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Date Posted: 14:30:21 01/30/04 Fri
Author: Bob Van nieuwenhuise
Subject: Re: Suspicious death of Mark Worth, journalist, film maker and campaigner
In reply to: Pacific Islands AIDS Foundation 's message, "Re: Suspicious death of Mark Worth, journalist, film maker and campaigner" on 21:18:34 01/16/04 Fri

>The situation Iryan Jaya seems to worsen every day. I was in Kamura, an old Japanese sub base, several years ago (1986). It was quite beautiful and the people were fantastic. I was with Amoco, whom had hired over 2000 locals and college students from Java. We helped improv ethings while we were there. It is ironic that good honest business exists and helps improve the world. Too often it is pushed away, as in Myanmar. Obviously, corrupt, non-ethical and non-checked governments can harm everything. They need an economic reason to change their bad habits. Unfortunately, I no longer know of any good companies working thre. I am sure there must be one or two. Amoco no longer exists. They were removed by merger into BP and their almost idealistic work ethics were removed with their name. I'll pray for them as it is all I can do. I'll contact our US government to the extent I can but I am a just a very small company owner now.

Thanks for staying alert about Iryan Jaya and caring so. It is appreciated. My condolences to Mark's relatives and family.

Best Regards.....

Bob Van Nieuwenhuise

ere: 4276 PAPUA: Journalist Mark Worth's sudden death
>What I have just read re Mark Worth's death and the
>worsening situation in West Papua can leave noone
>As we struggle for a better pacific, i cry to read
>more of this violence being perpetruated on papuans
>without any democratic powers taking any notice and/or
>strong interest to bring a positive change.
>This goes beyond the fight for soverignty vs
>colonialism; it takes us to the basics of the "right
>to live and peace".
>I hope the international community finally sees the
>situation in West Papua or Iryan jaya (which ever
>nomination pleases) ... but that foremost, the right
>to live prevail and peace may be.
>we do not need to be political to be called by the
>situation in Papua.
>as the leader of an organisation fighting against
>HIV/AIDS and for better quality of life for those
>affected by HIV in the Pacific islands, i ask: how
>many generations will have to undergo these atrocities
>before something is done? how many women and young
>girls will be raped and who knows, infected with HIV
>as a result of it? how many new borns will be infected
>with HIV ... until we start paying attention ? until
>we bring light and hope to their lives?
>of course we have got no possibilities of monitoring
>the prevalence of HIV, because where there is
>violence, there is no room for any else !
>May Mark rest in peace now. May his family survive him
>strongly. May Papua be free of violent domination! May
>peace and democracy win soon!
>may the children of papua see that there is something
>else in life than violence and killings!
>may God here our prayers to reach out to the ones in
>power who can provide positive and peaceful
>Chief Executive Officer
>Pacific Islands AIDS Foundation
>SENTANI (RW/Pacific Media Watch): The death of
>Australian print, radio and film journalist Mark Worth
>has shocked Papuans and all those involved in the
>campaign to free West Papua from brutal repression by
>the Indonesian military.

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