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Subject: Much Obliged

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Date Posted: 21:06:23 02/15/04 Sun

Sunny, thanks for the answer.

I'll assume that the answer to my other question was that Joey did have an axe to grind and was not completely honest.

I was surprised, however, that peace was kept, which is why I gave a compliment to you and the others for being sincere.

You see, on most boards that mostly have spiritual or intellectual guns firing every which way, I would find myself the odd man out with Protestants, Catholics, and others. However, I have made peace with the Catholics insofar that they are more spiritually sane than most Protestants.

Don't get me wrong, many Catholics are spiritual, but also nominal fruitcakes in other ways. They teach Santa Clause to their Children, and that masturbation leads to hair growing from the palms or loss of eyesight; a little fresh chunk of Middle Ages madness.

Sort of like that disgrace of a conservative, Glenn Beck, that guy is more emotional than a woman, and yet is fierce, overweight, and annoying at all other times. Humph, I say.

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