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Date Posted: 12:26:39 08/14/02 Wed
Author: Enchantress
Subject: *looks over*
In reply to: Silver Eclipse 's message, "-Endless Dreams of Yesteryears-" on 01:15:25 08/14/02 Wed

*looks at her mother, saddness for her in filla's eyes. Howe she wished she could take away all the pain from her mother, lifes pains and hurts. I love you MommaShe thinks deeply, those words rarely spoken. Never has she ever thought of Eclipse as Momma truly in her heart. She was her adopted mother, Mom-dearly loved but not to take the place of her real Momma who was gone and dead. dead by her father. What horrible bloodlines she has for who could really trust her? With a mother who was weak and a father who was strong yet evil. She hated her true family and tried to hide it whenever she could. Yet it kept coming back to haunt her, her mother. She remembers her dimly more of her spirit then flesh. Though she does remember her real mother being killed, her neck slashed open. What horrible memores haunted her yet she tried to hide it whenver she could. Be positive... Yet now Enchantress was troubled, for she could not remember what her mother was like. Now her only thoughts were of Silver and her kindness, taking her for who she is despite her past... The only memory was her mother's dead body like a photo shot in her mind...She had only one "Momma" the one who didn't deserte her. The one who didn't die no matter what the problems or fights. Her eyes narrow and her heart cries in despair. Yet her eyes shed no tears-they're were none left.... She shakes her head sadly, and once again pushes the pain and memories to the back of her brain. She pretends she is someone else completely* I will remain here. This is my home and I cannot leave it. * Not to mention the fact that I am not worthy to meet any true good. She sighs yet thinksIt is enough that Silver seems to enjoy my company I shouldnt push it

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