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Date Posted: 01:40:15 04/02/04 Fri
Author: Freedom
Subject: Freedom..T'is Worth Fightin' for..
In reply to: Red Dawn 's message, ".::. The crimson sun has risen .::." on 21:20:41 04/01/04 Thu

Maiden of painted hue, whickered a goodbye to thy lord, then turned 'er dial to Red Dawn, her gaze catching her's..
*I'm not sure..He'll be back soon probably..* She said softly, nudging the crimson fatele's neck kindly again..Gaze coming away fro' Dawn's again..
Where was Shalimar off to? Shw did not know..
Well..She could talk to Red Dawn..If she wanted 'er to..
Then she put 'er dial down and nickered to the crimson lamia..

*Please Red Dawn..Tell me why you are so upset..*

She was quite worried about her..Was it somthing the pretty paint femme, had said, or somthing Shalimar had said?

Freedom did'nt want to upset the jezabele in any way..reddish femmora had seemed to not like her at first, but now..She did seem OK with Freedom..And the fae of painted hue always did like 'er..

She silently awaied an answer...

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