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Subject: up

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Date Posted: 12:42:41 12/26/04 Sun
In reply to: starlight, dream chaser and twilight 's message, "Friesian herd" on 18:41:46 12/13/04 Mon

> >src=http://www.equiworld.net/en/breeds/friesian/Mares.J
> Dare to Dream
> Snorting with a toss of her flowing tressels
>starlight urges on her small yet growing herd. Banner
>catching the cool winds that blew over the great
>grasslands as audits twitch like radar searching for
>trouble. her 17 hand frame muscled and lean showing
>off her wild breeding as long limbs strike at the
>earth beneath her in long steady strides. Pools of the
>deepest black concealing the wisdom she had gathered
>from many long years within her home lands. every
>sound and movement monitored with an alert wariness as
>the smell of humans lingered near. This being her
>eighth year and her third as lead. muzzle lowering to
>brush along the side of her colt Dream Chaser as she
>nickels softly allowing the now warmed up group to
>slow near a river. Her pride and joy just weaned slows
>to munch with contentment and his dams side. overly
>long legs muscular and stead beneath him. Pools
>glancing about the new area with a bit of awe within
>before his crania darts up and he is off like a shot
>to race about his small family under the careful eye
>of Twilight who at the younger age of Three seemed to
>have become something of a baby-sitter. Her smaller
>frame of a couple inches shorter a bit leaner and
>perhaps ill looking, having come from less then ideal
>conditions and a bit of sickness. Though she was
>getting better with every passing day under the
>watchful eye of her new leader. ebony pelt scruffy
>from higher elevations compared to the two that live
>in the sunny valley below. Banner trailing along
>behind her she leaves Starlight's side to play a game
>of tag with her charge. Starlight lowering her muzzle
>to nip at lush grass as she watches content not to
>follow. alert still for any dangerous presences that
>might be lurking.

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Subject Author Date
...better late than never...Esmerelda16:13:32 12/29/04 Wed
    ...better late than never...fressians20:28:04 12/29/04 Wed

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