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Subject: _Full Circle_

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Date Posted: 10:01:23 04/03/11 Sun

Name: Tumbler (Reed Radke)
Age: 45
Breed: Human
Appearance: He is tall (6'4) with a muscled build. He has dark hair and green eyes. Quite a few tattoos with a medium complexion.
Personality: He is a strong willed person, which has helped him over come a lot in his life. His intelligence helped him put together a successful boost ring that ant largely undetected for a lot of years. He has been known to be ruthless and uncompromising, and what he wants, it is likely he will get. Quitting is never an option for him.
History: Always close with Sphinx, the two made a formidable team even young in their careers. After their ring broke up in Chicago, he'd gotten wind of a city out west that seemed to be perfect for the team and what thy did. He ended up buying a large complex while there, and built up operations. Together with his team, the place became successful. He met a woman by the name of Purgatori, and she's found her way into his heartbwith her sassy ways and badass demeanor.
When Sphinx overheard the Feds were coming, they had mase the painful decision to leave. Tumbler knew he and Sphinx would be the prime candidates for the collar. The others had children...he could not allow the heat to come down on them. So he'd swung into a parkinglot, and watched until the last of the crew had faded into the distance. The sirens were begi,img to sound due to the burning garage. The timing would be perfect. He slowly cruised his car back past the house...and sure enough, two black sedans were sitting out front amongst the firetrucks and ambulances. He's pulled his car next to them, turned, and waved. Then hit the gas for all the car was worth. The chase resulted in a crash in which he was mildly injured...but the feds had booked him.
He'd sat in pen for ten years before the feds wanted information on a largely violent ring out of Chicago...the enemy group from his past. For all the hate he had for them, he didn't mind selling out if it meant his freedom. And freedom he got, with the exception of parole.

Face: Gerard Butler

Player: Mon

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