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Date Posted: 09:52:26 10/06/23 Fri
Author: Comicality
Subject: "Left Without Words" not to continue on Nifty...

Ok, so here's what's going on with that...

I've been trying for weeks to post my last chapter of "Left Without Words" on the Nifty Archive, and my email can't get through because it keeps giving me an error saying that they're new system is detecting it as spam. I don't know why. I went through every single word to see what might have created that problem, but to no avail.

Anyway, I wote in to Nifty to see if I could somehow figure out what I did wrong, or if they could help. They said that they had a new detection or secuirty program...but they'd look into it. I thanked them and waited to see if they could correct it. A week went by...still didn't work. Another week went by, and despite multiple attempts...it STILL doesn't work. And now, I guess I'm just becoming a 'bother' to them or whatever. I know they're busy, but like...so am I. So, I simply won't be posting that story there anymore. ::Shrugs:: It will continue here on the site and in the Library, but no more Nifty until they decide they want to help me fix it. I love posting there, but if it becomes a hassle for this series or any of my others, I'll let you guys know. K?

Look for any notices here or on you can sign up for the mailing list at https://www.gayauthors.org/lists/?p=subscribe&id=1 in order to get any further updates. I tried, you guys. Sorry. :(

I haven't tried any other stories, but if it keeps blocking me, I may not be able to post anything there anymore. Which would be a shame...but it is what it is. Help me spread the word if you can! And I'll seezya soon! Mwah!

Love you lots!

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