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Date Posted: 19:44:17 09/25/20 Fri
Author: River Acheron
Subject: I may be in the minority
In reply to: brandonrobby 's message, "Doctor Sleep" on 06:17:07 09/24/20 Thu

See, I didn't love 'Doctor Sleep'. Not even the novel. To me, it felt like an unneeded sequel, too little too late. Also, the tone was so different than 'The Shining' that it underwhelmed me. I also thought the casting was wrong across the board. Maybe that's just because no one in that movie was how I pictured them in my head when I read the book. They were GOOD actors....the acting was fine. But no one really seemed to fit their roles. Always a risk when adapting a book. That said, I could see WHY the movie got such praise. I did appreciate the end though, where they go back to a familiar place. (I don't wanna spoil it, but you know what I'm talking about). I thought that was amazing. I wish the whole movie was Danny dealing with that instead, ya know?

I gotta admit, I do like the director! (Mike Flanagan) He did the best he could with King's source material. Check out Mike Flanagan's other movies, 'Absentia ', 'Oculus', 'Hush', and 'Before I Wake'. I mean, the dude is super talented for sure! He also directed the movie adaptation of King's 'Gerald's Game' which I have NOT seen yet. lol. I love that book soooo much, too. I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Anyway, there's nothing really wrong with 'Doctor Sleep' at all from a technical level or artistic level. I'm not a fan of the story itself, and it just didn't do anything for me. I guess either a movie hits you or it doesn't, eh? Didn't hate it, though. Out of 10 stars I'd give a 4.5 or maybe even a 5.

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