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Date Posted: 16:01:49 08/05/05 Fri
Author: George Lessard
Subject: Fatwa condemning terrorism

Egyptian blog, "Mindbleed" (www.mindbleed.com) has resurfaced in a new blog called "In mourning". He reports (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4723339.stm) on the predictable backlash against British Muslims following the July 7th bombings in London. He asks whether the failure by the mainstream media to report
the "faith related attacks" is "deliberately downplayed to stop anger fomenting in the ranks of British Muslims with violent tendencies of their own?" I am not sure which mainstream media he is referring to as the report he mentions was taken from the BBC which is about as mainstream as you can get. Also the London Guardian has a special report on attacks against Asians. Maybe he is referring to the tabloid press and surely one can only expect less than nothing from

Staying with the "Muslim" issue, SubZeroBlue
im_scholars_i.html) from Tunisia reports that Muslim scholars in the US have issued a fatwa (religious edict) condemning terrorism and religious extremism.

In the edict, the 18-member FCNA said people who committed terrorism are "criminals," not "martyrs." It would be even more helpful if Muslim scholars in Britain and the Middle and Far East also issued a
similar fatwa.

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