Subject: Conrad~ |
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Date Posted: 21:13:43 03/05/04 Fri
"This situation" is very different. You are hynpotized as you type, apparently. You are amazed this board still exists, when the Lord surely is pleased at the amount of wisdom and sharing it holds. THIS forum, I don't mean this voy board, but of course I mean our active board and chat room.
C'mon back again, if you feel the need, and say it again, your words remain as untrue, hollow and roybotic as the first time you said them. The people at this forum follow their/our inner leading. This just gets your goat, obviously. We were called roybots when we quoted Roy at his own board, which stated in its opening headers that its purpose was to speak of his teachings, etc. We were called roybots when we disagreed with another, and we are called roybots now, by some that clearly are, and worse. Did you read at "that board over there" last night? before it was deleted, an entire thread showed the worst accuser up for the hypocritical roybot that accuser is. It showed the emperor to be naked, and in need of healing itself, while it....judges others, using that term roybot....repeatedly. just don't get it, but in case you are sincere, and not just an accuser also, be at peace, as your prayers are already answered.
It is well with my soul. It is well with this board. People are being blessed here.
God bless you~
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