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Subject: Thanks, Shirley~

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Date Posted: 17:17:05 01/31/04 Sat

Hi there,

I don't mean just ROY's specific meditation, (not really Roy's, just that he rediscovered it) I mean meditation, being silent prayer, that stillness. When one is totally still in mind, one IS doing what Roy suggests. I mean the focusing on the hand, raising it or any of that stuff is NOT necessary, and I knew this without him telling me, many yaers ago, it is the stillness.

Some people are so psychotically lost in their thoughts that they don't have silence ever, in their head, I suspect, and so Roy's meditation, I will call it, is needed out of desperation.

what I am asking you is if you are sure you understood Roy that there comes a time when a person can be so STILL and silent, so NOT lost in thoughts at all, that they do not need to meditate..they no longer need to intentionally become objective. I don't mean to sound rude, but your reply to me has not yet answered this. I suspect that may be because you misuderstood me about meditation and maybe think I am one of those that does the meditation JUST like the tapes or doesn't know how to meditate on my own.

Meditation for me is a repeated exercise of noticing thought, and choosing to not run with it, submerging myself with it, it is not what the tapes say, and only was a few times. My bottom line, does there come a time when one no longer needs to INTENTIONALLY bring themselves into the stillness? I sincerely doubt so. I am wondering if Roy did say that, or if you misunderstood him.

Thank you for taking the time with me, as it is a sincere inquiry, not just for conversation's sake.

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