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Subject: Tonight in New England

Rick Hurst
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Date Posted: 20:44:45 01/09/04 Fri

To anyone who might like to know. Tonight Al and I finally met and had dinner together. As many of you may know this meeting has been a long time coming but I have to tell you it was worth the wait. I come away with a new appreciation and understanding of who Al Fulchino is. Turns out he's a regular guy, a real American, an honest, hardworking American with love of Truth, the principles of the FHU and eyes that twinkle merrily with an easy smile. And yes, he has that trademark tough side as we all know but he also has a teddy bear side, the ability and sensitivity to take a moment to acknowlege and thank the table servers who brought our food. That alone spoke volumes to me. I am grateful to have met him face to face and hope to do so again, soon.

Evan: You are right, it is not available. Sometimes that happens when a server goes down or something like that. Try again in the next day or two. If it still doesn't work by then I'm sure the office would appreciate knowing about it. The 800# is on the front page as you know.

Merv: Do you think that simple but clearly spelled out rules would help?

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