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Subject: I said it before and I'll say it again,.... and again and again

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Date Posted: Wednesday, January 23, 07:16:11pm

NASCAR never should have gone with the highest bid just because it meant more money. when nascar signed with nextel for 10 years I said nextel wouldn't even be in business in 10 years. and what do we have? nextel sold out to sprint.
anyone who seriously thought sprint was still gonna be around... or at least be able to afford this deal was out of their minds. do you know why they stopped sponsoring Kyle? Not because they weren't getting their money's worth. everyone agreed they were and that Kyle is the best pitchman for them. they had to drop Kyle because they could not justify laying off 8,000 employees and then keep giving Petty 10million a year.
Now what exactly makes them think they could keep up with sponsoring an entire series?

one more thing: written into the initial contract was this:
Nextel and its companies could change the name of the series ONE time during the ten year contract.

They've already done that.
nascar shoulda went with Coke. less money maybe, but Coke is still here.

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