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. . s n e a k . .
Sneaking Rules
• Any character (no matter who they are) may be sneaked. This includes offspring and also mothers.
• These people can stop sneaks: The lead pair of the territory, the back-up pair, the parents, and the mate of whoever is being sneaked. If a territory has several high positions or very few, the horses that hold the top two position pairs may stop the sneak.
• These people can sneak: any non-restricted, non-captive adult (4 years) from any section. You may cross-section sneak (meaning someone in the wolves can sneak a horse). Dark, light, and neutral horses count as one section.
• If for some reason, the person being snuck does not have a home that can stop their sneak, the sneak may be stopped by the royalty and leads of the section.
• Youth may not sneak though they may be sneaked by others.
• If a sneak goes three days without a response stopping it by someone who can legally stop it, it is successful.
• A mother may be sneaked, either with her young or without them.
• You may only sneak one character at a time and may not post more than one message sneaking the same person. The exception is mothers who are being sneaked with their young.
• Post in this EXACT format: I, (your name), sneak (who you're sneaking) from (from where). No words or letters may come between it and it must be entirely in English.
• If the character (or object) is successfully sneaked, you cannot re-sneak them for 1 week; you must challenge for them.
• The creature being sneaked may go ask for help, but you cannot stop your own sneak.
• Once a character is sneaked, they will reside in the territory of their captor, or wherever the captor sees fit.
• Anyone must be able to access the sneak- no putting <*/a> (without the *, obviously) in the subject line, and no scripts or html that blocks IPs, requests a password, or in any way prevents the message being viewed.
• The source code must be viewable. [If you don't understand what that or the previous rule means, don't worry about it- it's just HTML and JavaScript stuff]
• If something is misspelled, it's invalid! Double check for spellings on the person you are sneaking and where you are sneaking from.
• To stop a sneak you must put the following: 'I, (Your name), stop this sneak of, (Who is being sneaked).' If the stop does not say that to the extreme degree, it is NOT stopped!

light cat moderators: _____, _____.
dark cat moderators: _____, _____.
A mod's job is to make sure that all the rules of sneaking are followed, and to make decisions in arguments. Their decisions WILL be respected! If the moderators cannot come to a decision, the matter may be taken up with Shadow or Cassady.
Want to be a mod? E-mail Cassady.

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Subject: Melody

blanche mclanahan (Harmony)
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Date Posted: 14:13:09 03/24/07 Sat


One sees disturbance with the E=mc2
No allowance is made for the frequency not heard.

A velocity squared to equal circumference of the mass
Must incorporate mass density and color if velocity is the test to pass.

Reciprocity which must not be confined
So all light's colors find speed and frequency so inclined

As light penetrates the convex prism of the atoms nucleus
Reflection as concavity internal inverts so color once again equals light in origin of stimulus.

And light squared enters the mass with proclivity for man
To find C2 to be his times energy demand.

The harmonics of the sphere depend on light's energy
To reciprocate velocity in concentric rings alleviating gravity.

Hydrogen sets precedent to guide in steps to follow
A priori in retrospect for basis in root of the matter

The energy penetrates the depths hidden behind walls to conceal
The internal number to equal the external dimension during time's ordeal.

Time is four cubed to equal the mass
Where the energy of the L2 is freed and time does not exist.

L2=em if; [(cv) (hv) (1/2mv2)] =L2
One beat, one pulse, one heart.

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Subject: Time and Gravity

Blanche McLanahan (perplexed)
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Date Posted: 13:35:06 03/24/07 Sat

We will travel back in time once it moves not forward but from the center where all is equidistant to any where or when to the periphery. The following is in rebuttal to;
FOXNEWS.COM HOME > SCIENCE Physicists: Sorry, You Can't Travel Back in Time

Using measure in line from center to periphery, we will travel beyond and behind time and there at once and again find eternity.
Are you aware of the Einstein manuscript on General Relativity auctioned at Sotheby's in the early 90's and how it displayed his thinking at the time? I do not believe his street common equation was finished, nor that he was even aware of the implications made when he crossed out the L for light and wrote in the E in this equation that has stumped the scientific world.

The mystery of gravity indicates it is an anomaly. Its repelling force is that of refraction, a universal characteristic cause of our distraction. The variables time has document thus far, the solution to be isolated in pulsar of neutron stars. Heisenberg's principle of Uncertainty deprives man of his eternity, Planck's constant the reversal of light's energy is in display of darkness its progeny. The mystery truly lies if we go backwards in time, to re-elucidate the atom in debate of Bohr and Einstein. The contained rest mass attests to matter and energy at an impasse.........and should we fail to look back, then all of humanity falls through dimensional cracks.

Energy does not equal the mass.
Light is linear and its energy is reciprocated in octave of sound emitted by the mass weight in concentric rings..........whereon the periphery gravity reigns as king. But, should we fracture this ferric domain then a perpendicular crossing of em will equate harmony at 90 degrees.
L2=em if; [(cv) (hv) (1/2mv2)]=L2
L2=EM if; [(cv) (hv) (1/2mv2)] =L2
Equation herein shows factor for the imbalance time cost.
Planck's Constant to remind us of the deficit in energy loss.
A shift must incorporate the factor of time
As dimensions shift insanity will border the line.
Time bends light's linear path in curves to spiral reflection amiss
Uneven flow projects the shadow of interference or tale of the dark abyss.
Man's thought blends reason though his eyes deceive
Light bends cloaking the true incidence for reality.
To gain knowledge and sense the harmony
Earth's sphere is insight to the atomic monopolarity.
Light is equal to the harmonic of the frequency and velocity
Electromagnetic duality riding parallel in spectral ferocity.
Time is the deception as reason finds man
With potential energy in need of reprimand.
In this, the creation and regeneration for replication
Finds gravity and refraction to equate time's equation.
Allow time's treason considering the mass and space
The energy is adequate in mirror of the atoms true face.

L2=EM if; [(cv) (hv) (1/2mv2)]=L2
The energy is greater than the mass. We must fracture the ferric domain which manifests the darkness and creates the illusion of time. Our behaviors are manifest of the disequilibrium wherein our place in the space/time continuum is locked in the hyperbolic curve with a resultant asymptote which equates to pi. It is the line moving off into infinity wherein is manifest the illusion of this linear chronological time that dictates our lives. This line must meet the curve @90 degrees perpendicular for light and sound to strike the harmonic. An index for light that has no refractory potential. It is here the gravitational constraints that encapsulate and entomb our being will find release. If we are to exit the door, we must incorporate the degree of pi to the curve and once again meet the line of light 90 degrees perpendicular.
Within these variable lies measure of a differential. That differential is the deficit we suffer which manifests the time factor. This negative factor creates a wave function that runs back to back. Time will be isolated and put to rest using Einstein's General Theory of Relativity in cooperation of the quantum field and string theory now at hand.
Time can be measured and cancelled out by using the potential of light squared to fracture the rest mass domain. Refraction is at angle and degree of pi.
When the light is squared an incident angle shall equal its reflection. In view of a unified field, it is the light squared that equals the energy and mass. Photosynthesis is a linear magnetic velocity vs. gravity's electromagnetic concentric frequency. A parallel duality to conform in opposition as the line meets the curve, then in circumference light blends in factor for degree in deficit of time to equate the sum.

If forward time were a conic with accentricity of e>1, would the past equate to e>-1 moving south on the conjugated axis? Could time then be locked in degree and angle of Pi at the latus rectum flowing in on the transverse line of a hyperbolic curve creating time?
If energy and mass varied in sorted vibrations of negative and positve numbers, then backward and forward motion on the line should hold the energy and mass in proportion. If L2 is > C2 and -1is > 1, but is equal to a negative number, then the square root of a negative number =the sum of a positive number and the 'now of time' would remain in the constants of linear time while the speed of light stagnates. But, as the energy increases the mass increases proportionately and the speed of light accellerates. The ratio of velocity squared times the constant squared causes an increased speed of light. Should the velocity exceed the current speed of light, then it is indicative of time running backwards on the negative vibration.
In degree of latitude from times point of origin, our perspective is enabled a mere 19.5 degrees North or South and we are locked in the curve of our time in line with space. . But, our place of observation does not rest on the line or curve, thus will be founded at the centre where all understanding becomes equidistant and is uniform at any point betwixt or between center to the periphery.
Are we not in the place of infinity where the line and curve breach revolutions demand? Because if the light squared equals the energy and the mass, and time is locked in a hyperbolic curve, then our observations and search for truth are blinded in the shadows of refraction.

Time is equal to four 90 degree quadrants of the mass.
L2 with speed whose return in frequency are test.
If time is slowed in the evolutionary wave potential is lost, momentum its slave.
Lights constituent in mean of parallel line equate the mass and energy to reflect without measure of time.
No degree to suffer in shadows cast, interference now released and time is freed, and this desert shall bloom ALAS !


I have never looked at Chess as a 'simulated game of war' FOR THIS DESCRIBES LIFE ITSELF. The board of 64 bases or squares and its pieces I liken to a 'simulated genetic game of life'.........I think that when the Earth's axis shifted, so did the electromagnetic fields, breaching our communication board or DNA circuit, thus the need for language where a better understanding or form of communication had to be developed or simply recognized.
Certainly the spin, the axis, angular momentum, centrifical force and gravity have a great deal to do with the refraction of light and the shadows manifest of this 64 base template from which the light shines. But, I also think it is therein, the template for light, that we could bring unification of all these many variables and simplify our wondering. This template is in definition of the monopolarity theory. Where centropy mediates in equilibrium the relationship of entropy and negentropy. Here we see the full force of the atom's monopolarity, as the two forces; magnetic strong and the electro weak unite as one in the light, where from its center all is equidistant to any and everywhere on the periphery.
Monopolar technology also invites man's connection to machine through his thoughts by way a genetically encoded integrated circuit.

The following poem I wrote to synthesize much of this thinking.

In these quantum spaces void of time which knows no fate, inertia holds reflection in thresholds on which to begin the race. Any space without time shall succumb in time to shed space and it is herein the atom's nucleus dictates. Particles flow and too collide in silence of an unseen force, her concave chamber a door once open sets our course. Here the lines run parallel for mean in flow the frequency, velocity and potential settles in line of the spectral harmony. Now within confines of her unceasingly limited borders, we view two lines who now must cross in perpendicular of disorder. A point in the origin of fate where is gained new directive...knows checkmate and the professed foil now to be one subjective. Electromagnetic waves flush organizing quantum particles, respective of the order in gravity's last concentric circle. Photon beams of light are linear and drawn in of the momentum, magnetic pull in confined space supplies gravity's required energy essential.
A pawn now this King whose distance will always be heard, as hydrogen from the sun diffuses with silence of the unspoken word. A message to those mortal to pay in full the peasants wage, a prize we win in sum as these quantum spaces merrily disengage.
In view the King's cup and sparkling shining ladle, lies reflect the secrets to that told in the fable. For the eye to peer the atom's convex surface or deflective frame, is a picture twice upright and the face is to match the name. But as we look from the inside out in profile of the other side, our perspectives change and the brain inverts concavities reflective ride.
Inside the atom's centre is four times the right angled view, with height though upside down, is brief of the nuclear preview. Light decides the incidence as entropy conforms to sight, now inversion sets reflection on the other side upright. A square confines each player within the game of lifes's sphere, Checkmate is never final in the circle after shadows disappear.

We are perched precariously with this current stance of negative behavior and ______expression. Forgiveness is the only alternative, otherwise time will end only to circumvent and start again. We have been here before in the past. The story has been told scattered throughout the ages and lay in waste of artifact in its rubble. Let us not return to starting over with sticks and stones as Einstein's voice of reason echos our past.
Blanche McLanahan

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Subject: Th e Wol f an d th e Lam b.

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Date Posted: 22:59:49 12/25/03 Thu

The Wolf and the Lamb
WOLF, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify to the Lamb the Wolf's right to eat him. He thus addressed him: "Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me." "Indeed," bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, "I was not then born." Then said the Wolf, "You feed in my pasture." "No, good sir," replied the Lamb, "I have not yet tasted grass." Again said the Wolf, "You drink of my well." "No," exclaimed the Lamb, "I never yet drank water, for as yet my mother's milk is both food and drink to me." Upon which the Wolf seized him and ate him up, saying, "Well! I won't remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my imputations." The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.

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Subject: fun fun

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Date Posted: 07:17:03 12/28/03 Sun

I, Hangman, sneak Aystyr's Sorrow and Joy to The Gallows

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Subject: The Challenge

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Date Posted: 23:15:03 12/25/03 Thu

The Changeling

Thomas Keightley

A couple of Strathspey lads who dealt in whiskey that never paid duty, which they used to purchase in Glenlivat, and sell at Badenoch and Fort William, were one night laying in stock at Glenlivat when they heard the child in the cradle give a piercing cry, just as if it had been shot. The mother, of course, blessed it, and the Strathspey lads took no further notice, and soon after set out with their goods.

They had not gone far when they found a fine healthy child lying all alone on the road-side, which they soon recognized as that of their friend. They saw at once how the thing was. The fairies had taken away the real child and left a stock, but, owing to the pious ejaculation of the mother, they had been forced to drop it.

As the urgency of their business did not permit them to return, they took the child with them, and kept it till the next time they had occasion to visit Glenlivat. On their arrival they said nothing about the child, which they kept concealed. In the course of conversation, the mother took occasion to remark that the disease which had attacked the child the last time they were there had never left it, and she had not little hopes of its recovery. As if to confirm her statement, it continued uttering most piteous cries.

To end the matter at once, the lads produced the real child healthy and hearty, and told how they had found it. An exchange was at once effected, and they forthwith proceeded to dispose of their new charge. For this purpose they got an old creel to put him in and some straw to light under it. Seeing the serious turn matters were likely to take, he resolved not to await the trial, but flew up the smoke-hole, and when at the top he cried out that things would have gone very differently with them had it not been for the arrival of their guests.

Source: Thomas Keightley, The Fairy Mythology, Illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of Various Countries, a new edition, revised and greatly enlarged (London: H. G. Bohn, 1850), p. 393.

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Subject: Question

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Date Posted: 13:23:29 12/23/03 Tue

OOC: I see these stops but no actually sneaks. I was told that this has been happening where you guys hid sneaks. HTat is against the rules as I read them. Could someone explain these to me?

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Subject: :Centennial Promise:

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Date Posted: 10:59:01 12/12/03 Fri


Another major blow came in January 2003, when the FDA placed a temporary halt on all gene therapy trials using retroviral vectors in blood stem cells. FDA took this action after it learned that a second child treated in a French gene therapy trial had developed a leukemia-like condition. Both this child and another who had developed a similar condition in August 2002 had been successfully treated by gene therapy for X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency disease (X-SCID), also known as "bubble baby syndrome."
FDA's Biological Response Modifiers Advisory Committee (BRMAC) met at the end of February 2003 to discuss possible measures that could allow a number of retroviral gene therapy trials for treatment of life-threatening diseases to proceed with appropriate safeguards. FDA has yet to make a decision based on the discussions and advice of the BRMAC meeting.
What factors have kept gene therapy from becoming an effective treatment for genetic disease?
Short-lived nature of gene therapy - Before gene therapy can become a permanent cure for any condition, the therapeutic DNA introduced into target cells must remain functional and the cells containing the therapeutic DNA must be long-lived and stable. Problems with integrating therapeutic DNA into the genome and the rapidly dividing nature of many cells prevent gene therapy from achieving any long-term benefits. Patients will have to undergo multiple rounds of gene therapy.
Immune response - Anytime a foreign object is introduced into human tissues, the immune system is designed to attack the invader. The risk of stimulating the immune system in a way that reduces gene therapy effectiveness is always a potential risk. Furthermore, the immune system's enhanced response to invaders it has seen before makes it difficult for gene therapy to be repeated in patients.
Problems with viral vectors - Viruses, while the carrier of choice in most gene therapy studies, present a variety of potential problems to the patient --toxicity, immune and inflammatory responses, and gene control and targeting issues. In addition, there is always the fear that the viral vector, once inside the patient, may recover its ability to cause disease.
Multigene disorders - Conditions or disorders that arise from mutations in a single gene are the best candidates for gene therapy. Unfortunately, some the most commonly occurring disor ders, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, and diabetes, are caused by the combined effects of variations in many genes. Multigene or multifactorial disorders such as these would be especially difficult to treat effectively using gene therapy. For more information on different types of genetic disease, see Genetic Disease Information.
What are some recent developments in gene therapy research?
University of California, Los Angeles, research team gets genes into the brain using liposomes coated in a polymer call polyethylene glycol (PEG). The transfer of genes into the brain is a significant achievement because viral vectors are too big to get across the "blood-brain barrier." This method has potential for treating Parkinson's disease. See Undercover genes slip into the brain at NewScientist.com (March 20, 2003).
RNA interference or gene silencing may be a new way to treat Huntington's. Short pieces of double-stranded RNA (short, interfering RNAs or siRNAs) are used by cells to degrade RNA of a particular sequence. If a siRNA is designed to match the RNA copied from a faulty gene, then the abnormal protein product of that gene will not be produced. See Gene therapy may switch off Huntington's at NewScientist.com (March 13, 2003)
New gene therapy approach repairs errors in messenger RNA derived from defective genes. Technique has potential to treat the blood disorder thalassaemia, cystic fibrosis, and some cancers. See Subtle gene therapy tackles blood disorder at NewScientist.com (October 11, 2002).
Gene therapy for treating children with X-SCID (sever combined immunodeficiency) or the "bubble boy" disease is stopped in France when the treatment causes leukemia in one of the patients. See 'Miracle' gene therapy trial halted at NewScientist.com (October 3, 2002).
Researchers at Case Western Reserve University and Copernicus Therapeutics are able to create tiny liposomes 25 nanometers across that can carry therapeutic DNA through pores in the nuclear membrane. See DNA nanoballs boost gene therapy at NewScientist.com (May 12, 2002).
Sickle cell is successfully treated in mice. See Murine Gene Therapy Corrects Symptoms of Sickle Cell Disease from March 18, 2002, issue of The Scientist.
What are some of the ethical considerations for using gene therapy?
--Some Questions to Consider...
What is normal and what is a disability or disorder, and who decides?
Are disabilities diseases? Do they need to be cured or prevented?
Does searching for a cure demean the lives of individuals presently affected by disabilities?
Is somatic gene therapy (which is done in the adult cells of persons known to have the disease) more or less ethical than germline gene therapy (which is done in egg and sperm cells and prevents the trait from being passed on to further generations)? In cases of somatic gene therapy, the procedure may have to be repeated in future generations.
Preliminary attempts at gene therapy are exorbitantly expensive. Who will have access to these therapies? Who will pay for their use?
Gene Therapy Links
General Information
MEDLINEplus: Genes and Gene Therapy - Access news, information from the National Institutes of Health, clinical trials information, research, and more.
Recombinant DNA and Gene Transfer - National Institutes of Health Guidelines
Questions and Answers about Gene Therapy - A fact sheet from the National Cancer Institute.
Introduction to Gene Therapy - An overview by Access Excellence.
A Gene Therapy Primer - Introduction to gene therapy from the bio.com.
Gene Therapy and Your Child - From KidsHealth for Parents.
Pioneering gene treatment gives frail toddler a new lease of life
Gene Transfer - An overview of gene therapy science issues, ethical concerns, and regulation and policy from the Genetics & Public Policy Center.
Cures - An introduction to gene therapy provided by discoveryhealth.com.
Delivering the Goods - An article describing the different types of gene therapy approaches. From October 2, 2000, issue of The Scientist.
How to Turn on a Gene - An article from Wired Magazine.
How Viruses Are Used in Gene Therapy - From The DNA Files, a series of radio programs from SoundVision Productions.
Human Gene Therapy: Present and Future - A Human Genome News article.
Human Gene Therapy - Access background and historical information, religious and philosophical issues, public policy, and additional readings on gene therapy. From the Georgetown University National Reference Center for Bioet hics Literature.
Gene Therapy - A NewsHour with Jim Lehrer transcript covering the death of gene therapy patient, Jesse Gelsinger (February 2, 2000).
Animations from the Tokyo Medical University Department of Paediatrics Genetics Study Group
Animations of Induction of Genes (Gene Therapy)
Animations of Problems in Gene Therapy
FDA Information
FDA Advisory Committee Discusses Steps for Potentially Continuing Certain Gene Therapy Trials That Were Recently Placed on Hold - 2/28/2003
FDA Places Temporary Halt On Gene Therapy Trials Using Retroviral Vectors In Blood Stem Cells - 1/14/2003
New Initiatives to Protect Participants in Gene Therapy Trials - 3/7/2000
Human Gene Therapy and The Role of the Food and Drug Administration - An overview from the Center for Biologics Evaluations and Research of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Human Gene Therapy Harsh Lessons, High Hopes - An article published in the September-October 2000 issue of FDA Consumer magazine.
The Last Word: Researchers React to Gene Therapy's Pitfalls and Promises - An article published in the September-October 2000 issue of FDA Consumer magazine.
Fundamentals of Gene Therapy - Diagrams and basic description of gene therapy from the FDA.
Gene Therapy Ethics
Ethical Issues in Human Gene Therapy - A Human Genome News article.
Special Report: Ethics of Genetics - From Guardian Unlimited.
Ethical Issues in Human Gene Therapy - A Human Genome News article.
Gene Therapy Clinical Trials
University of Pittsburgh Molecular Medicine Institute - Contains information about ongoing and completed clinical trials.
Gene therapy studies in ClinicalTrials.gov - The U.S. National Institutes of Health resource for public access to information on clinical research studies.
Gene Therapy Clinical Trials - Access to a worldwide database of gene therapy clinical trials at this Web site from the publishers of The Journal of Gene Medicine. To search the database, click on "Interactive Database" at the top of the page. Access to charts, statistics, and abstracts from clinical trials results also provided.
Professional Associations
American Society of Gene Therapy
Australasian Gene Therapy Society (AGTS)
European Society of Gene Therapy (ESGT)
The Japan Society of Gene Therapy (JSGT)
Gene Therapy Journals
(Scientific, peer-reviewed publications targeted to clinicians and researchers. Access to full-text articles in these journals typically requires a subscription.)
Cancer Gene Therapy - From the publishers of Nature.
Current Gene Therapy - From Bentham Science Publishers.
Gene Therapy - From the publishers of Nature.
Human Gene Therapy - Journal published by Mary Anne Liebert, Inc.
The Journal of Gene Medicine - Official journal of the European Society of Gene Therapy (ESGT), Japan Society of Gene Therapy (JSGT), and the Australasian Gene Therapy Society (AGTS).
Molecular Therapy - A monthly journal published by the American Society of Gene Therapy (ASGT).
Other Publications
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Date Posted: 21:41:21 12/19/03 Fri

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Date Posted: 21:53:38 12/19/03 Fri


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Subject: hmmhmm

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Date Posted: 12:15:12 12/18/03 Thu

I am a naughty girl, I know >: ).

One of the biggest questions that has puzzled mankind throughout the ages is how gravity works. This new gravitational theory not only explains how gravity works, but shows how errors can arise in determining the positions of space probes, in determining the mass of the earth and other planets and in determining the value of G, the universal gravitational constant. This new theory of gravity is part of a more general Unified Field Theory (UFT) that shows how all of the known force fields work together. Once understood, this new UFT explains several heretofore unexplained phenomena in nature. In this brief write up, we will only deal with the gravitational part of the UFT.

John Anderson and colleagues of NASA JPL, experts in the determination of spacecraft positioning, have published discrepancies observed in the locations of Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11 and of the Ulysses solar probe. (Anderson, 1998, Katz, 1999, Murphy, 1999) To date these discrepancies have not been fully explained. Anderson has raised the question as to whether there is a fundamental problem in our understanding of gravity or in the timing provided by the atomic clocks as part of the Deep Space Network (DSN), which tracks the space probes. The space vehicles exhibit a pull toward the sun greater than current theory would predict by about 2e-8 cm/s2.

The general model now being used to describe the gravitational field proposes that gravitational waves run transverse to the direction of propagation of the gravitational energy. As predicted by Einstein, gravitational energy would travel at the velocity of light. To date, no experiments have been able to directly measure gravitational waves or even detect them, but from the interaction of the gravitational forces between a binary pulsar pair, Professor Joseph Taylor (Princeton U.) was able to deduce Einstein's prediction that the gravitational energy travels at the velocity of light. (Taylor, 1994--Nobel prize 1993)

Currently, many hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent , and hundreds of millions are now being sought, by an international university and investigative consortium in order to continue their research into gravity waves and to unravel the mysteries of gravity. It is our hope and belief that our work will bring further enlightenment to this challenge and provide the necessary, but different, perspective needed to understand gravity. The most significant aspect of this new theory is the discovery of diallel, gravitational-field lines. These diallel lines open up a whole new paradigm and help to explain several, heretofore, unexplainable problems in physics. With a new perspective we need some new physics. Papers are in preparation for publication to explain some of this new physics, and some information is available on our web site [www.allanstime.com]

In this new theory, two things are required for gravity to work. First, two bodies of some energy density to interact with each other, and second, connecting diallel lines which provide not only particle flow between the bodies, but also the flow of photon and gravitational information as well.

In chemistry and molecular spectroscopy we take for granted the seven electron shells that describe the energy states of electrons in their various atomic and molecular configurations. These seven shells along with the number of protons, neutrons and electrons give us all of our elements and isotopes of which we are aware. As these seven shells include all the electrons’ configurations around an atom or molecule, similarly, there are seven channels or states of conductivity for the diallel lines included in the new theory of gravity and in the UFT. These diallel lines are made of the same matter, and can serve as a conduit for any and all of the fundamental particles, as well as for photons.

The diallel lines are the conduits for the gravity information as well — bringing about the interaction between the two bodies. Just as a magnetic field requires no particles to make the field, so there is no graviton required to make a gravity field. In the same way that a moving charge sets up a condition for the generation of a magnetic field, a certain set of conditions will generate a gravitational field. The minimum conditions require two bodies, each with some level of energy density, together with a flow of charged particles along the diallel lines connecting these two bodies. The moving charges and particles in the diallel lines set up the necessary condition for the gravitational information to flow between the two bodies providing the gravitational interaction. The velocity of the gravitational information is a function of the conditions – typically at or faster than the velocity of light.

The frequency of this gravitational information is located in a band just above that of the cosmic rays that are associated with particle annihilation and generation. Like light, the velocity of gravity information is dependent on local circumstances. In the same manner that photons are associated with quantum transitions and all particles exist (interactively) in quantum states, the diallel lines have quantum states in which both particles and gravitational information travel. As particles and photons can be absorbed, refracted, or reflected, so can diallel lines when given the right local circumstances. A classic illustration of the refraction or bending of these diallel lines was determined by a team from the University of Alaska, who observed the bending of electron flow above extremely energetic thunderstorm activities. As will be seen below, the equations of state describing the fields for diallel lines contain the possibility for sign reversal, i.e. anti gravity or gravitational shielding.

Some additional perspectives are useful to appreciate aspects of the new physics needed for this new theory. We have long established in quantum physics the dual nature of matter: a particle can behave like a wave. Similarly, a photon, which is basically an electromagnetic bundle of energy oscillating at a particular frequency, can also behave as a particle. The electromagnetic field associated with a photon has no charge, and its energy is proportional to its frequency. The gravitational information cannot be considered as a particle or a bundle of energy per se. Operating above the cosmic frequency band, this gravitational information is communicated in a way not heretofore appreciated. We cannot write E = hv to describe its energy, and we need a new set of equations associated with this flow of information.

In summary then, the conditions needed for the gravitational field are two objects with some energy density (not just mass) and with diallel lines running between these two energy-density objects, which diallel lines are conducting particles, i.e. electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. These diallel lines then provide a conduit for the gravitational band of frequencies to communicate and generate a gravitational interaction between the two objects. Much like our circulatory and respiratory systems breath and pulse to sustain life, so these diallel lines are the communication channels to provide (pulse and breath in analogy) a balance, harmony and the function of nature. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mathematical Physics index History Topics Index
General relativity is a theory of gravitation and to understand the background to the theory we have to look at how theories of gravitation developed. Aristotle's notion of the motion of bodies impeded understanding of gravitation for a long time. He believed that force could only be applied by contact, force at a distance being impossible, and a constant force was required to maintain a body in uniform motion.
Copernicus's view of the solar system was important as it allowed sensible consideration of gravitation. Kepler's laws of planetary motion and Galileo's understanding of the motion and falling bodies set the scene for Newton's theory of gravity which was presented in the Principia in 1687. Newton's law of gravitation is expressed by
F = G M1M2/d2
where F is the force between the bodies of masses M1, M2 and d is the distance between them. G is the universal gravitational constant.
After receiving their definitive analytic form from Euler, Newton's axioms of motion were reworked by Lagrange, Hamilton, and Jacobi into very powerful and general methods, which employed new analytic quantities, such as potential, related to force but remote from everyday experience. Newton's universal gravitation was considered proved correct, thanks to the work of Clairaut and Laplace. Laplace looked at the stability of the solar system in Traité du Mécanique Céleste in 1799. In fact the so-called three-body problem was extensively studied in the 19th Century and was not properly understood until much later. The study of the gravitational potential allowed variations in gravitation caused by irregularities in the shape of the earth to be studied both practically and theoretically. Poisson used the gravitational potential approach to give an equation which, unlike Newton's, could be solved under rather general conditions.
Newton's theory of gravitation was highly successful. There was little reason to question it except for one weakness which was to explain how each of the two bodies knew the other was there. Some profound remarks about gravitation were made by Maxwell in 1864. His major work A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field (1864) was written
... to explain the electromagnetic action between distant bodies without assuming the existence of forces capable of acting directly at sensible distances.
At the end of the work Maxwell comments on gravitation.
After tracing to the action of the surrounding medium both the magnetic and the electric attractions and repulsions, and finding them to depend on the inverse square of the distance, we are naturally led to inquire whether the attraction of gravitation, which follows the same law of the distance, is not also traceable to the action of a surrounding medium.
However Maxwell notes that there is a paradox caused by the attraction of like bodies. The energy of the medium must be decreased by the presence of the bodies and Maxwell said
As I am unable to understand in what way a medium can possess such properties, I cannot go further in this direction in searching for the cause of gravitation.
In 1900 Lorentz conjectured that gravitation could be attributed to actions which propagate with the velocity of light. Poincaré, in a paper in July 1905 (submitted days before Einstein's special relativity paper), suggested that all forces should transform according the Lorentz transformations. In this case he notes that Newton's law of gravitation is not valid and proposed gravitational waves which propagated with the velocity of light.
In 1907, two years after proposing the special theory of relativity, Einstein was preparing a review of special relativity when he suddenly wondered how Newtonian gravitation would have to be modified to fit in with special relativity. At this point there occurred to Einstein, described by him as the happiest thought of my life , namely that an observer who is falling from the roof of a house experiences no gravitational field. He proposed the Equivalence Principle as a consequence:-
... we shall therefore assume the complete physical equivalence of a gravitational field and the corresponding acceleration of the reference frame. This assumption extends the principle of relativity to the case of uniformly accelerated motion of the reference frame.
After the major step of the equivalence principle in 1907, Einstein published nothing further on gravitation until 1911. Then he realised that the bending of light in a gravitational field, which he knew in 1907 was a consequence of the equivalence principle, could be checked with astronomical observations. He had only thought in 1907 in terms of terrestrial observations where there seemed little chance of experimental verification. Also discussed at this time is the gravitational redshift, light leaving a massive body will be shifted towards the red by the energy loss of escaping the gravitational field.
Einstein published further papers on gravitation in 1912. In these he realised that the Lorentz transformations will not apply in this more general setting. Einstein also realised that the gravitational field equations were bound to be non-linear and the equivalence principle appeared to only hold locally.
This work by Einstein prompted others to produce gravitational theories. Work by Nordström, Abraham and Mie was all a consequence of Einstein's, so far failed, attempts to find a satisfactory theory. However Einstein realised his problems.
If all accelerated systems are equivalent, then Euclidean geometry cannot hold in all of them.
Einstein then remembered that he had studied Gauss's theory of surfaces as a student and suddenly realised that the foundations of geometry have physical significance. He consulted his friend Grossmann who was able to tell Einstein of the important developments of Riemann, Ricci (Ricci-Curbastro) and Levi-Civita. Einstein wrote
... in all my life I have not laboured nearly so hard, and I have become imbued with great respect for mathematics, the subtler part of which I had in my simple-mindedness regarded as pure luxury until now.
In 1913 Einstein and Grossmann published a joint paper where the tensor calculus of Ricci and Levi-Civita is employed to make further advances. Grossmann gave Einstein the Riemann-Christoffel tensor which, together with the Ricci tensor which can be derived from it, were to become the major tools in the future theory. Progress was being made in that gravitation was described for the first time by the metric tensor but still the theory was not right. When Planck visited Einstein in 1913 and Einstein told him the present state of his theories Planck said
As an older friend I must advise you against it for in the first place you will not succeed, and even if you succeed no one will believe you.
Planck was wrong, but only just, for when Einstein was to succeed with his theory it was not readily accepted. It was the second half of 1915 that saw Einstein finally put the theory in place. Before that however he had written a paper in October 1914 nearly half of which is a treatise on tensor analysis and differential geometry. This paper led to a correspondence between Einstein and Levi-Civita in which Levi-Civita pointed out technical errors in Einstein's work on tenINovalogicsneakSouthernShadowfromTheGallowssors. Einstein was delighted to be able to exchange ideas with Levi-Civita whom he found much more sympathetic to his ideas on relativity than his other colleagues.
At the end of June 1915 Einstein spent a week at Göttingen where he lectured for six 2 hour sessions on his (incorrect) October 1914 version of general relativity. Hilbert and Klein attended his lectures and Einstein commented after leaving Göttingen
To my great joy, I succeeded in convincing Hilbert and Klein completely.
The final steps to the theory of general relativity were taken by Einstein and Hilbert at almost the same time. Both had recognised flaws in Einstein's October 1914 work and a correspondence between the two men took place in November 1915. How much they learnt from each other is hard to measure but the fact that they both discovered the same final form of the gravitational field equations within days of each other must indicate that their exchange of ideas was helpful.
On the 18th November he made a discovery about which he wrote For a few days I was beside myself with joyous excitement . The problem involved the advance of the perihelion of the planet Mercury. Le Verrier, in 1859, had noted that the perihelion (the point where the planet is closest to the sun) advanced by 38" per century more than could be accounted for from other causes. Many possible solutions were proposed, Venus was 10% heavier than was thought, there was another planet inside Mercury's orbit, the sun was more oblate than observed, Mercury had a moon and, really the only one not ruled out by experiment, that Newton's inverse square law was incorrect. This last possibility would replace the 1/d2 by 1/dp, where p = 2+ for some very small number . By 1882 the advance was more accurately known, 43'' per century. From 1911 Einstein had realised the importance of astronomical observations to his theories and he had worked with Freundlich to make measurements of Mercury's orbit required to confirm the general theory of relativity. Freundlich confirmed 43" per century in a paper of 1913. Einstein applied his theory of gravitation and discovered that the advance of 43" per century was exactly accounted for without any need to postulate invisible moons or any other special hypothesis. Of course Einstein's 18 November paper still does not have the correct field equations but this did not affect the particular calculation regarding Mercury. Freundlich attempted other tests of general relativity based on gravitational redshift, but they were inconclusive.
Also in the 18 November paper Einstein discovered that the bending of light was out by a factor of 2 in his 1911 work, giving 1.74". In fact after many failed attempts (due to cloud, war, incompetence etc.) to measure the deflection, two British expeditions in 1919 were to confirm Einstein's prediction by obtaining 1.98" 0.30" and 1.61" 0.30".
On 25 November Einstein submitted his paper The field equations of gravitation which give the correct field equations for general relativity. The calculation of bending of light and the advance of Mercury's perihelion remained as he had calculated it one week earlier.
Five days before Einstein submitted his 25 November paper Hilbert had submitted a paper The foundations of physics which also contained the correct field equations for gravitation. Hilbert's paper contains some important contributions to relativity not found in Einstein's work. Hilbert applied the variational principle to gravitation and attributed one of the main theorem's concerning identities that arise to Emmy Noether who was in Göttingen in 1915. No proof of the theorem is given. Hilbert's paper contains the hope that his work will lead to the unification of gravitation and electromagnetism.
In fact Emmy Noether's theorem was published with a proof in 1918 in a paper which she wrote under her own name. This theorem has become a vital tool in theoretical physics. A special case of Emmy Noether's theorem was written down by Weyl in 1917 when he derived from it identities which, it was later realised, had been independently discovered by Ricci in 1889 and by Bianchi (a pupil of Klein) in 1902.
Immediately after Einstein's 1915 paper giving the correct field equations, Karl Schwarzschild found in 1916 a mathematical solution to the equations which corresponds to the gravitational field of a massive compact object. At the time this was purely theoretical work but, of course, work on neutron stars, pulsars and black holes relied entirely on Schwarzschild's solutions and has made this part of the most important work going on in astronomy today.
Einstein had reached the final version of general relativity after a slow road with progress but many errors along the way. In December 1915 he said of himself
That fellow Einstein suits his convenience. Every year he retracts what he wrote the year before.
Most of Einstein's colleagues were at a loss to understand the quick succession of papers, each correcting, modifying and extending what had been done earlier. In December 1915 Ehrenfest wrote to Lorentz referring to the theory of November 25, 1915. Ehrenfest and Lorentz corresponded about the general theory of relativity for two months as they tried to understand it. Eventually Lorentz understood the theory and wrote to Ehrenfest saying I have congratulated Einstein on his brilliant results . Ehrenfest responded
Your remark "I have congratulated Einstein on his brilliant results" has a similar meaning for me as when one Freemason recognises another by a secret sign.
In March 1916 Einstein completed an article explaining general relativity in terms more easily understood. The article was well received and he then wrote another article on relativity which was widely read and went through over 20 printings.
Today relativity plays a role in many areas, cosmology, the big bang theory etc. and now has been checked by experiment to a high degree of accuracy.>The traditional gravitational equation is:
The product of the masses is divided by the distance between theme squared, and "G" is the well known constant of proportionality — the universal gravitational constant. According to this equation. The acceleration of gravity that we feel on the earth is given by Gm1/r122 (= 9.8 m/s2 nominally at the surface of the earth) if m1 is the mass of the earth and m2 is mass of the person feeling the acceleration. What we feel when standing is nominally this force since we are constrained to walk about on the earth. If the material surface of the earth were not constraining us, we would then free-fall, accelerating toward the center of mass of the earth.

Given the new theory, the attraction is a function of the energy-density, which, of course, includes the mass. The above traditional equation is a subset of the new. The new equation for gravitational force replaces the masses by the integral over the density and is as follows:

It is fascinating that at C.U. where they have created new matter called Bose-Einstein condensate, the velocity of light in this condensate can be almost as slow as the velocity of sound. It would be instructive to perform diallel line experiments in conjunction with B-E condensate matter. This high-density material could lead to some interesting validations of this new UFT due to the higher energy densities present.

The work of Dr. Ning Li at the University of Alabama at Huntsville is particularly fascinating also, as she is doing high frequency work with super conductors and investigating the quantum states associated with the gravity fields. She has not yet published her full theory, and her work appears to be among the most promising. (See references below)

As the electrons travel along diallel lines, they spin clockwise in a variety of quantum states. Anti-gravity comes as a result of spinning the electrons in the opposite direction. This is like and in conjunction with the creation of anti-matter. By so doing, one gets a negative sign from the A2 term in the above equation, for example, creating an upward rather than a downward force. This is somewhat analogous to a magnetic field being used to suspend objects.

Papers are available on the UFT, and both validating experiments and theory for the above gravitational interaction are available. These papers may be obtained by request. Several experiments are planned and some now are being prepared.

Alaska, University of; several papers on "red sprites and blue jets;" http://sprite.gi.alaska.edu/
Anderson, J. et. al., Physical Review Letters, Vol. 81 Num. 14, 5 Oct.'98
Katz, J. I., Physical Review Letters, Vol. 83 Num. 9, 30 August 1999
Murphy, E. M., Physical Review Letters, Vol. 83 Num. 9, 30 August 1999
Taylor, J., Binary Pulsars and Relativistic Gravity, reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 66 p 711 Nobel Prize 1994.

Related Papers:
Ning Li and D. G. Torr, Phys. Rev., 43D, 457, 1991.
Ning Li and D. G. Torr, Phys. Rev., 46B, 5489, 1992.
Ning Li and D. G. Torr, Bull. Am. Phys. Sco., 37, 948, 1992.
E. Podkletnov and R. Nieminen, Physica C, 203, 441, 1992.

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Subject: Do De Do De Hum Hum Hum

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Date Posted: 14:30:13 12/11/03 Thu

A patient struggles to produce the word "pen" but instead produces something that sounds like "Ben." What are the exact processing deficits that account for this situation? Is there something wrong with the patient’s initial sound selection (e.g., mentally swapping "b" for "p")? Or is it the case that this patient can adequately plan speech sounds, but later distorts them during speech output? Are deficits in articulatory strength, timing, or movement involved? Could this talker’s speech problems be linked to underlying perceptual errors? What patterns of brain activity might correspond to such deficits? What exactly should treatment focus on, and why?

Such pressing issues are, of course, at the center of the discipline of speech-language pathology. However, key theories of speech-language pathology could not be formulated without a more basic understanding of non-impaired speech processing. Normative speech processes are studied in the field of speech science, a broad discipline that encompasses several related specialties focusing on the way speech is produced and perceived. Although breakthrough discoveries in speech science research are being made every day, the flow of information from laboratory to clinic can sometimes be rather slow. Let me briefly provide some information that will help address this shortcoming.

Speech Production and Speech Perception

The field of speech science is often divided into the specialties of speech production and speech perception. Speech production is concerned with the way in which our thought and language are converted into speech. A number of theories seek to explain exactly how such amazing behavior is accomplished. Most theories share the view that there is a pre-articulatory (or planning) stage and a motor realization (or vocal tract control) stage, and that these stages are accessed in a precisely timed, hierarchical manner during speaking.

Speech production scientists ask the following types of questions: What are the units of speech? How are these various units and levels coordinated during talking? How does speech develop in children? To what extent do speaking processes share commonalities with other types of oral motor behavior? What role does auditory feedback play during our talking? How "flexible" is the speech process, and how do talkers respond if normal articulatory processes are perturbed? How do talking rate and volume affect articulatory processes? Are speaking processes different in relaxed vs. formal speech situations? What are the brain bases for speech motor control?

Speech perception researchers puzzle out how listeners can decode meaningful units of speech (phonemes) from a rapidly changing and highly encoded speech signal—a communication ability that is miles beyond the reach of most computers.

Speech perception researchers ask questions such as: What are the exact acoustic "cues" that listeners attend to in order to identify speech sounds? How do listeners recognize individual talkers or know that very different physical signals coming from different talkers may in fact indicate the same linguistic meaning? How does speech perception develop? How do listeners adjust to volume or rate changes in the speech they are hearing? How does speech perception degrade in noise? To what extent is speech perception a typical auditory process, and to what extent might speech be considered a "special" behavior that involves unique modes of processing? How do acoustic cues for speech interact with visual cues picked up from watching the face? How flexible is the speech perception process, and how is speech hearing reorganized when listeners are provided with "electronic hearing" through cochlear prostheses? How is speech perception represented in the brain?

Current Research

It is an exciting time for clinicians to tune in to speech science, because a number of recent technological breakthroughs are having a great impact on the field. There are important projects taking place all over the world. Let me briefly describe three research projects that scientists, clinicians, and students are working on here at the University of Texas Dallas Callier Center for Communication Disorders (UTD).

Visual Biofeedback

One project explores whether visual biofeedback of tongue movement can help patients with brain damage recover speech. Following brain injury such as stroke, individuals are frequently left with a debilitating loss of language and speech known as "Broca’s aphasia" or "apraxia of speech." Most of these patients also present with buccofacial (or oral) apraxia, a disorder that affects the ability to make nonspeech oral motor gestures on command. Although these associated aphasic and apraxic deficits cause some of the most visible and long-lasting symptoms for adult neurogenic patients, the underlying bases of these deficits and the best means of their treatment have not yet been fully sorted out.

For many years, our knowledge of articulatory movement was either limited to the external articulators (lips and jaw) or indirectly inferred from the acoustic signal. However, new technologies are making it increasingly possible to directly measure the movement of the lips, jaws, tongue, and velum using relatively noninvasive techniques. One such technology we have been working with in our laboratory is electromagnetic midsagittal articulography (EMA). In this technique, the subject wears a lightweight helmet that sets up low field strength, alternating electromagnetic fields around the head (about the strength of a handheld hairdryer). Tiny sensors are glued to the subject’s articulators, and these are connected to a computer by means of fine wires that are led from the corners of the mouth. As the sensors move through the electromagnetic fields, the computer tracks them, yielding a two-dimensional image of articulatory movement measured in the midsagittal plane.

We have used EMA primarily as a research tool, investigating such issues as how gestural overlap (or coarticulation) differs in the speech of aphasic and healthy control talkers, and whether the ability to flexibly reorganize the motor system during perturbed speaking conditions ("bite block speech") differs in children, adults, and brain-damaged individuals.

Most recently, we have designed programs that show the patient images of the tongue during speech in order to provide visual augmented knowledge of performance for difficult-to-produce sounds. In this technique, the subject views a monitor that shows an outline of the palate and the current tongue position. The sounds to be treated are repeated by the subject until acceptable exemplars are produced. Using a mouse-drawing tool, investigators then mark a circle on the video monitor around the region containing the spatial endpoints for each stimulus. The patient next begins a biofeedback program that sets up different speaking tasks and shows the subject exactly where the tongue is and whether the tongue reaches the right spatial location. Targets to be hit light up green, and targets that were successfully hit change to red. When correct hits are made, a pleasing tone sounds and a small balloon image rises on the computer screen.

Although this work is still in a very early stage, the preliminary findings have been quite promising. Using this biofeedback method, we have treated a small number of individuals with aphasia and apraxia of speech, and we have observed lasting results for some sounds that were otherwise poorly treated by traditional methods. The data also have allowed us to gain some fresh perspectives into some time-honored puzzles about aphasia and apraxia (Is verbal apraxia best considered a special case of a broader class of disorders called apraxia, or do these two disorders dissociate? How does the lesion site relate to aphasic and apraxic symptoms?).

We are currently testing whether this biofeedback technique also can be used with buccofacial apraxia (in which talkers cannot complete facial motions such as "blow out a match" on command). Also, to bring these biofeedback techniques closer to the clinical setting, we are exploring other new tongue-tracking devices that may be cheaper and easier to use.

As research in biofeedback continues, scientists will learn more about the functional and neurological bases of recovery from brain damage. For example, does biofeedback operate because of general relaxation principles (allowing existing faculties to operate more smoothly) or because alternative neural mechanisms are recruited? Or both? Functional neural imaging studies may help elucidate these issues.

Electronic Hearing

A second research project conducted at the Callier Center examines how "electronic hearing" in the form of cochlear implant devices affects speech production. Cochlear implant technologies have had a profound effect on our field and are offering new means of communication to thousands of individuals throughout the world. However, the exact effects that these various devices have on speech need to be further elucidated.

Cochlear implants not only afford the user the opportunity to hear others speak, but they also permit monitoring of one’s own speech. A UTD research scientist, Sneha Bharadwaj, recently completed a study that examines the role of self-hearing during speech. Cochlear implanted adults and children produced speech samples under two conditions—with the implant device turned on and with it switched off immediately before the repetition of each word. Subjects’ productions were analyzed acoustically and also were presented to normal-hearing listeners to determine speech quality.

The results confirmed previous findings that auditory feedback is used to control suprasegmental information over relatively large speech units, such as syllables and words. However, rather surprisingly, auditory feedback also was found to affect segmental-level productions of consonants and vowels in the short-term. These data suggest that talkers closely monitor their own speech over very brief time spans, matching their output against an "internal model" of what they intended to say. I phantom of the opera sneak freedom's slave from the gallows. The results also suggest auditory feedback affects various speech sounds differently, perhaps relating to the extent to which these sounds involve tactile or proprioceptive information. Although this work is still in an early stage, the clinical implications are that certain sounds produced by cochlear-implants talkers will be more amenable than others to remediation based on standard, auditory-based techniques.

Altered Brain Responses

In another series of experiments conducted at UTD, Emily Tobey and colleagues have begun identifying the brain structures altered in hearing impairment and deafness and potentially restored by cochlear implants. In conjunction with the University of Texas Southwestern Nuclear Medical Center (directed by Michael Devous), this team has been tracking regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in the auditory region of the brain using Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography. rCBF is directly related to the activity of the neurons as they process information. A first series of studies found that rCBF responses to speech signals in the auditory cortices (and in the auditory association areas where hearing and speech get related) are blunted in cochlear implant users relative to normal-hearing control subjects, and the severity of blunting is greatest in cochlear implant patients with poor speech perception.

With this information as background, the researchers are now testing whether pharmacological stimulation paired with auditory rehabilitation will increase neuronal response to electrical stimulation for a cochlear implant and further enhance the speech perception performance of individuals with cochlear implantation, particularly those individuals who receive minimal benefit from the devices. The idea is that unsuccessful cochlear implant users fail to perceive properly arriving signals due to metabolic limitations of the cortex, and that under pharmacological stimulation this situation might be reversed.

Such an intervention has proven successful in restoring speech in post-stroke individuals with aphasia and in restoring motor function in those who have experienced stroke. They also learned that subjects with hearing loss who might be eligible for cochlear implants often show greatly different rCBF responses to stimuli delivered in the left ear relative to the right ear. These "pre-implant" studies are helping the team determine which ear is the best to implant based on differing responsiveness of the brain to signals from one ear or the other.

Decoding Speech

Let us next examine some exciting research in the area of speech perception. Peter Assmann and colleagues are investigating the exact role that different types of acoustic information play when listeners decode speech. During vowel perception, two distinct types of information are known to play a role: formant frequencies (a property of the filter that are heard as changes in vowel quality) and fundamental frequency (F0; a property of the speech source that is heard as pitch). However, the exact way in which these types of information interact during the perception process is not completely clear.

In a series of experiments, Assmann and Jack Scott (a UTD graduate student in audiology) studied the relationship between F0 and formant frequency shifts in vowel perception. They used a high-quality speech synthesizer to process a set of vowels spoken by three adult male speakers of American English. Identification accuracy dropped by about 30% when the formant frequencies were scaled upwards by a factor of 2.0 and, in a separate condition, by about 50% when F0 was raised by two octaves.

However, when formant frequencies and F0 were both increased at the same time, identification accuracy showed a marked improvement, compared to conditions where each cue was manipulated separately. The data suggest that listeners have internalized knowledge of the relationship between F0 and formant frequencies in natural speech and that this plays a key role in vowel perception. These findings have important implications for our understanding of how listeners with cochlear implants perceive speech, because these people face a similar challenge of piecing together F0 and formant frequency information that may be "mismatched" due to the manner in which their processes extract speech cues for perception.

In summary, many discoveries in speech science are shaping the field of speech-language pathology. I have listed a few projects taking place in our university, and there are, of course, many other exciting areas of research and development around the world. Here are a few breaking examples:

• New signal processing breakthroughs are allowing rapid, online estimates of vowel formant frequencies. These developments will facilitate computer-based tools that may be useful for foreign accent reduction and the treatment of disordered speech.

• Speech scientists are learning more about the biological bases of more "masculine" and "feminine" sounding speech and the possible relation between talkers’ speech characteristics and their sexual orientation. These data will help us understand the age-old question of how much of our behavior is "nature" and how much is "nurture" and may also be useful in clinical work with transsexual individuals

• In studies of stuttering, speech scientists have reported that frequency-shifted delayed auditory feedback can produce rapid improvement in the speech of certain individuals with severe fluency problems.

Clinicians are urged to stay tuned so that state-of-the-art knowledge can be incorporated into effective clinical practice.

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Subject: :Centennial::Promise:

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Date Posted: 13:57:27 12/05/03 Fri

In the most accurate picture yet of the makings of our universe, astronomers have determined that a measly 5 percent of its mass comes from the ordinary matter that makes up planets, stars and gases.
The finding, by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., and the University of Colorado at Boulder, is scheduled for publication next month in the journal Physics Review D.
"Our universe is a very strange cosmic cocktail," said lead author Max Tegmark, assistant professor of physics and astronomy at Penn. "The 95 percent of the universe that's not matter like we see around us is matter that can't be seen at all -- matter of a type that still mystifies astronomers and cosmologists."
The report by Tegmark and his colleagues draws upon careful readings of light emanating from the cosmic microwave background, the faint afterglow of the Big Bang.
This light comes from an opaque, ever-expanding wall of hydrogen and other matter spewed forth by the Big Bang, which delineates the observable universe and has been racing inexorably outward ever since our universe's birth 14 billion years ago.
The glowing inner surface of this wall of primordial matter holds many clues to the universe's origins.
The group's determination that the universe is only about 5 percent ordinary matter confirms an earlier prediction based upon the manner in which light elements such as helium and hydrogen scattered in the minutes immediately after the Big Bang.
"We now have two completely independent ways of coming up with the 5 percent figure," said collaborator Matias Zaldarriaga of the Institute for Advanced Study, "one based on theories about the newborn universe and one relying on an understanding of the universe hundreds of thousands of years later."
The 95 percent of the universe's mass that's not ordinary matter is a stew of curious ingredients, all of it dubbed "dark" because astronomers can't yet see it.
Tegmark and his collaborators suspect that roughly 33 percent is cold dark matter, a class of slow-moving matter that can be detected at this point only by the presence of its mysterious gravitational pull. Hot dark matter, primarily neutrinos -- speedier chargeless particles that also pass right through ordinary matter -- appears to contribute a scant 0.1 percent of the universe's mass
Most of the remaining 62 percent of the universe is apparently an even more puzzling type of matter known as dark energy. Like the two types of dark matter, dark energy can't be seen or touched and is known only by its gravitational pull.
But unlike dark matter, which is thought to appear haphazardly throughout the universe, dark energy is believed to be uniformly distributed and is thought to be responsible for our universe's accelerating growth.
The first evidence of dark energy came only two years ago, when the behavior of certain supernovae suggested this accelerating expansion of the universe. This latest work is the strongest independent suggestion that dark energy actually exists.
"A few years ago, it was widely believed that the universe ran a 'budget deficit' and that this 62 percent of the cosmic energy budget wasn't even there," said co-author Andrew Hamilton of the University of Colorado. "But according to Einstein's theory of gravity, such a budget deficit would curve space much more than has been observed, so that possibility is now excluded."
According to Einstein, any curving of space should reflect the amount of matter in the universe. Sphere-like curvature, which magnifies distant objects, would suggest the presence of relatively more matter; saddle-like curvature would indicate the opposite.
Recent microwave background observations revealed that space was essentially flat, suggesting that our universe's energy budget is, in fact, balanced.
Tegmark's team used a three-dimensional map of the galaxy distribution in a sphere 4 billion light-years in diameter. The galaxies within this colossal sweep of space were scanned by the NASA/NIVR/SRC Infrared Astronomical satellite and a team centered at the University of Edinburgh.
Tegmark's group fitted the resulting data to 11 cosmological parameters, calculating theoretical predictions for billions of different models on Penn computers. They developed a new way of making these theoretical predictions about 1,000 times faster, but without any loss of accuracy.
Tegmark, Zaldarriaga and Hamilton's research was funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation and the Penn Research Foundation. - By Steve Bradt
(Editor's Note: Tegmark's paper is available on Physics Review D's website; when prompted, enter volume number 63.



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Subject: [.SorrowAndJoyGoHandInHAnd.]

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Date Posted: 13:43:16 12/05/03 Fri

I refuse to be like whatsisface "me" and post a long annoying message. I, unlike everyone else, only get to get on for a half hour at a time, so want ot make it convienant.

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Subject: Ya know, if that wasn't just cassady testing, you're sneak is void.

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Date Posted: 05:36:58 11/29/03 Sat

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Subject: ...

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Date Posted: 19:05:04 11/28/03 Fri

Presently force fields and energy wavicles are not very well understood in science [5]. The biggest dilemma is that currently most scientists think that forces are produced by the exchange of interactive wavicles such as photons. In this view it is imagined that the magnetic field is actually a flow of photons emanating from one end of the magnet and being returned in the other. However it is also a well known fact that different types of blackbodies absorb every type of photon that is emitted. Surely then a blackbody placed in the path of a stationary magnetic field would absorb the photons that were emitted and quickly heat up (Ev 4). It appears that scientists have been hell bent on modeling a universe that is composed of a single type of particle without always considering how the system works together as a whole. Such a single particle model is desirable to verify if the universe started with the Big Bang.
As was already mentioned, it is possible that the entire universe is composed of at least three layers of entities that can be identified. It appears that there a substratum composed of particle-like entities which forms a fixed absolute 3-dimensional structure that entirely fills the universe. At present we have no words in our language to describe such an entity that is not made up of any form of matter. It is not solid, liquid or gas, because these are words to describe different formations of atomic particles. We can only use common words such as granularity, cellularity, or metrical to describe the fact that the substratum must be divided off into very small sub entities. It must have sub entities because the speed of energy as well as force fields (Ev 2) that travel through space devoid of matter is very uniform. How would energy wavicles and force fields know how to travel at a certain rate if the substratum or space were one large entity? Surely photons do not have a sense of detecting their absolute velocity, a computer, and a throttle to control their speed through empty space to such an exact standard as the speed of light. If the substratum has very small entities, then energy wavicles and force fields could have a uniform speed by jumping from one entity to another or by traveling in relation to these entities. This is somewhat similar to how the speed of sound can be constant by traveling in a medium.
Traveling through the substratum of space are the force fields. They are called fields because they are spread out into large areas of space. Presently force fields are not very well understood in science [10]. There are four force fields that are thought to exist. The Strong field holds quarks together. The Weak field is responsible for holding together leptons such as the electron. The Electromagnetic field holds together atoms and molecules, is responsible for magnetism and electric fields. The Gravitational field pulls all energy wavicles together. Electromagnetic force fields travel through the substratum at the speed of light. It is speculated that other force fields may as well. While energy wavicles are vibrating, it appears that force fields are not the result of any sort of vibration (Ev 6). They appear to transfer forces by some presently unknown mechanism. It is not known whether all force fields are the result of one basic type of interaction or if there are four or even more individual interactions that exist. Force fields are not considered to be energy or contain energy. They can be thought of as extensions of the energy wavicles that drive them. For example a magnetic field can be produced by a flow of electrons in a wire. This magnetic field can in turn produce a flow of electrons in another wire some distance away. Imagine the fields to be similar to a rigid member that transfers the energy from one wire directly to the other (Ev 5). There is no real conversion to energy in the fields. No energy wavicles are created. This is a direct transfer of energy through the fields. That fields do not contain energy is a necessary conclusion as will be seen later on.
Not all energy is transferred directly through the force fields. Commonly there is an indirect transfer of energy through the creation of energy wavicles such as photons. When the lines of force in a field system move there are often wavicles such as photons that are formed. For example when the electromagnetic field around a radio transmission aerial expands and contracts, real wavicles of low energy called radio wavicles are formed. The moving fields in effect scoop out small wavicles of energy as if out of nothing. In reality though the new wavicle of energy was created by direct transfer of the energy in the transmission aerial through the fields and to the new energy wavicles. If the forces in the field collapse slowly, wavicles with slow vibration equal to the vibrations of the magnetic field will be created. If the magnetic force field collapses quickly, wavicles with a fast vibration will be created. (Ev 7)
While field vibrations are large 3-dimensional areas of force, energy wavicles are considered to be individual vibrations of a single energy wavicle. These wavicles are quite small, however they do cover a reasonable area of space otherwise our eyes or the tiny aerials of cell phones would not be able to collide with enough of them. As well, it appears that all energy wavicles have force fields that surround them. For example a curved satellite dish is only composed of wires. Wouldn't the tiny photons just travel through the mesh? It appears however that the force fields, which are solidly attached to the wavicles, aid in bouncing photons back to the receiver. The mesh of the dish actually "sees" the photons as being much larger entities. Energy wavicles travel forward at a maximum speed of 300,000 km/sec relative to the substratum which is called the speed of light. It does not appear that the vibrations of the wavicles are vibrations of the substratum entities, rather the energy wavicles seem to be vibrating in their own cell like structures, but in relation to the particle like entities of the substratum. Wavicles at times have been described as vibrating strings or membranes. I like to think of them as simply wavicles which can include any kind of vibrating string, membrane, ball, blob or bubble.
Groups of wavicles can form wavicle chains and wavicle webs. These various collections result in the different properties that atoms and molecules possess. In the present string theory, all the different types of energy particles are described as different frequencies of the vibrating strings. Such a system does not seem possible because the energy of each individual wavicle is already based on the speed of the vibrations of the wavicles. Photons themselves have vibrations ranging from near zero to extremely fast (Ev 8). It is more likely that all the different atoms are rather created by the different combinations and groupings of wavicle chains. There may also be other possible variations within energy wavicles which at present we cannot detect. For example it appears that energy wavicles have different characteristics such as being open ended, closed loops, and twisting vibrations.
The energy wavicles in the universe can be divided into different groups which have different properties. All energy wavicles can be divided into either bosons or fermions [11]. A boson...is a wavicle which can exist in the same spot as another wavicle. A photon is a boson. A fermion...is a wavicle that cannot exist in the same spot as another wavicle. The basic components of matter such as the proton, neutron, electron, and neutrinos are all fermions. Another way of dividing all wavicles is into those that contain entirely matter and ones that don't. It appears that some bosons can contain small amounts of matter. Matter...is energy that can exist even when it is stationary relative to the substratum. The term stationary refers to the whole of the matter wavicle not moving. The energy is still moving but rather than traveling in a straight line the energy is circulating within the confines of the matter wavicle similar to the illustration in Fig 7.
There have been many movies made and books written in the past about people traveling near the speed of light. The molecules in a person are made from matter and these would contain much more relativistic mass and energy if they traveled at these speeds. When matter travels very fast relative to the substratum, the wavicles are not traveling at greater than the speed of light. Rather, the vibrations of the wavicles are faster. It is not likely that atoms with wavicles vibrating so quickly and containing so much energy would be stable anymore. Atoms might start decomposing, forming other types of atoms as well as emitting radiation. This is a factor that Einstein did not take into account in his totally relative Observer system. His system was based on relative effects that took place in experiments with light at very low speeds such as in the Michelson-Morley test. Such effects cannot necessarily be extrapolated to be uniform for all types of energy wavicles all the way to the speed of light

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