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Subject: ok.. remember when I said I have fiber optics for my Petty shop?

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Date Posted: Friday, January 18, 06:10:06pm

not entirely true. I bought them on ebay. item #320188711212
seller got my payment on December 7 and said he mailed it immediately. I'd like to point out that he charged $10 for shipping and I am sure a bunch of fiber optics would weigh almost nothing but thats besides the point. I wanted them so I paid it.
It has not arrived. The seller keeps saying he mailed them. Then he was sick and would go to the post office. Then the post office said the package was indeed deliverd to me (uninsured and with no tracking # according to him) so someone must have stolen it out of my mailbox.
Well now, how could they know it was delivered without a tracking number? And there are about 3 cars a day on my road including mine. Finally after a ton of emails, he said, and I freakin quote,
This is what I would like to do. Sense you seem very honest to me. I would like to send you another pack but sense I have no control over the mail once your package is in the hands of the post office I'll send you another pack at my expense if you purchase insurance for it. That way the post office will cover it if it doesn't get there. The US postal service charges $10.15 for their insurance. I'm sorry it's so high but that is their price not mine. unquote
First I emailed him a letter saying I wasn't too freakin happy about that little offer. Then a few minutes ago I go to the USPS website and checked their insurance rates. $1.35 to insure a package to Canada with a value under $50.

I just sent the guy another email sugegsting we get this settled because I have an email in which he just tried to defraud me out of money.

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