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Subject: JT and Rick are both right

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Date Posted: Wednesday, January 23, 07:35:42pm

It all has to do with what's called "Sports Entertainment", a catch-all phrase that originated with the McMahon family and the WWF. The phrase is kinda like a line of fine print that says we could be sports and/or entertainment, maybe both, maybe either. Probably kept the WWF out of court many times.

I have a hunch that bf is trying to mold Nascar the way that Mcmahon built wrestling. Concerts, fireworks, lots of hoopla, and huge ratings.

On paper, it all looks very do-able.

What bf missed, is that the average wrestling fan is a snot-nosed kid, and these kids get taken to the events by their parents who spend lotsa bucks for tickets, souveniers, etc. And these kids have short attention spans and are easily entertained.

When the "entertainment" becomes larger than the "sport" you're gonna be in trouble. Wrestling will be OK, it works for them, but it won't work for Nascar.

The sooner bf realizes this the better off we, the fan, and Nascar will be.

Yes, it started with the death of Dale, Sr.
And the death of Mr. France, senior.

Dale, Junior remains old school and has a respect for the sport.

bf seems to concentrate on entertainment. His Dad would be ashamed of him.

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