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Subject: Go To Hell

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Date Posted: 21:47:10 01/15/04 Thu

Rick: Al never said anything remotely like this, just the opposite in fact. Look closely and you will see that Al was saying that Roy's board was left completely UN-moderated and by default allowed for way TOO MUCH free speech, even blatant anti-FHU stuff.

Merv: Al was right. If Roy did not want trouble or argument on the board, he would have to moderate all of the messages. That means that all messages would be screened before they went on line.

Merv: All Roy would have to do to know what would happen on the board would be to talk to anyone who has a list or a message board. I could have told him in one minute. They would tell him right away what to expect. There are always people with different viewpoints who will disagree, make false accusations, try to spread various beliefs, and some who will even post profanity or pornography.

Merv: If the website was not willing to moderate every message or allow a certain amount of trouble, they had no business starting the board in the first place. That was their decision to make and it seems they had no idea what they were doing. This problem seems to be based on their own lack of awareness or knowledge.

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