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Subject: I dont think Sam will mind

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Date Posted: Saturday, January 19, 11:38:01am

I hope Neil Young wont either...

One year ago today I lost one of the lights of my life. Sometime during the night Our lil Bubs passed away. I stole this song and made a little tribute to Trouble from it. If Y'all dont mind I'd like to share it...

It was in Palm Desert back in '96
when I first brought you home.
A ball of fur, my love, you had won.

Long may you run, long may you run,
when all those changes had come.
With a cute little nose and those fuzzy toes,
long may you run.

S'been a year now since you've been gone,
the days are quick, the nights long.
My spirit's broken, it's just no fun.
Long may you run.

Long may you run..Long may you run,
when all the changes had come.
Your cute little nose and that funny pose.
Long may you run.

On the wings of angels, you left our home,
the pain I just cant describe.
I pray you rainbows and flowers to roam.
Long may you run.

Long may you run ...Long may you run,
once all the changes are done.
Your cute little nose and your fuzzy toes,
long may you run.

Till we meet again...

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