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Subject: Yes and No

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Date Posted: 16:21:12 02/17/06 Fri
In reply to: Grapenuts 's message, "Re: Any events planned for summer yet?" on 11:27:07 02/16/06 Thu

Hi Grapenuts. I've been skiing out west this week & just saw your (re)post. BTW, it's cold as hell up here right now. I love it. I actually have an expedition plan written for an Ohio-to-Canada kayak trip, but I mothballed it because I test paddled the area and it was motorboat central w/ poor wilderness qualities.

We tossed around some other ideas on this board a ways back (Beaver Island, Bay of Islands in the North Channel) and there was some interest. I've been meaning to contact Red Squirrel about co-leading a trip, but I've been busy getting engaged & planning various trips (big story for later). If either you or Red Squirrel is up to planning a trip w/ me get in touch, bmail3 at gmail. One interesting sub-plot is that I (or my best man, TBA) need to plan a bachlor party for me. I say we hold the stippers & go heavy on the wilderness expedition. I can see this working into a wilderness kayak/camping/Scotchtoberfest trip really easily.

Ever since your bro went into semi-retirement things have been a little ragged in the trip planning department, with a couple notable sucess stories. I'm all about planning &/or leading a trip, preferably a 4-5 day kayak trip, sea or river. I'd love to incorporate a climbing element.

I'd hate to see FBET become a kayak club, so it'd be nice if we could also plan some hikes or bike trips. My buddy Hahnfeld leads a lot of trips w/ NCTA & he swears it's all about a "just do it, and they will come" approach.


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Subject Author Date
Re: Yes and NoFabio16:56:51 02/17/06 Fri
Re: Yes and NoBelvedere12:47:57 03/08/06 Wed

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