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Date Posted: 18:01:49 12/31/22 Sat
Author: Comicality
Subject: (S) "A Home Foor Christmas 9"



I want to wish you guys a very happy new year tonight! Let's all make sure that 2023 is the best year of all! That's definitely my goal, anyway! Hehehe! So try to keep up and go out to live your best lives! Cool? It's a time to start all over again, and the perfect excuse to let go of the past and all of the things that have been anchoring you down and holding you back. So let's get active! And I love you all!

Tonight, a brand new chapter of the story "A Home For Christmas" is being posted for your enjoyment! So let me know what you think whenever you guys get a chance! And...BONUS....

You'll be happy to know that the entire "A Home For Christmas" series is officially complete now! And I've already put it in to be released as an ebook in its entirety! So the last three chapters are finished, including this one! So, as soon as I get a link, I'll let you guys know where to grab an ebook and get the full story if you don't want to wait.


BUT, I'll still be posting the last few chapters right here on the site every other week if you just want to read it that way. Cool? It's up to you! :P

Take care! And just wait to see what 2023 has in store for you! It's our 26th year now! We've come a loooooong way since that very first story! But we're not slowing down! Seezya 'soon'! ::Winks::

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