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Date Posted: 15:49:18 01/02/04 Fri
Author: Arlen_Texas
Subject: Re: Favorite Lines from the Show
In reply to: Cody 's message, "Re: Favorite Lines from the Show" on 16:47:31 12/27/03 Sat

HANK: Can't you see you're not making Christianity better, you're just making rock n' roll worse.
PASTOR K: You people are all alike. You look at us and think we're freaks. Come on, even Jesus had long hair.
HANK: Only because I wasn't his dad.

PEGGY: I am not a feminist, Hank. I am Peggy Hill, a citizen of the Republic of Texas. I work hard, I sweat hard and I love hard and I gotta smell good and look pretty while doing it. So, I comb my hair, I re-apply lipstick thirty times a day, I do your dishes, I wash your clothes and I clean the house. Not because I have to, Hank, but because of a mutual, unspoken agreement that I have never brought up, because I am too much of a lady.

BOBBY: Objection, your honor! My dad doesn't use drugs. The only thing he needs to be happy is fishing. Sustained.

LISA: Your mother is in jail? Wow! It's amazing that you're in college and not trying to mug me or sell me drugs right now.
LUANNE: I think so too!

DALE: All right, if no one's gonna say it to you, Hank, I'll say it: I am jealous of that hat!

BILL: Only Ricky and I know how tough it is to get this far. He won't let anything stand in his way. Yep, I remember hemmorhage, and embolism, and even detatched retina -- it sounded scary, but when you smell the goal line, they're only words. Just words.

BOOMHAUER: Hank, I don't know what you're thinkin', but no, man, I ain't no Woody Allen with that little ol' Soon-Li, man, nothin's gonna happen.

COTTON: Well, I never thought I'd see the day when my own son would stop loving me. It's about time! Love's for sissies! Ain't that right, you house full of hookers?

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