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Subject: Declarer Play

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Date Posted: 05:14:56 09/28/07 Fri

Dummy has

You have
S KJ943
H QT97
D 7
C T72

You are playing 4S. LHO opened 1C (natural). After CA lead, LHO shifts to small H. You win the H shift. When you play the D, LHO takes it, cashes HA and then plays the 3rd H. Everyone follows.

How would you bring 4S home?

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[> Subject: Re: Declarer Play

Henry Tam
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Date Posted: 19:54:10 10/16/07 Tue

LHO has shown 3A & club K (presumably leading club A from AK) at least 15 high card points. Why LHO not openning 1N?
Reasonable guess is LHO has a singleton in spades. LHO is most likely having a 1-3-3-6 or 1-3-4-5 shape hand.

My line of play would be after winning the 3rd round of hearts in dummy I will try to cash my 2 diamond winners. If I can discard my 2 club losers, I will just play spade A and 10 finessing against RHO. 4 spades will be made as planned.

If RHO ruffs my 2nd diamond winner I will overruff. Ruff a club in dummy and play spade A & another spade finessing against RHO. 4 spades will also be made in this way.

>Dummy has
>S AT7
>H KJ4
>C J
>You have
>S KJ943
>H QT97
>D 7
>C T72
>You are playing 4S. LHO opened 1C (natural). After CA
>lead, LHO shifts to small H. You win the H shift. When
>you play the D, LHO takes it, cashes HA and then plays
>the 3rd H. Everyone follows.
>How would you bring 4S home?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Declarer Play

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Date Posted: 09:26:33 11/27/07 Tue

I am in doubt whether you can make 4S if RHO has 4S.

>LHO has shown 3A & club K (presumably leading club A
>from AK) at least 15 high card points. Why LHO not
>openning 1N?
>Reasonable guess is LHO has a singleton in spades. LHO
>is most likely having a 1-3-3-6 or 1-3-4-5 shape hand.
>My line of play would be after winning the 3rd round
>of hearts in dummy I will try to cash my 2 diamond
>winners. If I can discard my 2 club losers, I will
>just play spade A and 10 finessing against RHO. 4
>spades will be made as planned.
>If RHO ruffs my 2nd diamond winner I will overruff.
>Ruff a club in dummy and play spade A & another spade
>finessing against RHO. 4 spades will also be made in
>this way.
>>Dummy has
>>S AT7
>>H KJ4
>>D KQJT92
>>C J
>>You have
>>S KJ943
>>H QT97
>>D 7
>>C T72
>>You are playing 4S. LHO opened 1C (natural). After CA
>>lead, LHO shifts to small H. You win the H shift. When
>>you play the D, LHO takes it, cashes HA and then plays
>>the 3rd H. Everyone follows.
>>How would you bring 4S home?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Declarer Play

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Date Posted: 04:10:21 01/20/08 Sun

If S is 4-1, will opp shift to something else? Opp can defeat the contract easily by continuing C, can't they?

After C return at T2, you can't clear all trump immediately because opp can cash the 3rd C once you set up any red suit. If you ruff the 3rd club, you don't have any trump left for trump finesse.

>I am in doubt whether you can make 4S if RHO has 4S.
>>LHO has shown 3A & club K (presumably leading club A
>>from AK) at least 15 high card points. Why LHO not
>>openning 1N?
>>Reasonable guess is LHO has a singleton in spades. LHO
>>is most likely having a 1-3-3-6 or 1-3-4-5 shape hand.
>>My line of play would be after winning the 3rd round
>>of hearts in dummy I will try to cash my 2 diamond
>>winners. If I can discard my 2 club losers, I will
>>just play spade A and 10 finessing against RHO. 4
>>spades will be made as planned.
>>If RHO ruffs my 2nd diamond winner I will overruff.
>>Ruff a club in dummy and play spade A & another spade
>>finessing against RHO. 4 spades will also be made in
>>this way.
>>>Dummy has
>>>S AT7
>>>H KJ4
>>>D KQJT92
>>>C J
>>>You have
>>>S KJ943
>>>H QT97
>>>D 7
>>>C T72
>>>You are playing 4S. LHO opened 1C (natural). After CA
>>>lead, LHO shifts to small H. You win the H shift.
>>>you play the D, LHO takes it, cashes HA and then
>>>the 3rd H. Everyone follows.
>>>How would you bring 4S home?

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[> Subject: Re: Declarer Play

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Date Posted: 02:07:12 03/26/08 Wed

Any good solution other than finesse LHO 3 cards SQ?

>Dummy has
>S AT7
>H KJ4
>C J
>You have
>S KJ943
>H QT97
>D 7
>C T72
>You are playing 4S. LHO opened 1C (natural). After CA
>lead, LHO shifts to small H. You win the H shift. When
>you play the D, LHO takes it, cashes HA and then plays
>the 3rd H. Everyone follows.
>How would you bring 4S home?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Declarer Play

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Date Posted: 23:08:09 03/27/08 Thu

The defense is really suspicious. It is unlikely that competent pairs defend like that. Would it possibly be a "Greek Gift"?

Going along this thought, one possible reason justifying the defense is that the proposed defense might lead to the failure of the defense simply because declarer has no choice but hoping for S Qx, specially offside Qx.

With S Qx, LHO might try to provide enough rope for the declarer. The actual defense gives the declarer with a losing option to take the 'lossing' finesse.

Anyway, this declarer's play highly depends on the opp. Perhaps, this perspective may serve as a widen view and generate a deeper insight to the hand.

Hopefully, this hand can lead to more dicussion of bridge in various perspectives.

>Any good solution other than finesse LHO 3 cards SQ?
>>Dummy has
>>S AT7
>>H KJ4
>>D KQJT92
>>C J
>>You have
>>S KJ943
>>H QT97
>>D 7
>>C T72
>>You are playing 4S. LHO opened 1C (natural). After CA
>>lead, LHO shifts to small H. You win the H shift. When
>>you play the D, LHO takes it, cashes HA and then plays
>>the 3rd H. Everyone follows.
>>How would you bring 4S home?

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