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Subject: asking bidding

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Date Posted: 18:07:26 02/25/08 Mon

Case 1 : IF RHO open a 4H bid (RHO is dealer)
What kind of condition I should
B. Take Out X
C. Bid S suit

Case 2: IF LHO open a 4H bid (LHO is dealer), and Pn Pass
What kind of condition I should
A PASS also
B Take Out X
C. Bid S suit

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[> Subject: Re: asking bidding

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Date Posted: 01:48:46 03/30/08 Sun

The situation is very difficult. One of the reason is that almost all the bidding space has been destroied by 4H bid.

For PASS, it's a relatively easy case. When you can't compete against 4H. What can you do?

For DOUBLE, question is whether the double must be takeout. If it's takeout orientated, it should satisfy the distribution of a takeout X. What if you have a big hand, eg 20 hcp with improper distribution? More HCP is needed to compensate the improper distribution.

Lastly, it comes to 4S bid. well whenever you think 4S would be made, you should venture 4S. It acquires judgement and experience. Playing strength is necessary to justify the bid.

There are more information about case 2 since pn can't bid anything on 4H. It denies certain hands he can have.

You should have either a very good hand in term of HCP or shortage in H to double 4H. When you have a good hand, double shows strength to pn. You don't want to get a minus score with, eg, 20 HCP, do you? Another situation is that you have shortage in H. That means pn is rated to have trump stack over 4H bidder which makes defense against easily.

To bid 4S, it's necessary to have good playing strength. Pn has denied some hands such as shortage in H with openning value. As a result, it's unlikely that pn can provide many useful cards.

A point to note, 4NT over 4H is a tool to take out. Usually it shows 2 suiters take out. C+D are preferable but not necessarily the case. 4NT bidder can convert 5D from his pn's 5C preference if he has D+H.

I hope my sharing is helpful to you. In high level competition auction, experience and judgement is important.

>Case 1 : IF RHO open a 4H bid (RHO is dealer)
>What kind of condition I should
>B. Take Out X
>C. Bid S suit
>Case 2: IF LHO open a 4H bid (LHO is dealer), and Pn
>What kind of condition I should
>A PASS also
>B Take Out X
>C. Bid S suit

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