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Date Posted: 01:15:25 08/14/02 Wed
Author: Silver Eclipse
Subject: -Endless Dreams of Yesteryears-

-maiden sighs, nuzzling Wings lightly 'fore setting 'f on a walk.. thoughts adrift Oh Dreams how much she missed her and Sunny now seemed to have gone as well.. Her first foals she'd adopted, oh how she missed them along with all the others.. But Enchantress, Dreams and Sunny had always been her special foals always there.. now it seemed but Enchantress was left and Angel Wings.. who although not her daughter one she loved dearly.. deep sigh 'mitts thoughts moving on to stallions.. Firstly the one who always stayed in her stronger side of her heart Moonstruck.. then they'd been others some she'd forgotton few to be remembered.. and lastly Kochesta, how besotted with him she'd become.. he gone and left her just like the others.. oh how she missed him... seemed although she thought it was love twas not meant to be.. With him it seemed had dissapeared the harems spirit.. no longer twas the harem lifeful now only her and the two flickas remained how empty it had become just like life itself.. pehaps they should find a new harem.. move on from the past or pehaps they would stay.. visage is flicked skywards wondering what the future holds.. for now she wished to visit Dream's last legacy... Heaven's Legacy.. to she now he was called Dream's Leagacy for that was what he was to she... shrill cry 'mitts 'wards Enchantress and Angel Wings- I'm going to visit Legacy..-emotional residue flocks 'pon features- Enchantress do you wish to come and visit your nephew -soft look dances in eyes 'fore turning to Wings-< i> Would you wish to join us? I don't want you to be alone.. although I realise you are grown now?

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