 01/16/04 Fri

Louise, three posts below yours Al explained that this page is getting to big and is slow loading so he transferred some posts over to the mutliple topics page. Click the link above that says "Links to Discussion Topic", once there look under "FHU Demise" topic to find your posts.
Subject: To Al

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Date Posted: 11:23:06 01/16/04 Fri

Two of my posts are missing.
I posted two to Rick last night.
Oh where Oh where can they be?

Subject: I wish to add something...

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 09:04:50 01/16/04 Fri

As topics grow..it is easy to get lost in the shuffle..that is why I created this page...so that you can offer up some thing new...some new bit of news etc..and be seen by all and have a fair shot at allowing everyone to see what you wish to talk about and engage you as well as others in that topic....if I allow this page to become one of running dialogue then it will eventually become one long page that just gets skipped over having become a one topic town all its own.
Subject: Conrad

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 08:54:25 01/16/04 Fri

That sounds like a fair topic..and one I think others have wondered about...may I suggest you start a topic...I think you will find interest.
Subject: Post Transfers

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 08:47:45 01/16/04 Fri

As I stated last night, I would transfer posts that continued the FHU Board Demise debate...in this case several posts have been transferred (not deleted). They can be viewed and continued there if any one sees fit to. This particular space will get very hard to load if it ends up being a running discourse of one subject. This page is better served to be a lead in to discussion.

Thanks - Al
Subject: what of the future?

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Date Posted: 00:47:39 01/16/04 Fri

i wonder if anyone would like to share their thoughts as to the future of FHU and Roy's teachings.

It is hard to envision FHU without Roy.
It seems that Roy has not really groomed a successor, although his son might take over.

As far a Roy's teachings, will groups such as this play a part in their transmission?
Subject: Go To Hell

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Date Posted: 21:47:10 01/15/04 Thu

Rick: Al never said anything remotely like this, just the opposite in fact. Look closely and you will see that Al was saying that Roy's board was left completely UN-moderated and by default allowed for way TOO MUCH free speech, even blatant anti-FHU stuff.

Merv: Al was right. If Roy did not want trouble or argument on the board, he would have to moderate all of the messages. That means that all messages would be screened before they went on line.

Merv: All Roy would have to do to know what would happen on the board would be to talk to anyone who has a list or a message board. I could have told him in one minute. They would tell him right away what to expect. There are always people with different viewpoints who will disagree, make false accusations, try to spread various beliefs, and some who will even post profanity or pornography.

Merv: If the website was not willing to moderate every message or allow a certain amount of trouble, they had no business starting the board in the first place. That was their decision to make and it seems they had no idea what they were doing. This problem seems to be based on their own lack of awareness or knowledge.
Subject: The Lobby or Main Page is in danger of becoming a one topic town versus a front page of sorts, so...

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 21:46:35 01/15/04 Thu

Folks, in the interest of not tying this space up, I will be removing any more posts made on the subject of the FHU Board Demise and Free Speech and transferring them to the Discussion area entitled "FHU Board Demise". Please help me out by directing your posts there from this point forward, so that I do not have to do any moving of posts.
Subject: roy's remarks

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Date Posted: 21:45:24 01/15/04 Thu

I like some of you heard the show and Roy's remarks.
I found them quite strange given that I have read all the messages and could find nothing of the sort on this site.

I think Roy may have had many problems with people who follow him getting together in his name in the past.
Perhaps he is anticipating trouble of some sort and wants to disavow these groups before anything happens.

Please do not take this as a criticism of Roy. He has his reasons even if they do not at first appear to be that good.

Subject: Hi Louise~

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Date Posted: 21:28:17 01/15/04 Thu

I agree that Roy could take offense to Al's letter, ONLY cuz it says the FHU goofed, blew it, etc..cuz Roy is still human and hasn't walked on water, not yet, but he isn't far from it, if the need arises, I think. BUT..Roy took offense to it saying here that he doesn't like free speech. Al's letter does NOT say that.

I disagree with you that Roy would think Al shouldn't have posted that here. This is a discussion board, and Al was discussing the board we had just lost. WHY would Roy think Al shouldn't have posted it? I think you may feel that way, but that Roy wouldn't, for it just isn't a valid point. Al was not wrong in ANY way for posting it here.I applaud Al for being so honest, and NOT a "suck up" that he spoke what he truly felt and believed at the time. THAT is honorable for one to do it when they know they may lose some's support and friendship is good.

I wasn't wrong for agreeing with Al that the, uh was it a letter? come to think of it, I think of it as just a post, well anyway, The FHU did not moderate that board, and the taunting was allowed, one was allowed to threaten to sue that wasn't banned, and that one would get better, then worse, again, till that one is said to be a huge part of the reason the board went down, re; pictures.

It is true the FHU didn't moderate the forum, and then when it checked in, there were several places it needed correction, deleting and banning.

NO board can be perfect, but this doesn't mean we do Roy or the church a disservice for having a board. This board will delete trouble makers, taunters, etc. This board has five moderators with the delete key. the FHU board did not. This is not an insult and it *IS* the truth.
Subject: PS

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Date Posted: 21:04:45 01/15/04 Thu


Want to add that the others he said could go to hell would be those who agreed with it.
This is a possibility it might be better if he spoke to Roy.
Subject: Just a thought

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Date Posted: 20:55:37 01/15/04 Thu

I have been reading the beginning of the posts written and if Roy had read the one written on January 6th by Al perhaps he may have felt such a letter should have been sent directly to him rather than posting it here. That is what a friend would do, perhaps that is why he said what he did.
Subject: Hi Paul~

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Date Posted: 20:38:58 01/15/04 Thu

I hope yesterday morning's show is put up on the website. It will be dated Jan. 14 and is not up there yet. I want you to hear it if it does, for Roy did speak strongly, one sentence, about those that can follow some guy or fella over here, it was that they can go to hell or something. Of course, that was AFTER he referred to why he took his boards down.

He took them down cuz he found "dirty pictures and bickering!" He didn't say he took them down cuz of the majority of people that are now using THIS site! (an email reported to me that the one that put the dirty pictures up is at another site bragging that supposedly Roy said he took them down cuz of those of us here, which is NOT TRUE)

I hope Roy reads at this site, if he hasn't already. He has true friends at this site, and he has confirmed that with a good number of us over the years, and others, as you can see by their posts, he would if he only met them.
Subject: A message to Roy

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Date Posted: 20:23:21 01/15/04 Thu

Someone should get the word to Roy that either he is not understanding what is going on on the board, or he is listening to people who are feeding him nonsense about it.

I would also recommend to him that he stop being so outspoken about things that he has not checked out for himself.

It is one thing to stand up for what is right and make enemies that way but it is another thing to misinterpret what people say and blast away about it, making problems where they don't exist. I was arguing in support of Roy and now evidently Roy is saying that he was being criticized. I did not hear the show. I think this is an example of jumping to concusions unnecessarily and making problems where they do not exist.
Subject: Free Speech

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Date Posted: 19:55:35 01/15/04 Thu

I forgot to mention that the statement was not in context. I was replyin to someone who seemed to be saying that Roy was contradicting himself by taking the board off because he wanted a board full of free expression.

Someone at the Foundation is misinterpreting things for Roy and feeding this stuff to him in order to bother him. I think Roy should stop listening to those around him and only look and inquire for himself. If he doesn't want the problems of the board, I said that is understandable. Who in their right mind would be for a free speech board on the website?
Subject: Roy And Free Speech

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Date Posted: 19:48:38 01/15/04 Thu

"Merv Posted: 00:34:01 01/08/04 Thu

:If it was an open forum, Roy would be championing free speech and animosity would not be an issue. He is not. He doesn't like some of what is being written on the board evidently and that is why he took the board down".

Merv: I wrote this. I was not criticizing Roy for not championing free speech at all. Isn't it amazing how people can create a problem out of nothing?

Merv: Free speech includes anything anyone would say including character assassinations and profanity. Free speech includes bickering, harrassment or false accusations. Championing free speech is not something I would do, nor would Roy on his board.

Merv: Who turned my statement around as though it was a criticism? It was a statement. Do you really think Roy wants free speech on his website as it is on the net?
Subject: ...

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Date Posted: 17:39:32 01/15/04 Thu

"This board is NOT in rebellion to Roy taking the other down"

I agree with that Sunny, no matter how much certain people may try to splice Roy's comments to mean - "I say those new message board people are BAD". I am surew that is not what he said, it is their re-interpretation of it.

Had this board been filled with "Roy is a bad guy" anti-FHU propaganda then OK, but it isn't....

Personally I have no objection to Roy taking down the FHU board and chat room as the FHU has some potential liability when twisters and warpers of the truth go on there in order to discourage others from seeking God (by posing as "true believers" while posting inflammatory or provocative alternative messages, propaganda and so on).

As for the accusations of bickering (not Roy's well-founded and justified comments but those of "second-handers" to whom ANY speaking up means "bickering"), I know what my intention / motivation was when I posted -and it was not to bicker, it was simply to set the record straight. I was not angry when I wrote it and I'm not angry now, despite the innuendo : and I am sure most other people here are the same way.
Subject: Hi Al~

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Date Posted: 16:55:36 01/15/04 Thu

Good post and you touched on a very interesting point. When you have met with Roy in person, you were very well received. Then, he could read you in every way, up close and personally, looking you in the eyes, and even "testing the spirit" present. Now, in written words on some forum, you may..you could...I don't know...be taken differently from the man, which PROVES again, the lack of the written word, sometimes it is a landmine, and at best, it is pitifully lacking, open to gross misunderstanding.

I have met with him too, and was very well received. Our first meeting he told me I will be just fine, he looked at Ann and told her the same thing, then he repeated himself yet again, quietly saying I would be just fine. One of the many times on the phone, on the radio show, as I hung up, I quietly told him I love him and hung up. I heard on the radio, or the tape later, him saying "that lady really means it, I can tell."

But...how do I sound to him in the written word? There's no telling! I am not perfect and sure don't pick the perfect words, or delivery of them. Is this reason to not write? to not speak up with a bucket load of guts? I think not!
Subject: Hi Louise~

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Date Posted: 16:47:53 01/15/04 Thu

Hi there,

I am fifty-fifty at this point, as to whether he saw his own site, or someone reported to him. On his radio shows recently, he has clearly said that when he first got his computer, and last night, when he first got AOL, that he looked, clearly that he saw for himself the filth on AOL chat rooms and the internet in-general, but then as he said after that, that he "checked on" his own site...it is not perfectly clear that he did the viewing, himself.

However, right now I am more concerned whether he read THIS site himself, or someone looked and reported to him. This site is not insulting to him in any way. Sure we can't prevent a poster or two from saying something negative about him, occasionally. I hope he, if he hasn't, reads here himself, out of curiosity if for no other reason, and sees what the majority is.

There is no reason we should have to all become perfect before we contribute to discussion boards. Roy's own family is not perfect, as David is allowed to preach to others while his own family is a mess, with a couple of very messed up kids, divorce and remarriage.

The nasty pics on that other board were from ONE trouble maker. The bickering was not all bickering. Written debate looks like bickering. That board for the most part had sincere people that did what Roy told them to do, they got a bucket load of guts and spoke up to peoples' faces, instead of being spineless. Problem is, they/we were doing it in writing, NOT in person, and voices not heard. I strongly feel that THIS point, even Roy needs to be reminded of.

Well, I am through venting. This board is NOT in rebellion to Roy taking the other down, and I hope he comes to realize this. God bless this board to continue, as it should.
Subject: I don't know what to add....

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 16:40:27 01/15/04 Thu

I am willing to stand the test of time....I am not worried about being mischaracterized....real friends, if there are any, will see through any mischracterization...and I trust that anyone with a modicum of fairness will recall that almost immediately i asked for others to over see this board and also gave them the admin powers/capability...if I am not fair..reasonable...representative of what you all know to be right and and fair in your own hearts then it should be pretty easy to vote my buttocks out and change the passwords so that at best all I have is posting abilities..and if need be remove that as well...i know this...Roy has met me a couple of times....did more listening to me than speaking when i spoke ..and in the end..told me, with a smile, that I had leadership qualities....I spoke long enough that a man of his wisdom and cognitive abilities could have made different observations and voiced them as well.....this possibility that he thinks less of me in particular is actually good for me....it tests any need to receive approval from him, i do not feel thati need his approval..I love him and I love him because it is right to do so...I also love my children, even when they err....God loved me all the times I erred...so who am i to offer an atom less?...I feel no need to contact him about this whole issue..if he was told something about me that is negative...that is his responsibility to determine whether I am a decent sort or not.

Maybe Rick is right..maybe someone wants to see this place fail....but the truest words came from Sunny....we need no one to reach Heaven but God and Jesus Christ..along the way however we can point to those that helped us..and one Roy Masters is one of those people. I consider myself one of his sons who lives in a far off place...and I will take what comes my way...it won't change what I know about myself deep deep down inside.

Subject: Rick

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Date Posted: 16:10:46 01/15/04 Thu


Roy does not mince words. He said he was too ill to check out the sites, and when he did, he didn't like what he found. He never said anyone informed him, he saw it for himself.

Subject: Hi Rick~

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Date Posted: 15:59:37 01/15/04 Thu

I know I need to hear that show again, and that his comments were at the first half-hour break, but I was so amazed that if he didn't say..."go to hell" in that moment, it was soemthing just like that, ya know. I think he did.

I emailed Roy last night and in that email I included the links to this forum, and a direct link he can click on, to the main discussion board. If it is meant to be he will do some reading himself, if he has not.

Whether it was merv or roybot's comments that Roy, or his source reported as insulting, does NOT make the "spirit of this board" insulting to Roy in any way, and that...seems Roy still doesn't seem aware of. well, least I ramble here, I will end this.
Subject: Go to Hell?

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 15:48:24 01/15/04 Thu

Sunny is right, Roy is being misinformed somehow. The comment he made about the founder of this board and those that follow him can "go to hell" for saying Roy is against free speech shows that he is being mislead. Al NEVER said such a thing. NOT ONCE. The closest I can find to any statement saying Roy was anti-free-speech was posted by Merv in which he was simply voicing his opinion and speculating why Roy might have closed his board.

"Merv Posted: 00:34:01 01/08/04 Thu

:If it was an open forum, Roy would be championing free speech and animosity would not be an issue. He is not. He doesn't like some of what is being written on the board evidently and that is why he took the board down".

Al never said anything remotely like this, just the opposite in fact. Look closely and you will see that Al was saying that Roy's board was left completely UN-moderated and by default allowed for way TOO MUCH free speech, even blatant anti-FHU stuff.

Something very devious is going on here in my opinion. We, who were scattered for years, brought together on the FHU board and re-scattered so abruptly as if we ALL did something wrong is very WRONG in itself. And now that we have found ourselves again and re-grouped and a lie is being perpetrated against Al and us, on the air, being told we can all go to hell for saying or agreeing that Roy is against free speech, is A LIE. Someone or something does not want this board to succeed, or us to be together and that something is based in untruth. Roy needs to be made aware of this. I have an idea. Stay tuned.
Subject: Hi Louise~

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Date Posted: 15:21:52 01/15/04 Thu

Ahh...thanks, gal! Well it is a shame Roy spoke as if it was the board founder or one of we regular supporters that thinks this.(I doubt it was) Oh well, we each answer to God alone, independent of all others.

NO board can be perfect for we humans aren't, yet. This certainly isn't reason to never meet together and share. Even our bible says to not forsake gathering together. This doesn't mean, as the church regulars think, that we must meet regularly, but we can if we wish and have our emotional interactions in check.
Subject: free speech

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Date Posted: 13:19:22 01/15/04 Thu

I did see it somewhere on these boards.
Conrad briefly mentioned it also. He was also referring to another board.
Paul mentioned that he saw it also on the message boards
"demise of the fhu"

Perhaps if you check further, you might come across it somewhere.

Subject: Not a single post here has been deleted by me...

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 08:47:07 01/15/04 Thu

down the road there is always the possibility that I may have to remove a post, but it will come with an explanation...but, again, as of this moment in time not a one has been taken down..or asked to be taken down.

Subject: Sunny

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Date Posted: 04:45:37 01/15/04 Thu


There was a post here somewhere on this board that said Roy doesn't like free speech, it may have been erased, not sure.

Subject: Louise, et al....

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Date Posted: 01:48:52 01/15/04 Thu

WHOA...this is unbelievable!! I exaggerate NOT!

I just listened to Roy's comments on today's show. First off, he did NOT say he found filth on his own site. He did say that he has his own internet service with AOL and that that may change soon, but he said that when he first got his AOL he checked out "the chat room," meaning AOL's chat room....and he said he found horrible filth..etc....very shocking.

He then said he got a chat room and discussion board at his own site, and finally checked on it, and that his own board has "dirty pictures and bickering." there it is, the specific reference to CA's pics. Hope she heard this from "the man!"

BUTTTT....then...he shocked me! He said someone has started another site with a discussion board, THIS PLACE...and that someone here says "Roy Masters doesn't like freedom of speech!"

WHAT?? who said that here? I have not read anyone doing so, but this precious man THINKS so! Is it here by one person and I missed it? it sure is NOT the "spirit of the board here!!!"

SO...is someone, some half blind person reading and reporting to him?? roy is bright and sharp...and I don't have a clue as to who said this, or if anyone did.

The ONLY critisms of Roy's old board that I see here are that it was NOT patrolled well, period, that is it! that is NOT an insult of the man, and it is the truth, as he himself indicated that it wasn't checked on for a time, and finally was, right? no? have I misunderstood??

I, like many of you, think the WORLD of this man, with true, genuine love and respect. He knows this when he has spoken to me, but wow...to haer this about this place.

Any and all thoughts appreciated. Al, if you need to delete this post here, please do, for space sake, and I will add it to the other place, too.

Sigh...I am shocked and puzzled. WHOMEVER has read here for Roy, or if roy has, sure as hell hasn't read this whole board, NOR did they read the whole board at his place, or they'd have seen the love, respect, light...truly some of the sharpest things posted that you could find in this world. You guys know this is the truth, but...

ROY...doesn't, not at this time, anyway!
Subject: Thanks again,Louise~

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Date Posted: 00:56:05 01/15/04 Thu

Oh wow, that is so very cool that he referred to something on this new board. I really think it cool that he, or some of his people are looking in. This board is great. Oh bummer, you appear to not recall what he referred to on here.

His day's replay online starts in five minutes, so I am about to get it started. He usually makes comments at the beginning, or the half hours when doing commercials for the website. I look forward to this and hope I don't miss that part.
Subject: Request

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 23:05:10 01/14/04 Wed

In the interest of saving some space and not making this page formidable to load...if your discourse goes past a couple of posts or more back and forth on a subject...kindly afford yourself of the opportunity to start a topic in the Discussion Board area and make it known to the general public that you are doing so ...that way if they have interest in your discussion they can follow and join in if so choosing. Thanks.
Subject: Paul / ALL

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 23:00:50 01/14/04 Wed

This is a good time to report that I emailed everyone with the exception of about four people...and Eric was one that I am assuming was on my list...I will recheck...if I can recognize his address I will do a follow up..yes indeed he is missed...


I set up a poll to ask you if you would like a new feature added to our site....
Subject: valetudo

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Date Posted: 22:57:29 01/14/04 Wed

Hi Valetudo

I have met many who study yoga and most are asleep and also think they speak from themselves.

By the way where did you get the expression forgive and be forgiven? . Was that an original statement?

Subject: BIg Al's assistance required...

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Date Posted: 22:55:40 01/14/04 Wed


I may be mistaken but we still seem to be missing KBeam's presence.

Have you let him know where this board is to be found?

Thanks Al.
Subject: Subject: I JUST SAW MARY!

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Date Posted: 22:48:49 01/14/04 Wed

Evan, I have no doubt some pople have had supernatural experiences from God (meeting angels, Jesus, etc) but I think the qualifier is if they are on a certian level.

Personally I have never had these apparitions, not being high enough up in the order of things, yet i have no doubt they do happen.

However I would also say a lot of the claimed appartitions from certain people are "made up" too - the clue to me is the meaninglessness of what the claimants say or the way they talk after the so-called encounter (saying nothing of any meaning).

To me messages form God are *never* without meaning - that is the giveaway as to the difference between the 2 types - the real and the phoney.

God always has something to say and it is never without meaning.....
Subject: FHU Board

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 22:46:19 01/14/04 Wed

Hi Valetudo...I pretty much summed up my thoughts once before and maybe we should really be dropping this in the FHU Board Demise topic, rather than fill this space up....the fact remains that you found it valid to speak about the issue...like many others before you have...and you *needed* a forum such as this to voice your views. And you wanted them to be heard. There were Roybots before the board and there will be Roybots after the board...The board in the final analysis wasn't set up to succeed..it was set up to fail....well intentions aside. And apparently Mr Master's felt it was easier to just say adios....I can appreciate that aspect to make his life simpler. But as I stated..the board was set up to eventually fail...well intentions aside.
Subject: Royboticism

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Date Posted: 22:09:09 01/14/04 Wed

I think that Roy was right to cancel the FHU discussion board for awhile.
Most of the post that I read were clothed in HIS language and wording; you guys need to come up with your own way of saying things. The basic message is clear: you can never develop the nature of Christ, if you do not understand the principle of " forgive us as we forgive".
I practice Yoga (heaven forbid,) but I do not go for the Eastern mysticism often associated with it; but as an exercise, it is excellent for health. I recognize the Buddha as a sage who has had his teachings perverted. Zen is very close to the Judeo/Christian meditation taught by Mr. Masters. Basically, you have to think for yourself and quit the Roybot mold.
Subject: chat room was mentioned on program today

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Date Posted: 21:17:35 01/14/04 Wed


I drew a blank on the name,(not used to useing it.
Tried it once, it was not for me.)
He also referred to something posted on this board.
He was really outspoken on the subject.
Subject: web tv

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Date Posted: 20:40:09 01/14/04 Wed

Subject: web tv

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Date Posted: 20:38:18 01/14/04 Wed

testing testing can web tv post here?
Subject: Hi Louise~

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Date Posted: 19:47:58 01/14/04 Wed

I hope to catch that show online tonight, if not on my local radio. I think for his own reputation he is making a wise call. I do however wonder "what section" he again referred to! I had looked at several threads the very day it went away, and no filth existed. That's a mighty strong word.

I wonder if the person that finally looked in wasn't Roy, but an employee, but then surely he doesn't have one that would exaggerate to such an extreme. So I have to assume there was some filth and that it was uh...added to some old thread that I had missed when absent. The way that program worked, if a thread wasn't used for an entire day, it wasn't listed where I usually acessed them. ANYWAY...I remain curious. Thanks for telling us about today's aired show.

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Date Posted: 18:46:30 01/14/04 Wed

Okay, I'm very curious at everyone's take of this. I've always been fascinated with what I thought to be false and ungodly apparitions of Mary.

However, in reading this article from www.beliefnet.com, I'm beginning to question whether the Catholic Church really is so full of fairy tales, and perhaps it is more the media trying to propogate the idea through individuals for their own gain.

Here is a quotation from the article:

"let the phenomenon take its course, observe it over a period time, give it leeway…to see how it plays out."

That was a statement on the Catholic position of Mary apparitions and how to 'test' them.

The entire article can be read here:



In Christ,

P.S. Actually, my step-father told me that he thought he heard something from the FHU saying something about a man from Europe who had had a legitimate (according to FHU) encounter with the Godly of some kind.
Subject: FHU Boards down for good?

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Date Posted: 12:55:08 01/14/04 Wed

I am not sure if Roy's program this morning was archived or not, but in it he said the message boards are down for good.
What a shame grown people would fall to
such a low state as he described on the section he was describing (forgot what it is called) I don't even know why that was a part of the fhu, for others than fhu menbers look for those sick places to post.
I do not believe any of the true meditors of the fhu were involved in that filth.
Subject: webtv user

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Date Posted: 10:59:15 01/14/04 Wed

I'm using a webtv right now and am able to post on this section.
The proof is in the pudding.

To the webtv user I would like to suggest a computer also. I have one and use the computer for things the webtv can't do such as java. Webtv has a good deal. we can use two for the price, and less than you are paying for the webtv alone.

Just a thought

Subject: webtv user

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Date Posted: 10:56:41 01/14/04 Wed

I'm using a webtv right now and am able to post on this section.
The proof is in the pudding.

To the webtv user I would like to suggest a computer also. I have one and use the computer for things the webtv can't do such as java. Webtv has a good deal. we can use two for the price, and less than you are paying for the webtv alone.

Just a thought

Subject: Free Speech on this Board

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 10:30:35 01/14/04 Wed

Hi Conrad, I hear your concern about free speech on this board. In general I agree but let me say this as well about "free speech". Every organization of like-minded people across the world have rudimentary governance at least. There has to be or there would be chaos. Republicans do not allow participation of Democrats into thier conventions and vice-versa as one example. Boyscouts do not allow Hitler Youth to speak at thier meetings. There are discussion boards in the 100's of 1000's for discussing whatever your particular thing is. There are even several anti-FHU sites out there for those who hate what it stands for. But if folks wish to come to this board with honest and sincere questions regarding the FHU and/or Christianity, and have the abilty to be agreeable in thier disagreement about some or all of it then I see no problem with such "free speech". Those can sometimes make for some of the more valuable discussions in my opinion. And I can tell you there are some already here fitting that category. If on the other hand folks come here to denigrate, harass, or disrupt the board for no other reason but for the thrill of it or because they have an agenda contrary to the purpose of the board to push, then this board, and any such board, has all the right in the world to eject such people. Imagine me going to the greenpeace board and promoting eating whale meat while they are all working hard to save the whales. How long would they put up with me if I am into constant day after day contiuous personal attacks or agenda pushing in the process? Any reasonable person would have to agree that they have every right to eject me. Even free speech has to have its limits based upon common sense.
Subject: Dave / Moderation

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 09:14:13 01/14/04 Wed

Hopefully we do a job worth respecting.
Subject: Sandra

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 08:56:18 01/14/04 Wed

If you do not get a response here ....may I suggest that you contact him directly....it is your motive that counts, and I cannot imagine Emmanuel being any less than extremely grateful that you cared enough to offer him help, which is obvious that you do.
Subject: Board Moderator

Dave J
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Date Posted: 08:00:56 01/14/04 Wed


I'd like to weigh in on the subject of moderators. I'm new to this board and I appreciate the positive input I see. I would rather err on the side of being conservative than seeing this become a dumping ground for people who feel a need to vent.


Subject: Emmanuel Ill?

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Date Posted: 00:25:19 01/14/04 Wed

Does anyone know how ill Emmanuel is?
Roy mentioned it on his last show.
I'm not sure if what he has is private.
But if anyone knows him personally it
might be helpful to find out if he is
dealing with something for which he needs
resources or referrals for good medical care.
In certain specialty areas I know of some
good doctors.
Subject: Conrad

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 23:08:41 01/13/04 Tue

Conrad, where are we going with this?

Subject: free speech

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Date Posted: 22:54:26 01/13/04 Tue

I have been reading the comments on controlling free speech on the site with some interest.

I was on another Roy Master's list at yahoo groups where the list moderator took great offense to anything that might be considered even the slightest bit negative about FHU or Roy. He was very accusatory as well. I think people like that are trying to play their own version of Roy's best friend or something to that effect. I, or course quit the list.

I would hate to see that controlling, manipulative Roybot approach creep in here.

By the way, that moderator is contributing to this particular list while still running his own at yahoo.

Let's keep it open and keep our "tough love to ourselves."

Thanks for doing what you guys are doing so well!
Subject: Louise / Question

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 22:40:20 01/13/04 Tue

Another fellow has mentioned to me that he, as a WEB-TV user, can not post in this forum..but he *CAN* post in the "LINK TO DISCUSSION" area where there are more topics...you are obviously able to post here...are you still on WEB-TV?

Subject: milk

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Date Posted: 22:35:44 01/13/04 Tue

At your age, it would be best if you left out the sugar and tea and just drank the milk.
Subject: What About Tea? WHERE'S MY TEA?!?!

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Date Posted: 20:59:41 01/13/04 Tue

Well, funny topic. I just started drinking tea with my family. Only I'm the English counterpart, using some sugar and a little milk, MMM. You could say it's probably not good for me, because I'll become accultured to it and start living off of it. NOW WHERE'S MY TEA?!?!?!
Subject: Hi Louise~

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Date Posted: 20:01:15 01/13/04 Tue

LOL well, I opted out of coffee for hot, black tea years ago, thinking it healthier, but I will keep in mind that even coffee, I vaguely recall hearing, has some health benefit for the heart.

Yes m'am, I understand your point, a suggestion we all check ourselves. thanks~
Subject: fhu

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Date Posted: 13:46:18 01/13/04 Tue

hi everyone, thanks for pulling me on board!!
Subject: you are all here!

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Date Posted: 13:36:20 01/13/04 Tue

hi everyone!thanks for pulling me on board! its great to be with the program again.!!
Subject: sunny

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Date Posted: 12:34:13 01/13/04 Tue


You can't possibly claim to know that most posts are tainted with self-righteousness. It remains true that if Roy were to have NEVER spoken on the radio, and written much of what he says on his own forum, you & everyone of us would think he sounded sinfully self-righteous in those posts! The written word is the problem, and as for knowing when to speak up to people and when not, of course most of us don't go around correcting the world, the way we do on forum. The forums are FOR this. If a person doesn't come there and share, ASKING for everyone's opinions, WHAT are they/we posting for? just to read ourselves in print? of course not...and every publicly made post carries an implied consent to replies. If those replies are void of correction, then we have a coffee clatch and nothing more.


So what's wrong with coffee? LOL

The point of my post was to look at that the part of us that is correcting others out of a self righteous spirit whether we are posting or not..

Subject: THANK YOU......

Nancy Williams
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Date Posted: 01:47:38 01/13/04 Tue

Dear Mr.Al...I would like to commend you on a Great Job.
I believe the Site is coming along just as life flows, and
I will look at it often.
Sincerely, Nancy
Subject: Hi Louise~

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Date Posted: 01:26:09 01/13/04 Tue

Hi gal! glad to see you posting & not just reading.

You said "There is such a sin as self righteousness and most outspokeness is tainted with it.
As far as going around "telling the truth to everyone" God tells us to first take the mote out of our eyes and Roy is the best example I can think of who has reached that state of awareness. There is a time to speak and a time to be quiet when dealing with neighbors and those who have no understanding. And to be right with God, we had better know the difference."

You can't possibly claim to know that most posts are tainted with self-righteousness. It remains true that if Roy were to have NEVER spoken on the radio, and written much of what he says on his own forum, you & everyone of us would think he sounded sinfully self-righteous in those posts! The written word is the problem, and as for knowing when to speak up to people and when not, of course most of us don't go around correcting the world, the way we do on forum. The forums are FOR this. If a person doesn't come there and share, ASKING for everyone's opinions, WHAT are they/we posting for? just to read ourselves in print? of course not...and every publicly made post carries an implied consent to replies. If those replies are void of correction, then we have a coffee clatch and nothing more.
Subject: speaking out

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Date Posted: 20:58:17 01/12/04 Mon

Louise: There is such a sin as self righteousness and most outspokeness is tainted with it.
As far as going around "telling the truth to everyone" God tells us to first take the mote out of our eyes and Roy is the best example I can think of who has reached that state of awareness. There is a time to speak and a time to be quiet when dealing with neighbors and those who have no understanding. And to be right with God, we had better know the difference.

Merv: This is a true statement. There are times and places where the spirit moves you to speak out. If you do not have contact with the Spirit, it won't be natural to do, the timing will be wrong, and it won't be right. If you operate by rules, such at the rule that says you should always speak out, you will not be right. You may take pride in being outspoken. That is a sign that you are not doing it right. Don't let your left hand know what your right is doing.

Merv: Being silent while the world goes to pot is not right either. That is what most people seem to do and the world is a mess because of it.
Subject: Hi Paul!

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Date Posted: 16:07:36 01/12/04 Mon

I am very glad you found this place. You said it better than I, per the subject you replied to me about. By suggesting we are hypocrites for correcting another from our imperfection, or by correcting another, REMINDING them we, they and ourselves, are doing something wrong, is a ploy to keep us silent, making us partners in the crime, so to speak.

It is Monday and this housewife has much to do, so I hope to peek in later, and spend a bit more time.

God bless~
Subject: self righteousness

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Date Posted: 15:38:13 01/12/04 Mon

There is such a sin as self righteousness and most outspokeness is tainted with it.
As far as going around "telling the truth to everyone" God tells us to first take the mote out of our eyes and Roy is the best example I can think of who has reached that state of awareness. There is a time to speak and a time to be quiet when dealing with neighbors and those who have no understanding. And to be right with God, we had better know the difference.

Subject: Hey Paul!

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Date Posted: 15:06:15 01/12/04 Mon

Hmm, I'll consider that, thanks. Very cool that you're here. Now after we maybe find Marlene and some others the place will be practically filled. However, I suppose some might not make it.

As to the profanity. What was that anyway? Naked angels? Also, if they were the same pictures I saw, they weren't very angelic, more like sensual babies (EWWW).
Subject: Response To Sunny

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Date Posted: 14:41:18 01/12/04 Mon

"I have felt so unworthy to post many of my insights because I felt like a hypocrite at times My point is that I often have written insights and thoughts of mine that were about things I have not mastered"

Sunny, one of the tactics of evil (and evil people) which you've probably encountered is to say "Well, look see? You're not perfect over there so you have no right to tell me I am wrong over here!"

Don't buy that Sunny. Not for a second. It's a load of phoney baloney from people who have the very worst of intentions.

So you're not perfect. Well neither am I. I still have my flaws, problems and character weaknesses which have to be dealt with, just like anybody else. But that does not stop me speaking up.

When you speak up YOU become a better person whether you help others or not. If there was no other reason, that would be reason enough because you have chosen not to side with "the world" or the fallen nature inside of you by opposing the fallen nature outside of you. So you become a better person (closer to the light by being more obedient).

When you do that, you might shake or tremble because you are annihilating something that has made a home in you and freeing yourself of it bit by bit. So evil has a vested interest in shutting you up (so it can survive in you) : that is it's agenda and the spiritual war that is being waged regardless of the mooted reasons.

The wrong person does not want anyone rocking their boat: it is not enough that they can be wrong, they must have nobody being right either. So they find fault with you and with the truth deliberately - any way they can.

Better that you, being halfway right, have your say, than they - being totally wrong - have theirs: because at least you have the right intent and you are moving in the right direction. They don't (and aren't) and they have no intention of doing so.

They want the worst for everybody, as though that is "a solution". As though making everyone equally wrong will make everyone "right" (like the Communists believe). As though the lowest common denominator is the best for everybody, right or wrong.

These people are truth-haters, Sunny, make no mistake about it. They hate your guts. You are in a war zone and it is "take no prisoners", even if the war is not overtly declared.

If they could kill you they would, and they will use ANY means to try and debilitate and destroy you, quite intentionally, because of what you represent. You will see that from time to time as they claim the best of motives and fault you on what they claim to be 'moral grounds'. Then when they are guilty of exactly the same thing they faulted you for (or worse), they will insist that that is OK because *they* are the ones doing it. Such is their sociopathic standard of right and wrong, wrong exists only for others, never for them. In other words, they are just using morality to serve their agenda, as they use anything else. They have no real interest in what is right.

These are ruthless people you are dealing with Sunny. They hate the nature God has put in you, but most of all they hate that you have something they cannot have. That is the breathtaking extent of their arrogance and their selfishness.

In their view they should have everything and you should have nothing, because they believe in their heart of hearts that they are superior and that they are the be-all and the end-all of existence and everyone and everything exists only to serve them. They will therefore use and betray anybody and everybody without a hint of conscience or regret as they believe that being "god" entitles them to do. It is an incredible mindest to witness. I have a sister like that so I know about it from experience.

The insanity of such people is they can't see that their own incredible arrogance and mad ego is the very reason they can't have what you have. They reject God to be their own God yet they resent him "punishing" them for that by denying them his nature - the nature they themselves rejected when they deliberately rejected him !! So it is no wonder they can't have it !! Yet do you think they can see that?

These people want to be God with everyone paying obeisance to them only so they resent the reality you represent staring them in the face every time they see you : there must be no other Gods and no other alternatives except them. The very thought of any other God or serving anything other than themselves is anathema to them, so they must hate you and try to destroy your contrast. They are would-be dictators in the making, yet they are not as smart as Stalin or Hitler so their kingdoms are small. You will find them in various workplaces and government positions misuing what power and authority they have to try and rule others. They will find no rest and they will never be happy no matter what they do or how many people they lord it over: there is no happiness that way, it's just a chain gang of misery. Serves them right.

So that is what you are dealing with. It is pure wickedness the game these people are playing, straight from the depths of hell.

The real reason they don't want you to speak up is to bring you over to their side of the force, and down to their level so you are worse off and can be ruled by them. Don't buy their act. These people have total contempt for you because you do not serve them. And if you did, they'd still have hate and contempt for you anyway. That is their agenda - and their insanity.

Of course we're not perfect. What would be the point of life if we were perfect straight out of the womb? There would be no place to go if we were. We couldn't grow or learn. We would be wasting our time.

So, of course we are on a journey, not perfect but getting there. That is the whole point of life.

So don't let anybody tell you you can't speak up because "you're not perfect" yet. It's a big lie.

You will note that strangely enough they insist THEY have the right to speak up and they never hesitate when it's them : apparently that right does not extend to you. That's their hypocrisy - and their contradiction. It's all about intent.
Subject: Response to Enquiring Mind

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Date Posted: 13:39:48 01/12/04 Mon

"Our problems begin when we try to solve our own problems(playing God) instead of seeking understanding."

Exactly. You can't solve your own problems anyway (I never could). You might spend years finding this out (as we all have) by stubbornly trying your own "solutions" over and over again, as though you have the answer. But no matter what you do none of your solutions work, because the problem lies in your nature, not in the symptoms (or the problem itself).

Sooner or later you will be FORCED to see the humbling, humiliating truth about yourself and your futile efforts to fix things using your own "mighty power". That is the moment of truth which determines your fate (and separates the wheat from the chaff) because some people cannot abide admitting there is a God has all the answers and they don't or they are answerable to something greater than themselves: these are the egomaniacs who don't care about right, wrong or that anything higher than themselves, they just want their way - as though that is the whole point of life, and nothing more. Such are the minions of hell, doomed to extinction.....

But those of us who can admit we're sorry and we got it wrong (often *deliberately* wrong) can be brought back into the fold because we can say. "God, you have the answer: I don't and I am sorry for thinking I did". The pain of that is worth it, e.m. - it's really a small price to pay to find something worthwhile (probably the *only* thing that *is* worthwhile and actually works). The only thing that is in pain is your false self anyway (your ego).

"Now my question is: If you just observe the addiction,
what is it you are supposed to understand?"
That you preferred your way over God's way (you made a wrong choice). That you don't have any of the answers (let alone all of them). That you secretly thought in your heart of hearts that the law did not apply to you (you could get away with it). That instead of 'getting' the message the pain was trying to convey to you, you preferred to block it out and not listen. And that you NEED God if you are ever going to make it "all work" or find your way out of this mess.

If you can admit that (and we're all as guilty as anybody else and have gone through the same process) then you are on your way, heading in the right direction.

Don't resent the suffering, we all deserve it really, because of the choice we made - *choosing* our own way over God's way at some point or other, quite consciously. Think back over your own life and there is a point where you've done that - we all do - so there is really no excuse.

"Are you suppose to see what caused the addiction"
Yes. But the most important thing is WHY you fell : Roy put it beautifully on a show the other day "you should be glad this person took you for all you got, because you learnt something about yourself and your character weakness, so you actually gained from the whole experience if you can see that" (not his exact words, but words to that effect). So the system works !

It's the same with addiction : there has to be something IN YOU willing to receive it (the drug, the food, whatever)for you to be an addict : that weakness is what you need to see. God wants those character flaws and weaknesses addressed before you die. OK, so you're not perfect, but you should be moving in that direction...

"and understand the things leading up to the addiction?"
Same as above : if it was trauma that was "the cause", then granted you need to see what other people did to you which caused you to be the way you were (or are). But in either case (trauma or selfish addiction) what you need to look at more than that is what IN YOU caused you to fall. Without that you could not be made an addict. I have never smoked a cigarette or taken drugs in my life and you could not make me, because I don't have it IN ME to want such things : they are of not interest to me whatsoever).

This "cause" in you is what needs correction, not other people or things. You can't fix them anyway, and "fixing" them won't fix you either. So look to correcting (or allowing to be corrected) what is wrong with you.

Then no matter what anyone does to you (right or wrong), you become a better person - they can't hurt you, not really. In other words, evil can be made to serve good.

And as a bonus you get to watch it become frustrated and burn as it is made to serve good contrary to it's wicked intent. That is one of the few ways you can strike back legitimately at evil. Make it burn, as Roy says.

Subject: Here I Yam

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Date Posted: 12:03:09 01/12/04 Mon

As Cary Grant said "Well Here I Yam"....

Seems the same thoughts which went thru my mind Jan 1st also went through Al's...a bit uncanny really.

It's nice to see that those who had an agenda to shut down the truth by purposely abusing Roy's board (by posting inappropriate material and using profanity) failed to silence us. Let them gnash their teeth and wail in the outer darkness like the Liberals.

Evan, I heard the Roy comment on Martin Luther and it was straight to the point as always (although maybe after the nailing to the door Luther veered off into intellectualism and by-the-booik rigidity).

By the way, the movie "Cromwell" (often shown on History channel) makes a similar point: Oliver Cromwell goes into a church and smashes all the idols and jewelled paraphenalia in front of the congregation (he's a Protestant making the same point). It's a neat movie for a lot of other reasons too.

Trying to do what is right, Cromwell is betrayed from within and from without by underminers, snakes and parasites and has to deal with those who try to co-opt his "rule by the people" mission by making him a King - a tactic he nobly and forcefully rebutts. It's one of those movies where you get more out of it and see more the second or third time you see it. I recommend it.

I agree with Al's comments on the board but respect Roy's right to "take away the target" - after all it is his board.

Sunny too, confirmed the thoughts I had about the need to speak up where we can : it's a necessity.

Personally I had (and have) no hatred for Setfree, Lonelyguide, Timewind or Phoenix, but the ideas and assertions they were making could not be allowed to go on unchallenged - basically I could see that they were trying the same "co-option" tactic referred to above to legitimise themselves and their "nothing and nobody is wrong" New Age belief system, much like the homosexuals try with their same-sex propaganda (lies stated as fact). So I had to speak up to that, or face some pain from God for my sin of omission. We are not meant to be mute witnesses.
Subject: Rhonda

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 09:05:09 01/12/04 Mon

Paul should have received an email about this board within the last 9 hours....assuming his email address is still valid...hope for the best. - AL
Subject: Webmaster Jim

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Date Posted: 06:11:48 01/12/04 Mon

Evan, EVERYBODY misses Paul. I don't know of anyone that has his address.
So people if you ever see him in a chat room be sure to give him this site.>>

I wonder if Webmaster Jim has Paul's e-mail address and could tell him where we are. There's never anyone in the chat room when I try to go in there.

Subject: I go, I come back

Nick (UK)
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Date Posted: 05:02:23 01/12/04 Mon

Hi folks. Having been thrown off now two forums it is nice to return to a non liberal,non PC environ.Can't think why anyone would want to proscribe me...
Subject: Re-contacting members

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 19:48:16 01/11/04 Sun

This is being worked on in earnest and should be completed in the next 24 hours. - AL
Subject: working on it :)

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 19:18:40 01/11/04 Sun

i think i have it...just sent an email to the address that i suspect to be his....
Subject: Where is he?

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Date Posted: 17:30:13 01/11/04 Sun

Evan, EVERYBODY misses Paul. I don't know of anyone that has his address.
So people if you ever see him in a chat room be sure to give him this site.
Subject: Now Where is He?

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Date Posted: 15:57:53 01/11/04 Sun

Yes, I could be talking about Christ, but I don't think I'll inquire that again ;-). Where is Paul? Has anyone invited him? I thought he was a great member of the former board, and had some nice dialogue with the guy.

Give me the down low. :-)
Subject: Workplace Pressure. The payoff

Enquiring Mind
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Date Posted: 13:01:42 01/11/04 Sun

Thanks so much for your enlightening responses. I've been
looking deeply at this problem. One of the things the
managment does to manipulate us is to bring in food:
Donuts etc, especially when they're getting ready to give
us even more work.

Another observation: our staff consists of a majority
of people who are 1st generation Asians. They are extremely happy to have a job(which I can understand). But
they will put up with anything because 1) from a cultural
standpoint,"you don't speak up to management".And 2) somehow they view working together and experiencing pain together is "being family" .

I've asked them about this and they admit: in their
respective countries it's not unusual for people to
work 6 days per week. And in regard to this attitude
that "we are family" some of the insights I've received
is: Well we're here 8 hrs or more per day and besides
I don't like being at home( in many of their families
there are many other relatives living at home)

Please understand me: Not all "asians" are this way. But
I explored this concept from a cultural viewpoint with

One of the things I find interesting is how much family
life and culture plays in attitudes toward work. And
how people can exploit this.

Anyway you guys have been great in your responses and
I know I've got to understand and realize how important
it is to give up resentment and work at my own pace.

Subject: Workplace Pressure

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Date Posted: 11:11:02 01/11/04 Sun

The management knows exactly what its doing by setting unrealistic quotas and exploiting the weaker workers into skiping lunch and breaks. They are also making you (and others) resentful and they are well aware of that, and want you to hate their guts. Why? Because that way you become guilty and have a weakened moral stance toward them and they can more easily control you. That's the way they operate and they like it that way. I think you should look for another job and in the mean time just do what is a reasonable days work, and by all means take a lunch break. Don't let them make you affraid, there are other employers who will be interested in a good worker like you. Just start looing around and don't jump from one bad job to another, wait for the good one. Before you leave tell the lunch skipers that they should get some guts and leave too, after all do you want to make those crumbs rich?
Subject: Problem with authority at work

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Date Posted: 10:10:38 01/11/04 Sun

I have a problem at work with authority figures
who pressure. My work involves processing
documents daily; the management sets unrealistic
objectives. Those who don't keep up are shamed(often
management uses passive aggressive techniques such
as giving your work to someone else to complete.
To make matters worst: there are those who work through
all lunch hours and breaks. These same people are
afraid to tell management how frustrated they are.

I need a way to look at my work so I don't get frustrated
with the atmosphere. The job isn't so bad just the
management style and the ambitious people.


Merv: As far as their techniques to manipulate you and ambitious people you only have to learn not to resent it and to move at a speed that you can handle.....as fast as you can without losing your center.

Merv: It has been a long time since I have been there, but I never found an easy way to handle that. If you don't move fast enough, they may fire you, or they may not. IF you work faster then you can handle, you will be out of your center and you will very likely be angry, and that will cause you problems. Someday it would be good to find a way to work for yourself.
Subject: Problem with authorities and pressure at work

Enquiring Mind
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Date Posted: 22:18:22 01/10/04 Sat

I have a problem at work with authority figures
who pressure. My work involves processing
documents daily; the management sets unrealistic
objectives. Those who don't keep up are shamed(often
management uses passive aggressive techniques such
as giving your work to someone else to complete.
To make matters worst: there are those who work through
all lunch hours and breaks. These same people are
afraid to tell management how frustrated they are.

I need a way to look at my work so I don't get frustrated
with the atmosphere. The job isn't so bad just the
management style and the ambitious people.
Subject: Drug compulsion

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Date Posted: 20:54:17 01/10/04 Sat

In "How to conquer negative emotions" there is a chapter
which deals with acknowledging that your problems are
compulsions. We don't make choices to do things but we
are compelled to do things. Our problems begin when we
try to solve our own problems(playing God) instead of
seeking understanding.

So let's put this into context of a person who has a
drug problem. When you see you are addicted you shouldn't
struggle to overcome the addiction. But just see you are
under a compulsion.

Now my question is: If you just observe the addiction,
what is it you are suppose to understand? Are you suppose
to seek what caused the addiction and understand the
things leading up to the addiction?

Merv: When you see that the drugs are preventing you from growing and you want to grow, they will give you up. The suffering or conflict that the drugs are covering has to be seen for what it is in order for it to be resolved. This cannot happen if you are escaping from it. In other words, awareness is needed to resolve the problem. Drugs defeat awareness. Which do you want?
Subject: drug addiction~

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Date Posted: 15:54:07 01/10/04 Sat

You got it! you are supposed to stand back from your emotions and see what you are in pain about, what it is that is making you need drugs to avoid looking at. You are looking to see what came before the desire for drugs, to make you want to ESCAPE.

Whatever a drug addict is escaping can be looked at anew, and the FEELINGS about it can change. If a person was emotionally abused while a child, that is history and no one can erase the past, but how the person FEELS about the memories can change.
Subject: Problems as compulsions

Enquiring Mind
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Date Posted: 15:04:34 01/10/04 Sat

In "How to conquer negative emotions" there is a chapter
which deals with acknowledging that your problems are
compulsions. We don't make choices to do things but we
are compelled to do things. Our problems begin when we
try to solve our own problems(playing God) instead of
seeking understanding.

So let's put this into context of a person who has a
drug problem. When you see you are addicted you shouldn't
struggle to overcome the addiction. But just see you are
under a compulsion.

Now my question is: If you just observe the addiction,
what is it you are suppose to understand? Are you suppose
to seek what caused the addiction and understand the
things leading up to the addiction?
Subject: Imposter!

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 09:52:15 01/10/04 Sat

Gee, Rick, who did you meet? I was home all night...thankfully, I am in a room with a high ceiling and a wide floor plan....because my head is now so big that it needed the room lol... Ok kidding aside...it was great to meet you as well. It is always a blessing to meet another meditator. Especially someone who has some intelligence behind the eyes. So many people that we run into during the day are empty and devoid of sincere thought. That IS one of the blessings of the WWW/Internet....people that one would never know...CAN be known.

PS you were shortchanged on the bill :)
as well

PPS I dont think I am a toughy guy at all.
Subject: Rules for the Board

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Date Posted: 23:16:38 01/09/04 Fri

Rick: Merv: Do you think that simple but clearly spelled out rules would help?

Merv: My opinion is that there is a problem with too many rules. It tends to stifle communication. I would just say no profanity and no malicious attacks. It hasn't really been much of a problem on my list. Once in a while someone comes on and does something obviously strange or overboard and the moderator can deal with it by telling the person they are out of line. That might take care of it. If they don't stop then you can warn them or take them off. It is really pretty easy.

Merv: If we were a part of Roy's site the rules might have to be different. I don't know what Roy wants. If he wants the discussion to be severely limited, it may not belong on the website because there is usually some arguing or different views on message boards and I think that is normal. It would take a lot of moderating to keep that from happening. It may be that the Foundation does not want to spend too much time watching what goes on. I don't really know what is going on there.
Subject: Re:

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Date Posted: 23:09:21 01/09/04 Fri

Rick, that's great! I'm glad to hear it went well. Did you guys get together to discuss things and etc.?
Subject: hello!!!!

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Date Posted: 22:28:42 01/09/04 Fri

hi everyone......great to be back posting with you!!!!! Well I have not much time...but there will be a posting up from me soon!!!!!!! Thanks to Al Fulchino for filling me in to the new site, and thanks for the advice!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: hello!!!!

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Date Posted: 22:27:04 01/09/04 Fri

hi everyone......great to be back posting with you!!!!! Well I have not much time...but there will be a posting up from me soon!!!!!!! Thanks to Al Fulchino for filling me in to the new site, and thanks for the advice!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Tonight in New England

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 20:44:45 01/09/04 Fri

To anyone who might like to know. Tonight Al and I finally met and had dinner together. As many of you may know this meeting has been a long time coming but I have to tell you it was worth the wait. I come away with a new appreciation and understanding of who Al Fulchino is. Turns out he's a regular guy, a real American, an honest, hardworking American with love of Truth, the principles of the FHU and eyes that twinkle merrily with an easy smile. And yes, he has that trademark tough side as we all know but he also has a teddy bear side, the ability and sensitivity to take a moment to acknowlege and thank the table servers who brought our food. That alone spoke volumes to me. I am grateful to have met him face to face and hope to do so again, soon.

Evan: You are right, it is not available. Sometimes that happens when a server goes down or something like that. Try again in the next day or two. If it still doesn't work by then I'm sure the office would appreciate knowing about it. The 800# is on the front page as you know.

Merv: Do you think that simple but clearly spelled out rules would help?
Subject: Re:

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Date Posted: 19:41:33 01/09/04 Fri

Rick, programs K3130 and K3131 are not available. Please try them and see what happens. It should take you to a dead end.
Subject: Program number 3130 and 3131

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 09:09:43 01/09/04 Fri

Hi Evan, These programs are now located on the subscriber side under archived shows.
Subject: What did he say?

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Date Posted: 23:25:17 01/08/04 Thu

Program number 3130 and 3131 are not available to listen to for some reason. Can anyone tell me what he said about the discussion board? Thanks!
Subject: discussion board

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Date Posted: 21:22:26 01/08/04 Thu

Rick Wrote:
Me: Hi Merv, Glad to see you here. You make some interesting points and I understand where you are coming from but in response to the above statement let me just say this. Even the most exclusive County Clubs in the world have rules that the paying members MUST observe or lose the PRIVILEGE of being a member. MONEY BACK does not apply when the error is knowing violation of the rules. Seems to me that a website, list or discussion board could do exactly the same thing. The onus is on the member NOT the board for gross violation of the rules.

Hi Rick,

Thanks for replying. I agree with you but the error will not be so easy to determine with a message board. You will see a hostile remark and the person will be replying to what they consider to be another hostile remark which the first person did not think was hostile but corrective. You can't really ban hostile remarks so easily. You can ban profanity or repetitive bad will harassing or rudeness but those must be determined by the moderator and this does create some conflict between the board moderator and some of it's mambers. I didn't see that much of this on the web board but it seems it was enough to cause Roy to want to get rid of the problem.

Rick: In reference to bashing. I think that people SHOULD correct others but it should never include insulting name calling as opposed to plain spokeness. This is a difficult subject to get consensus on as there are plenty of different understandings of the difference between the two, and as you and Sunny have said, it is difficult enough to correct someone through written word without benefit of seeing a facial expression, so anything but plain spokeness, IMO, often helps to create an enemy where that intention was otherwise.

Merv: I agree with you. What is "tough love" on a message board? Isn't it the appearance of hostility...an insulting or degrading remark designed to get a reaction? The person will not see any love there at all. They will just reply in kind and it will evolve.

Merv: Honestly I don't know what Roy expected with the message board. When you have over 800 people signed up on a discussion board, there is going to be some trouble. You can count on it. We don't have a membership of over 800 angels out there. If you let one person be rude or insulting to another, the receiver is going to want to return it in kind. If Roy does not want any of this, the discussion board is out of place on the website and should be private as this one is. It is really up to Roy what he wants for the website. It is his website.
Subject: Lutheran Church

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Date Posted: 21:09:29 01/08/04 Thu

Alo! Roy just mentioned Martin Luther and his nailing the 99 theses to the door of the Roman Cathedral on his radio station! Awesome! I think he was a bit misinformed, because Martin didn't exactly abolish the concept of verses and chapters, but Roy is right, he was the start in a righter as opposed to wronger direction, if you will.>>

That's so true Evan about scripture in the Lutheran Church. In fact, scripture is very important to the Lutheran Church. It's a cornerstone of their faith. They also rely heavily on The Book of Concord in addition to writings of Luther but they have high regard for scripture.

Subject: Discussion board

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Date Posted: 21:01:56 01/08/04 Thu

Hi Merv thanks for the comments. I will have to leave you with these final words, since I believe much more from me is beating a dead horse, I made and stand by my beliefs. So with that, I must conclude that I have not called the FHU..to plead any restoration for the board...and the reason is this...discussion whether on a board, on the radio, on the tv face to face will always have its combatitive phases....and in the end all the naysayers (even though they do not mean to be negative) tend to focus ONLY on the negative aspects...even in our discussion (yours and mine) note that you have not brought up and emphasized what the positive aspects were and always will be...the gist of your message about why to remove a board is the negative aspects. Their are ten reasons to keep discussion going for every one to remove it.

Hi Al,

Yes...true. I was just making an argument on the negative aspects regarding the website and the board. I think it is good to have the message boards and the mailing lists so we can communicate with people we have something major in common with.

Roy was not happy with the message board and he mentioned animosity, profanity and I think obscenity. I did not see much of that on the board so I wondered why he doesn't seem to want it. I have not been on the board much lately before it went down but I didn't see much of what Roy spoke of on there.

I don't know for sure of course why he does not seem too enthusiastic about it so I am kind of guessing but I do see problems for the website with it.

I have no problem with being outspoken. It only seems to be a problem when it gets too insulting or appears to be coming from a hostile place, which to some is "tough love". That just brings on more of the same.

Thanks for your input.

Can you tell me the negative aspects for Roy to continue on the readio? You know there are safety issues with him spreading his message....I think you see my point.

Anyway, I could do a whole speech on this or better..and for the sake of practicality I will end it here, if you write back on this, then you deserve the last word.

( i will copy this in the "fhu demise" topic where it is more appropos, thanks again...because you have actually further educated me)

Subject: Reply
Subject: Discussion Board

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 10:47:37 01/08/04 Thu

Merv said: "There are serious problem with having a disccusion group on the website. If the members pay money to be on the website, how can you ban them from using the discussion group? If you can't ban them or moderate what goes in, you can't control it at all...When you ban a paying member or stop his posts from going in, you are going to create an enemy who wants his money back. That is fine but it is still a problem."

Me: Hi Merv, Glad to see you here. You make some interesting points and I understand where you are coming from but in response to the above statement let me just say this. Even the most exclusive County Clubs in the world have rules that the paying members MUST observe or lose the PRIVILEGE of being a member. MONEY BACK does not apply when the error is knowing violation of the rules. Seems to me that a website, list or discussion board could do exactly the same thing. The onus is on the member NOT the board for gross violation of the rules.

In reference to bashing. I think that people SHOULD correct others but it should never include insulting name calling as opposed to plain spokeness. This is a difficult subject to get consensus on as there are plenty of different understandings of the difference between the two, and as you and Sunny have said, it is difficult enough to correct someone through written word without benefit of seeing a facial expression, so anything but plain spokeness, IMO, often helps to create an enemy where that intention was otherwise.

Example: You might say to someone in a response "I think that you are female in the way you are responding to your wife, you're a wimp and you need to learn to stand up to her like a man or there will never be peace in your home" which I think is plain spoken, but said like this "You, my limpwristed friend, have no peace in your home because you are a weak widdle female and you're never gonna be a man and will always remain a sniveling little wimp until you stand up to her". is more than plain spoken, it has ego stuff added into the truth. The first statement is fair and just and the hearer has little room to judge the sayer of it because he would have to manufacture excuses to ignore it. The second way contains extraneous and insulting words that give the hearer plenty of excuses to sieze upon and judge the sayer. By focusing on the extraneous words he is given an opening to avoid looking at the truth contained in the statement. Correction should be impersonally plain spoken with simple truth and facts. Anything else is sin in my opinion and defeats the purpose of the correction.
Subject: Merv

Al Fulchino
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Date Posted: 08:17:08 01/08/04 Thu

Hi Merv thanks for the comments. I will have to leave you with these final words, since I believe much more from me is beating a dead horse, I made and stand by my beliefs. So with that, I must conclude that I have not called the FHU..to plead any restoration for the board...and the reason is this...discussion whether on a board, on the radio, on the tv face to face will always have its combatitive phases....and in the end all the naysayers (even though they do not mean to be negative) tend to focus ONLY on the negative aspects...even in our discussion (yours and mine) note that you have not brought up and emphasized what the positive aspects were and always will be...the gist of your message about why to remove a board is the negative aspects. Their are ten reasons to keep discussion going for every one to remove it.

Can you tell me the negative aspects for Roy to continue on the readio? You know there are safety issues with him spreading his message....I think you see my point.

Anyway, I could do a whole speech on this or better..and for the sake of practicality I will end it here, if you write back on this, then you deserve the last word.

( i will copy this in the "fhu demise" topic where it is more appropos, thanks again...because you have actually further educated me)
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