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Date Posted: 12:04:57 02/05/04 Thu
Author: Jason Brown
Subject: Re: Death of Mark Worth - not suspicious?
In reply to: PMW 's message, "Re: Death of Mark Worth - not suspicious" on 15:15:48 01/30/04 Fri

Was Mark's death suspicious or not? If not, then who was responsible for describing it as such? Do we get an official correction For The Record? Or do we just get hints in the headlines? As a media monitor, PMW has to do better than this, surely.

Jason Brown
Freelance Reporter

ps: someone needs to get rid of the links to pactok.net which are now linking to advertising pages. Thanks.

>See earlier reports:
>From: Peter Cronau
>Sent: 1/16/2004 10:37:19 PM
>Subject: Funeral of Mark Worth, Saturday 17th Jan 2004
>Film-maker Mark Worth died in Jayapura, West Papua,
>Thursday 15th January 2004, aged 44. According to
>sources close to
>Mark and his family, he died from pneumonia, and had
>been recently
>Mark's work for the past several years, a new
>documentary on West
>Papua titled "Land of the Morning Star" is due to be
>screened on ABC
>Australian television on 2nd February.
>ELSHAM has stated that the funeral for Mark will be
>held tomorrow
>Saturday 17th January 2004 at 2pm.
>Reportedly at his own request, he is to buried on his
>land at Abepura Beach, near Jayapura, in West Papua.
>ELSHAM have urgently requested that messages of
>condolence be sent
>for Mark's wife Herlina, his daughter Insoraki, and
>his extended
>family. They should be sent to ELSHAM who will forward
>them to family
>Send to: fax +62 9675 81600 or to email
>Many thanks.
>Peter Cronau

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