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Date Posted: 20:53:58 04/20/24 Sat
Author: JeffsFort (sad)
Subject: Imagine Magazine Question

Hi everyone, I'm trying to keep busy because if I stop this is going to catch up with me. I just need to do something productive.

Cirrus reached out to me and asked if we would consider dedicating the entire return issue to Comicality. We've tossed a couple ideas around already and I'd like to ask if you guys would consider sharing your favorite Comicality memory with us. Something that stands out for you. Something that happened in chat, a funny interaction, an email that you exchanged, something that stands out. I'll toss one in there as well but Cirrus is right, Comsie brought us all together and left us treasure after treasure in a community more unique than I have ever seen anywhere else. I'd love to see us all come together on this one. We have all been sharing our memories in forums and in chat and I think it would be nice to include some of them in a project that made him so proud, which made me excited to be a part of it all.

You could post it here or send it in to submissions@imagine-magazine.org If there are any questions, let me know and I'll answer as best as I can. We have time so give it some thought. We will need to skip May but once we can see through the tears, we really want to keep this gift he gave us alive, and we want you all to be a part of it. - *HUGZ*

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