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Subject: Rules for the Board

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Date Posted: 23:16:38 01/09/04 Fri

Rick: Merv: Do you think that simple but clearly spelled out rules would help?

Merv: My opinion is that there is a problem with too many rules. It tends to stifle communication. I would just say no profanity and no malicious attacks. It hasn't really been much of a problem on my list. Once in a while someone comes on and does something obviously strange or overboard and the moderator can deal with it by telling the person they are out of line. That might take care of it. If they don't stop then you can warn them or take them off. It is really pretty easy.

Merv: If we were a part of Roy's site the rules might have to be different. I don't know what Roy wants. If he wants the discussion to be severely limited, it may not belong on the website because there is usually some arguing or different views on message boards and I think that is normal. It would take a lot of moderating to keep that from happening. It may be that the Foundation does not want to spend too much time watching what goes on. I don't really know what is going on there.

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