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Subject: Re: Isle Royale

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Date Posted: 21:55:44 09/12/06 Tue
In reply to: Grapenuts 's message, "Isle Royale" on 12:32:02 09/12/06 Tue

>Anyone up for an Isle Royale trip?? How far is the
>Island from land? Kayakable? Anyone up for it this
>year sometime for a nice Fall Colors trip?

Wapiti and I went to Isle Royale a few years ago and were immediately assulted by a brigade of annoying rangers, who demanded our exact itinerary and basically annoyed me the whole time. Isle Royale is kind of the Cedar Point of hiking destinations. Everybody wants to go there and they tend to overcrowed the island. Not to mention, the staff are always sticking the nose where it doesn't belong. They dispense needless beginner and uneducated advice about "Wilderness" hiking. Wilderness indeed. It takes two days just to hike away from the annoying people.

Not to be negative, but you would be hard pressed to find someone in this group to spend a few hundred dollars to go to a crowded destination.

Now, as far as kayaking, that would be interesting. Probably from Grand Portage. You would miss the rangers, crowds, but may have to deal with the November Witch stealing a little early.

Maybe if we kayak, but it would be pretty dangerous.

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Re: Isle RoyaleKen04:51:36 09/15/06 Fri

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