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More mind-blowing than anything that I ever could have imagined...Blake’s dreamy essence seemed to flood my senses with a blissful experience that truly left me dizzy. A slightly naughty taste, warm and rich...and it felt so ‘alive’ once I allowed it to rest on my tongue. So responsive. So excited. My heart felt as though it was truly about to burst, the way it was collapsing and expanding so quickly that the pounding pulse in my ears completely blocked out every other sound in the room. And as I attempted to move in even closer to him to see if I could angle his hardness more upright and get more of my mouth to surround his heated member...I noticed that he was slightly struggling to open his legs even wider, but was restricted by having the sweatpants practically binding his ankles together. I definitely needed to fix that.
I had to pull my lips off of him for a moment, causing Blake to look down at me again to see why I stopped, but he leaned his head back again as he saw me moving my hands down to set him free from his current confines. I loved the feel of his bare feet in my hands as I worked to slip the pants off of him, one legs at a time...the well formed arches flexing slightly as his toes curled in anticipation for my return to pleasuring him in the most passionate ways possible. Getting more anxious, Blake began to lift his legs a bit more to step down on the fabric and get himself loose. And before long...I was able to lightly toss the sweatpants aside and bear witness to the glorious sight of having my biggest boy crush leaning back, spread eagle on the couch...lips parted slightly as he presented his treasures to me, completely naked from the waist down.
I didn’t want to wast a moment of this cherished touchstone in my life. I wanted to drink it all in so I could remember it forever. And yet, I couldn’t help but to wonder if I was missing something along the way. An entire list of sensual details, drowned out by the overwhelming awe and wonder of it all. I guess I’m just going to have to try to absorb as much as I can...and hopefully have fond memories of it for later. What else can I hope for, right?
Besides...nobody can tell me that this experience isn’t ‘special’ for me. It’s the most special moment of my young life! Believe me!
I scooted towards him again on my knees, and immediately noticed that I had a lot more room to work with this time. His legs giving me unrestricted access to...well...everything, really. So...rubbing my palms up his thighs, I took a hold of him again and angled him downward to reattach my lips to his shaft and sucked the spongy head for a moment or two, licking around the sensitive tip before plunging myself down even deeper than before.
“Oooh...” He said with a slight gasp, and I ran my hands all over him to soothe his tightening leg muscles as his body began to writhe slightly underneath me. I went down as low as I could on him, which was pretty close to the base of his shaft, I think...but not quite all the way. I just loved sucking on his sweet flavor, hearing his gentle whimpers as he did his best to hold himself still. And then I slowly slid my moist lips back up to the tip again...this time noticing a different ‘tang’ in the savory taste that I experienced the first time. An extra touch of liquid sex, with a slightly thicker texture...mixing with my saliva as it leaked from his arousal. I liked it. I instantly felt like I wanted more...and I couldn’t wait until I got it.
Just like with our kissing, it didn’t really take long for our natural instincts to take over and have our erotic motions sync themselves up into a rhythm that made us both feel as though we had been doing this our entire lives. I always thought that sex would take some kind of...I don’t know...practice or training or something to be any good at it. But you know what’s weird? When your heart is really into it, and you’re with someone you care’s the most natural activity in the world. Learning how to skateboard, or shoot a basketball, or do a back flip...there’s a learning curve, you know? You need to teach yourself how to clumsily struggle your way through it. But this? Right here? Right now? I think we kind of got the hang of this right way. Hehehe!
Although, I do think that I might have scraped him with my teeth one or twice when I got a little bit too excited...which I know is not a good thing to do. But Blake is just...he’s so HOT! Controlling myself is a constant discipline that I have to work on to keep from practically devouring this charming beauty alive.
I loved every inch of him. And when I took a few moments to breath by slipping off of the top of his shaft, I went straight down for the nuggets below again, feeling the wisps of blond hair tickling the tip of my nose as I inhaled the slightly more potent scent of his pheromones down there. More there than anywhere else. I kissed the insides of his thighs, then began to lick all over them, and then sucked on the tender meat of them as I saw Blake’s hands gripping the couch cushions as if they were the only thing anchoring him down to this planet. I’ve never been so turned on in my life.
And before long...I could hear Blake starting to breathe really really hard. His balled up fists moved from the cushions to suddenly thrust themselves forward to rest on my shoulders, his hips beginning to hump themselves up into my sultry vacuum as I tried to scoot even closer and take as much of him to my mouth as I could, now even using my hand to stroke the few inches between the base of his rigid shaft and my lips.
I know this feeling. The gyrations, the stifled whimpers, the building loss of control. I did think about maybe pulling off at the very last second, not really sure what a full explosion like that might taste like or if I’d be able to take it all without sputtering or making a jackass out of myself somehow. Blake began to warn me that he was about to blow, forcing his hands off of my shoulders and back down to the cushions again...I decided to not back out now. It’s Blake. My sweetheart. And I just sort of prepared myself for whatever my first mouthful of a teen’s orgasmic load might taste. I mean...I’ve come this far, right? If it’s going to be my very first time...I might as well try it all, I guess.
Blake’s toes curled up again, his hands moving up into his blond hair as his face scrunched up in this really sexy way...and then I could feel him swell and tighten in my mouth just a second or two before his shaft began to go into a series of tantrums, his legs collapsing in on either side of me as he began to pump one heavy blast of heated seed past my lips after another. I could feel it covering my tongue and splashing against the roof of my mouth until I had no other choice but to swallow it down as quickly as I could manage. It wasn’t easy either. There was...ummm...a lot of it.
A thick cream that my tastebuds couldn’t decide whether it was more like salted butter or a sweetened glaze. Maybe a mixture of both. But, more importantly, was the way Blake’s whole body wiggled in ecstasy as his heaving stomach tightened up to force out every last drop that he had to offer. I could tell when he was done, because his whole body fell limp back against the couch and he finally began to relax as he did all he could to quickly catch his breath.
Hehehe...he’s so cute...
I took a minute or so to just lick all around him down there, still trying to swallow some of the remaining concentrated honey his exhausting climax had left behind, still enjoying him as much as possible while he twitched and grinned at my continuing administrations.
Then, his eyes suddenly shot open, and he looked at me as if he just realized what he had done. “Omigod! Aric...I’m sorry!” He said. “I was trying to tell you ahead of time, but I could barely breathe, much less speak. So I just...I couldn’t hold it anymore...”
“Hehehe!’s ok. I wanted you to!
“ did?” He asked, and I nodded my head with a smile. “Really? Like...all of it?” I nodded again, kissing the inside of his thigh again. “What was that like?” He smiled.
“It was...different, I guess. I don’t know. I was sort of lost in the moment too.” I said.
“That’s so wild.” He said, still breathless from the experience. “I mean...I sorta tasted my own before. Just because I was curious, or whatever. But a full load? I don’t know...that might be a bit much.”
“I thought about that. But, honestly. It wasn’t. It was...kinda cool, actually.”
Blake gave me a sly grin, and then he looked down at himself, and he said, “Hold on a sec. Ok? I’ll, ummm...I’ll be right back.” He stood up, still half hard, and he looked around for the sweatpants that I gave him to pick the up and head towards the bathroom.
He was still naked from the waist down...and DAMN did that boy have a nice ass! I need to grab a few handfuls of that before he leaves after the weekend.
He went in the bathroom and closed the door, and I heard some water running and stuff, like he was trying to clean up or whatever, and for a moment...I began to wonder if maybe we was having any second thoughts or regrets about what we had just done together. I mean, I didn’t screw this up, did I? I would never forgive myself if I found out that I was moving too fast for him to be comfortable with any of this ‘sex’ stuff. Why didn’t I think of that? Everybody that’s super cute and sexy isn’t ready for sex. It would be so STUPID of me to even assume that!
Shit! I fucked up, didn’t I? I totally fucked up!
I think I was in the middle of a severe bout of self torture when Blake re-emerged from the bathroom wearing my sweats again, and I immediately looked away from him. Great...I ruined Christmas. Way to go, Aric.
Blake sat back down on the couch, and I got up off of my knees to turn around and join him, grabbing what was left in my mug of hot chocolate. But this time, I made sure leave a significant space between us. I didn’t know what to say. I should have waited until later. You know...until we got to know each other a little bit better. I’m practically a stranger that he thought was cute and met a bunch of times for a few minutes over the past few weeks. Maybe I should have waited. Traded phone numbers, spent some time together….maybe ask him out on a date first? I’ve been reading too many erotic stories, thinking that something special could be built from physical attraction and a moment of opportunity. I just...I can’t believe that I...
“You ok?” Blake asked, interrupting my deepest thoughts as I was trying to work my way through them.
“Yeah. I’m ok.” I mumbled.
“Aren’t you, like...cold, way over there?” He said with a smirk. And he held up the other side of the blanket for me to scoot back over and share it with him again.
I felt myself move over, almost on autopilot, but I wasn’t going to be as comfortable as I just was a few minutes ago if I didn’t get rid of this nagging voice in the back of my mind. Even when Blake put his arm around me and snuggled me back up in the blanket, giving me a little kiss on the cheek...I still felt like I messed up somehow. I hid my ability to speak behind the activity of sipping more of my hot chocolate, and Blake looked over at me again. He knew something was on my mind. He could tell. How could he not tell?
“Aric...I really am sorry know...”
“Huh? Oh! No. No, that’s not it.” I said.
“But it’s something. Isn’t it?”
I seemed to be stumbling my way towards asking the question, but finally just said, “Blake...if you think that I crossed some kind of line or something tonight...I didn’t mean to. Like I said, I kinda got all caught up in the moment.”
He was so confused. And I was confused that he was confused. “Cross a line? Look, I don’t want to seem like I’m charging at you at top speed or anything, but to be honest? I’ve been dreaming about this moment. Hehehe!”
“What? Like right now?”
“Well, I mean, I didn’t expect you be so much fun to be around and to talk to and live in a big house with all this awesome stuff in it...” He giggled. “...But the ‘other’ part...I used to think about it all the time.”
“Oh. Ok.” I said. “That makes me feel better. I was worried that you didn’t, like...well, I mean...that you weren’t into it like I was into it.”
“Trust me, Aric...I totally was.” He said, and he lightly turned my head to kiss me on the lips again. “You know...the first time I saw you walk by me, I was sorta trying to get enough change for a sandwich or a microwave sausage biscuit or something. So I was asking people for spare change and stuff...but I stopped when I saw you. I tried to straighten up and look my best and stop you from seeing me hungry. I followed you into the store, and I kept trying to see if I could catch your eye. I don’t know what I expected, kinda made me remember what it felt like to be...’normal’ again.” He said, and I took a hold of his hand as the sentiment of it all began to hit me. “Then I saw you grab one of those tabloid papers and a few snacks, and I almost didn’t want to watch you walk out of my life forever. But I tried to have a little bit of faith, and sure came back a few days later. And my whole world brightened up all over again.”
“Seriously?” I asked. “I was gonna come back anyway, but...once I saw that it was a place that you liked to hang around...I tried to make sure that I came back almost every day if I could. You were so beautiful.”
“Awww, dude! You should have SAID something! Weeks ago!”
“I know, I know. I just...I have issues where I always feel like I’m doing something wrong. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I’m hopelessly insecure or anything...I just...I think too much. And the same thoughts start playing over and over in my head, repeating themselves until they’re just a few moments away from driving me completely crazy, because...there are so many things in life that I feel like I have only one chance to get right.” I said. “And you? You would definitely be one of those things.” Blake smiled, and I blushed with a fury. “Maybe that sounds cheesy to you, but it’s the truth. I’ve pretty much had a crush on you from day one. I’ve just been too much of a coward to really say anything about it.”
“Same.” He said, and he hugged me close again as I began to reclaim some of that fleeting comfort that had escaped me so quickly when he got up from the couch. “You know...with me going through what I’m going through, and you dealing with what you’re dealing with...maybe we were destined to find one another. Heh...maybe this is our Christmas miracle, if there is such a thing.”
“If I wasn’t a believer before, this would definitely keep me from being a skeptic.” I said, sharing another kiss with him again. “I’re the cutest boy I’ve seen. Like...ever. The very idea that you’re here with me right now is blowing my mind.”
“Hehehe, stop...” He said.
“It’s true!”
“You just want more kisses, that’s all. I’m hip to your game, Mister.”
“If you were really hip to my game, you’d know how I feel about the sexy shape of your ass and my mouthwatering reaction to it.” I said, and Blake laughed out loud.
“No fair! You got to see my ass, but I didn’t get to see yours yet. That hardly seems fair.”
“It’s not like you won’t get a chance. But only if you spend the night with me.” I said, and he smiled back at me.
“It would be pretty hard to turn down an offer like that, now wouldn’t it?” He told me. “Sighhhh...alright. I suppose I could spend the night. Hehehe!”
“Cool...” I said, and could feel my hardness poking straight up again. “Maybe I can take care of this for you a few more times tonight too.” I gripped him through the fabric, and he was just as hard as I was again.”
“It’s gonna make for a long night.”
“I don’t mind. Do you?” I said. And he shook his head. “I’ve got a TV in my bedroom, you know? In case you wanted to make yourself a bit more comfortable.”
“I like the sound of that.” He said, kissing my lips again. “But we’re taking this blanket with us. This thing is awesome!”
“Only if you stay awake this time.”
“No promises, Aric.”
“Hehehe, I’m just kidding. It won’t matter. Just stay naked from now on, k?”
“Deal.” He said, and grabbed the blanket as I took a hold of his hand and led him back to my bedroom to enjoy the rest of our Christmas Eve. Together. As one.
As it should be.
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