Date Posted:20:29:32 12/19/06 Tue Author: Rob Adcox Author Host/IP: / Subject: anti SUV
SUV's are entirely stupid. What is an SUV, really? It's a tall station wagon. The fact that so many of them are on the road means that I get blinded at night a lot, due to their headlight height being basically at eye level to those of us who still remember what cars are. SUV's guzzle gas, which essentially makes us ever-dependent upon OPEC nations. You might know that some of those countries as funding terrorism -probably from the revenue generated by those who buy SUV's. Admittedly that's a simplified summation, but it holds substantial fact. One more argument against SUV's is that they're so incredibly B-O-R-I-N-G. I wish those who drive SUVs would climb down from their high horses and return to driving cars. SUVs suck.