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Date Posted: 02:02:00 09/30/20 Wed
Author: River Acheron
Subject: Ohh...that scene!
In reply to: River Acheron 's message, "I may be in the minority" on 19:44:17 09/25/20 Fri

When you said Jacob Tremblay, I was confused! I didn't know who that was. I figured it was one of the background True Knot characters. I just looked up the name, the kid who played Bradley, you mean.

Yeah...okay, I will say this about that scene. lol. Yes. For a studio MAINSTREAM movie...I can see how that could be an uncomfortable death. Sure! Watching young kids die in horror (AMERICAN horror...this is done more with less taboo in other country's horror movies) is somewhat rare. (I can think off the cuff of a few examples. Theres more but right off the bat I can think of 'The Blob', 'Beware: Children At Play', 'Clown' - prob the most disturbing because it's toddlers and we see them getting killed BRUTALLY including their guts! - 'Halloween 3: The Season of the Witch' of COURSE, 'Final Destination 2', but the dude was like 15 so I dunno if that counts, I guess we can include 'Children of the Corn', "IT"...but yeah. It's still a taboo, I suppose. We dont usually see kids die in mainstream horror, and especially not brutal. So I can see how that might have been shocking. In the book, it's written WAY worse. WAY WAY WAY worse, lol, so I guess it didn't phase me? Also I've seen 'Salo', 'A Serbian Film', 'Cannibal Holocaust', 'Blood Sucking Freaks', 'Hostel', etc etc. So...when I watched it, I really didn't think of it as shocking, ya know? I'm desensitized to gore. :P But in retrospect, for a mainsteam movie, I can TOTALLY see how non horror fans would react at something like that. Especially since the original 'The Shining' was so slow-burn (in a good way)

So I dunno. I mean ya! He was good in his role and he knew how to scream that's for sure! It was one of the better scenes in the movie. As I said, I didn't love the movie until the climax at that location I talked about. But I didn't even think of that kid because he was such a minor character. I mean..important to the plot of course, but I mean the character and actor himself. I would say he did a good job.

But Ewan McGregor as as older Danny Torrance? Just...no

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