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Subject: Go to Hell?

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 15:48:24 01/15/04 Thu

Sunny is right, Roy is being misinformed somehow. The comment he made about the founder of this board and those that follow him can "go to hell" for saying Roy is against free speech shows that he is being mislead. Al NEVER said such a thing. NOT ONCE. The closest I can find to any statement saying Roy was anti-free-speech was posted by Merv in which he was simply voicing his opinion and speculating why Roy might have closed his board.

"Merv Posted: 00:34:01 01/08/04 Thu

:If it was an open forum, Roy would be championing free speech and animosity would not be an issue. He is not. He doesn't like some of what is being written on the board evidently and that is why he took the board down".

Al never said anything remotely like this, just the opposite in fact. Look closely and you will see that Al was saying that Roy's board was left completely UN-moderated and by default allowed for way TOO MUCH free speech, even blatant anti-FHU stuff.

Something very devious is going on here in my opinion. We, who were scattered for years, brought together on the FHU board and re-scattered so abruptly as if we ALL did something wrong is very WRONG in itself. And now that we have found ourselves again and re-grouped and a lie is being perpetrated against Al and us, on the air, being told we can all go to hell for saying or agreeing that Roy is against free speech, is A LIE. Someone or something does not want this board to succeed, or us to be together and that something is based in untruth. Roy needs to be made aware of this. I have an idea. Stay tuned.

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