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Date Posted: 17:53:45 09/08/04 Wed
Author: Glen Baker
Subject: What a GOOD thing this organization is!

I want to commend Donna for "birthing" this very useful organization. I know some of you are disappointed that we haven't yet been able to have regularly scheduled meetings, but there WILL surely be meetings in our future...and there is great value in our flexibility. LSAS is a RALLYING POINT which adds legitimacy to our diverse interests and activities.

Donna, I like the idea of just dropping by Millermore to do whatever is at hand. (Too bad my time isn't as flexible as my interests!) Has the water damage been repaired...or was it maybe not as significant as I envisioned?

We need to share the various activities and projects that we've done in the name of LSAS. (Linda, Glenn Ann and I have pictures and tales that we'll send or bring down soon. Who else has done something to report?) ....rgb

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