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Subject: ..::Rare Ould Times::..

Sasha Summers
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Date Posted: 19:08:05 04/02/11 Sat

Name .Sasha.Summers.
Gender .F e m a l e.
Age .fourty.two.
Appearance .white blond.5'4".full bodied.blue eyes.small scar on chin.
Personality .patient.out spoken.determined.fun loving.independent.kind.
Occupation .law enforcement.denver.detective-ten years.
Auto .2010 Dodge Challenger . Lipstick Red w/ Black Racing Stripes
Family .elden summers:son.

History .Ditched her abusive husband when she was twenty. Drifted into Cascade shortly there after. Found a knight in shinning armor. Learned to Trust. Fell in Love. Got Pregnant. Got Married. Had a Son. Then everything fell apart. Her husband disappeared, along with most of their 'family'. She moved to Denver and managed to get into the police academy after her husband was pronounced legally dead and her marriage dissolved. Her quick mind and people skills quickly got her promoted to Detective. She visits her best friend in Cascade once a year for three weeks in the summer.


.D E T E C T I V E.
.S A S H A. S U M M E R S.
.F E M A L E.
.F O R T Y. T W O.
. 2 0 1 0. C H A L L E N G E R.
.S I N G L E. M O T H E R.


.P A T I E N T.
.out spoken.
.D E T E R M I N E D.
.fun loving.
.I N D E P E N D E N T.

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