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Date Posted: 04:53:22 12/20/03 Sat
Author: lloyd

I remember it was really cold. my grandmother always made 3 or 4 fruit cakes, started them in early december, and had them on top of the china cabinet, covered with a dish cloth and had and apple in the hole in the cake, would pore a small amount of grapejuice every so often to keep the cakes moist, these were the kind without all that candy like they put in todays store bought. these were the best I ever ate. on the Christmas tree, we would string popcorn and hang apples and oranges on the tree, there was no such things as lights, it really looked dull compared to todays trees. I got a football and a pair of socks. back then the wages was like 18 to 22 cents and hour, but you could drive to Ft. Worth and back to Comanche (200 miles round trip) for $1.20, soft drink was a nickle, loaf of bread was a nickle. the biggest thing was every one sitting around the dinner table, all your kin folks were at grandmothers. I know we never had any arguements with one another. it was always saddest when the next day every one would go back to their homes. We always had a good Christmas. and we are going to have one this year cause our baby daughter will be here with us, what more can you ask for.
we here at our house wish each of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.
for you blondes and redheaded east texas rednecks A KOOL YULE AND A FRANTIC FIRST

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