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Date Posted: 14:40:50 06/05/05 Sun
Author: Luamanuvae Andrew Fiu
Subject: FreshED - Pacific Island & Maori Education Festival

In response to the success of FreshED in 2004, the one day Education Expo has expanded into a two day Education Festival, incorporating a series of Fa’alogo mai - Listen up workshop sessions, pacific island theatre - Frangipani Perfume, the Bring It On inter school dance competition, and a Pacific Island and Mäori Arts Exhibition. The Festival is expected to attract over 3,000 students, youth and their families.

On July 8th and 9th 2005, the Telstra Clear Pacific Events Centre in Manukau City Auckland NZ, will open its doors and welcome students and Pacific Island and Mäori youth from across the Auckland region to FreshED, a Pacific Island and Mäori Youth Education Festival.

Showcasing New Zealand’s vibrant pacific and Mäori diversity, FreshED is two days of inspiration, learning and participation for Auckland’s Pacific Island and Mäori youth. During the Festival, students and youth will be treated to demonstrations, art exhibitions and Fa’alogo Mai (listen up) sessions, enjoy entertainment and activities.

They will see exhibitors from private tertiary education institutions and have the opportunity to listen and be inspired by Pacific Island and Mäori role models, and learn the good, the bad and the pitfalls in a series of sessions on the arts, Health & Medical, Bro'Town, Media & Television, Travel & Tourism, Multi-media, Design, Building & Carpentry, music, theatre, dance and hospitality. Parents and families will again be encouraged to visit the Festival and speak with the people that can make a difference in their children’s lives - the teachers, tutors and learning institutions.

Included in the Festival is the powerful stage play, Frangipani Perfume by Makerita Urale, writer and documentary maker. First staged in 1998, the black comedy about three Samoan sisters challenges the images of Pacific Island women and ripples with energy from start to finish.

Back for it’s second season, the play will delight and confront audiences, bringing fresh perspectives to youth, their families and the wider community, as european cultural pressures and preconceptions meet pacific island attitudes and aspirations, in a play that showcases Samoan culture at the box office. This limited season is also a very important component in the ‘fresh’ way to approach students as workshops will be undertaken by the cast and the ability to refer to the performance will be invaluable.


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