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Subject: [.As.Low.As.You.Go.]

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Date Posted: 15:32:36 02/16/04 Mon
In reply to: Centenial 's message, ".&. Day in Congress .&." on 15:28:35 02/16/04 Mon

Juliette shook her head, she was not affraid of speed nor did she resent it. Leaning slightly Jules sat easily to Redemtion's new found pace, hips rocking gently to the motion. The sounds of hooves meeting the wooden planks completed the song of horse and rider. With Centenial and Christine in a gallop, Jules flung herself foreward, crouching low over Redeem's neck, kneeding her knuckles into the mare's neck, feeding her rein. "Let's get 'em!" She called out to the mare steering her slightly to the right to pull up beside Cent. Thoroughbreds may be one of the fastest breeds, but Mustangs had endurance; endurance to spare. The straight away would soon end, but until it did the gallop would be all in fun.

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[*]Reedeming My Pride[*]Redemption16:50:51 02/16/04 Mon

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