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Date Posted: 09:13:56 12/20/03 Sat
Author: lloyd
Subject: fishing from the jetties

Well, when I was on board this air-sea-rescue vessal, sailing out of Mayport, Florida. when we were in port tied up to the slip (dock) one of my shipmates an I would take a number 3 wash tub with us to the end of the jetties and fish, one would cast using a dillinger number 309 lure, and reel in and cast, in a matter of 5 to ten minutes the tub was full of trout, then one of us would sentd a signal to the ship to send a mate down to get the tub of fish and for him to take the catch to the cafe just outside the main gate and to get us a beer drinking account, by the time he got back we had enough trout for another trip to the cafe. when we had done this long enough, we would get dressed in our navy whites and head for the cafe for a night of fun, thanks to the trouts. this is an absolute true story, I know because I was that SAILOR MAN (not boy). some stories begin with "once upon a time" or "you ain't gonna beleive this BS', well then you know it will not be true
lloyd of the sea

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