Name: Angelina Uris
Gender: Female
Age: 40
Appearance: Slightly short (5’2”) brunette with hair below her shoulders, eyes of hazel & a nice tan complexion
Personality: One that is kind to nearly everyone, no matter his or her background, appearance, or species for that matter. But she is very stubborn, very independent and strong. She has the heart of a warrior and will fight to the end for those she loves. Is known to be a great listener and rarely a fighter, but will fight to protect what is her’s…if she must.
History: Angelina came to Cascade nearly seven years ago for the university, she wanted to become a nurse. While registering she meet a really handsome guy. His name was Stan Uris. Time passed and they began to go out, and as time wore on she became a strong part of his crew. She worked as a bartender at Club Alien till something happened and she was suddenly made owner. She remains the owner even to this day. Stan and Angelina married, along with others of their extended family or ‘crew’ they watched friends have children and decided to try themselves…but not yet. Well mother nature had another plan and soon Angelina was found pregnant. She gave birth to a beautiful brunette girl, Desiree, because she was everything Angelina desired and more. The girl was only eight years old when Stan disappeared, along with many more of the crew and her friends. Angelina found herself a single mother, alone, and with a club that was barely hanging on. She made it with the help of Tommy and Rob, both surefire friends that kept her afloat when all she wanted to do was crash and burn. There was a brief romance with Rob, and even shorter romance with a guy named Vincent, but in the end on one could replace her soul mate, Stan. She works at the Club still as owner and bartender, Desiree was sent off to a boarding school for a better education then the tiny city could offer, but not before she’d been introduced and grown up around Sasha’s son, Elden. When she’s not at the Club she’s in her apartment above it or at her home once shared with Stan, near the old lot of Tumbler’s, the garage stands though it’s greatly burned.
Picture: Sandra Bullock Photos
Player Name: Domino
Angelina Uris
An Angel In Waiting
Club Alien Owner
Waiting on an angel.
One to carry me home.
Hope you come to see me soon,
cause I don't want to go alone,
I don't want to go alone.