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Subject: --Never Say Never--

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Date Posted: 09:53:24 04/03/11 Sun

Name: Toby Durham
Age: 35
Breed: Human
Appearance: Around 5'10 with a lean build. Blonde hair and dark blue eyes with an even complexion. Usually has a days worth of scruff on his face.
Personality: Quite laid back with a good sense of humor. Like the rest of the crew, his loyalty is ironclad. He loves wrenching on cars, and is extreanly smart...which earned him the spot on the ranks as top mechanic.
History: He grew up with the others, under the wing of their mentor. He did very well with engine work and eventually was able to diagnose a problem simply by the sound of the machine. He later mastered body work, and the crew admired his skill with autos. Mechanics just came easy for him.
After their mentor has passed on, he'd done some worm at a local garage. He'd been happy to hear from Tumbler when the man invited him to Cascade. He'd packed up and left.
It hadn't been long before he'd met the beautiful blonde friend of Angelinas, Laurie Ann. He'd fallen for her, though he alwas felt a little guilty for bringing her into the mess of the boost. But he loved her, and so proposed. He'd been thrilled when shed accepted.
Not much time passed before Sphinx and Tumbler called the emergency meeting that would change their lives forever. Knowing he had to go to keep Laurie fro. Re Feds, he agreed, but it surely tore him apart. He had left with the sight of the burning warehouse in his rearview mirror.
He'd gotten lucky and evaded the feds. His name hadn't been one of the top ones they'd been looking for, and eventually the heat turned down. He slowly began to build a small, empty life in a small Alabama town, wrenching on cars in a private garage. Seven years later, he got another phone call...and found himself boarding a plane for the western city of Cascade again.

Face used: Paul Walker

Player Name: Mon

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