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Austin Taylor www.insidecountry.net is a crook
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Indy Country Music's Scam Artist Austin Taylor is a thief
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Austin Taylor tried to screw over all of his clients when he and his wife Donna Taylor tried to file chapter 13 bankruptcy in June of 2003 but the judge rejected his chapter 13 in August of 2003 Austin has still never made his clients duplications from September of 2000 that they paid for in full Trumpet of the Lord Ministries sent a check to Mr. Austin Taylor of Cabin Creek Records for $2300.00 including $2050.00 to duplicate 1,000 copies of a c.d.'s on the Cabin Creek Record label which included the fees for the artwork . All was clearly described on the front of a personal check that Mr. Austin Taylor cashed on 9-13-00.It takes about 11 days to duplicate 1,000 copies of a c.d. without having to pay extra money for "rush orders".Many c.d. manufacturers will duplicate 1,000 c.d.'s including bnw c.d. printing and the basic jacket that we ordered for under $ .99 a c.d.. Austin stood to make about about a thousand dollars profit from this duplication.But instead of making a 50 % profit Mr. Taylor thinks that he deserves to keep all of the money and not make the c.d.'s.Austin even, God forbid, refuses to return to the Trumpet of the Lord the two master copies (that he still has) of this project.This has been a major setback to the Trumpet of the Lord.On Wednesday Jan 17, 2001 Austin sent an E-mail where he confessed "I am sorry for the delay, I will get you your c.d.'s...believe me I am working to get your project finished, I had other projects that were in line before you, if all goes well I should have the artwork to you to proof within 10 days(By the way as of 1-31-03 he still has not sent the artwork to us to proof)I know it has been a while ( 4 1/2 months have gone by on a duplication that takes only 11 days to do)but I am doing the best that I can do to fill your order...I know it's tough on you and I can't blame you for being upset, please give me a little more time...again I don't blame you for being upset, I ask that you work with me a little longer and I'll clear it up and get you your product."On March first of 2001 Austin continues to blame himself for the delays, he writes"I know everything has not worked out the way it should have,I intended to have the art and c.d.'s done by now, ...I told Michael when I talked with him that I had one other project ahead of him and I'm finishing it all up this week, I know you have heard this before but I should be able to finish off the artwork in a week or so and then the c.d.'s...I filed for personal bankruptcy and kept what I owed Michael and my other customer out of it, if I haden't intended on doing the project I would have put it on my personal babkruptcy and you would have lost all, that I did not want to do to you."Trumpet of the Lord former volunteer Thomas Burk started posting on internet websites to warn other artists about the delays of this project.In an E-mail that Austin Taylor sent to the Trumpet of the Lord to Thomas Burk on December 11, 2001 Taylor wrote"If you keep posting messages I will come down to GA and kick your butt..."Austin continued to lie in his Jan 24 www.nashvillegospel.com post"...As you know chapter 13 assures that what is owed will be paid back (re: but at what portion, 2 %?, 100%?)not lost and that is why I FILED chapter 13...I was forced TO FILE...Michael, along with others will receive FULL PAYMENT (At what %, note, Ms. Burkhardt failed to comment on at what % the Trumpet of the Lord will get in any future Chapter 13 filing of Cabin Creek Records, if one ever takes place in the future,which might repay me at 2 %,or 100 %?Who knows?)thru the guidelines of the court......(But the tables turn as Austin now BLAMES ME again for these delays), Austin wrote "I ask Michael to forgive me , EVEN THOUGH IT IS HIS OWN FAULT THAT THE C.D.'S WERE NOT DONE IN A TIMELY MANNER , IF HE WOULD HAVE DONE WHAT I ASKED HIM TO NINE MONTHS AGO (REMEMBER, LINDA BROWN Re-SIGNED FOR PROOF OF THE MECHANICAL LICENSES OVER 2 MONTHS BEFORE THIS POST)AND PAID HIS MECHANICAL LICENSES AND FORWARDED A COPY FOR THE MANUFACTURE THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN DONE..."WELL, WHY WEREN'T THEY DONE AUSTIN? WE HAVE PROOF THAT LINDA BROWN SIGNED FOR THEM AFTER WE SENT THEM TO YOU FOR A SECOND TIME 11-08-01 , MORE THAN TWO MONTHS BEFORE THIS POST, AND IT TAKES ONLY 11 DAYS TO DUPLICATE THIS ORDER.We at the Trumpet of the Lord tried to settle this issue biblically by allowing my pastor and Austin's pastor to help solve this according to biblical guidelines , but Austin wrote "As far as letting Michael know who my pastor is, it is none of his or anyone elce's buisiness." Austin you have lied so many times we at the Trumpet of the Lord wonder if you can ever tell the truth.Because you refuse to duplicate these c.d.'s and continue to tell lies like "Cabin Creek Records FILED for chapter 13 bankruptcy "when your own attorney told me on 1/27/03 that you have not, and because so many other artists are sick and tired of this controversy, we at the Trumpet of the Lord Ministry are sending out this press release to tell the truth about how you stole our money, lied about it, and refuse to return to us the master copies of out project.How can you Austin Taylor be so low as to hold our project masters against our will, after we have told you time and time again to return our property to us?Shame on you Austin Taylor, it is easy to see why Gladys Jones called you "a thief",and why Shirley Hayes of the popular Texas Girls said "Austin Taylor is bad to the bone".Folks Austin Taylor is alive and well, and he is soliciting new buisiness on his www.cabincreekrecords.com Cabin Creek Records and Inside Country Indie Charts website.Why don't you take care of my project and Gladys Jones project first before soliciting for new buisiness Austin?Why are you illegally holding my masters, and delaying this project well over a year to include it in a future bankruptcy instead of filling the order while you continue to make money on new buisiness which you do not intend to include in a future bankruptcy?We have been waiting now for almost three years for duplication work that takes only 11 days to have done, and can be done at that rate and time frame at over ten well respected vendors.No more excuses, return to me my money and my masters . www.trumpetofthelord.com Austin Tried to screw over the Rev. by filing chapter 13 bankruptcy with his crooked wife Donna Taylor the Rev. contacted the judge and the judge thru out the chapter 13 case Austin S. taylor still has not made the Rev.'s c.d.'s The Rev. is going to sue Austin Taylor for libel Taylor is under investigation by the Ohio Attorney General Taylor is in hiding www.insidecountry.net is a scam for theft Austin Taylor is so low that he is now is accusing those who warn others about his scams of being child molesters and mental health patients ! Please warn everyone about Austin Taylor of Inside Country Indie charts, he is "Bad to the bone", Austin Taylor has stolen from so many people, beware of the www.insidecountry.net scam
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