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Date Posted: 20:13:55 10/07/04 Thu
Author: volt
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Subject: piphlle
In reply to: volt 's message, "a LK's diary entry" on 17:09:39 10/07/04 Thu

another monumental LK triumph:

the night we met

Posted by piph

"He was worried that I'd judge him for his beliefs but I wasn't afraid. Isn't that one of the perks of being an adult? The ability to live and let live?"

can we say C L I C H E? sure we can

"He'd told me once that lots of girls are turned off by the fact that he is agnostic. I just found it interesting."

Whoa. Now's there some deep philosophical ruminations. Some of us attempted to address the mind-body problem, or the status of reason vs. faith, or the status of hypocrites and betrayers in Dante's Inferno levels, but Miss Piph is content to discuss how she lost her cherry to an agnostic (oooo how intriguing!).

"Being raised in a Catholic surrounding, there was always the concept of heaven and hell (awkward phrasing to say the least---yo here comes that concept again--hit it with a flyswatter!!).

Nothing else was discussed. Even though it's been many years and I'm no longer Catholic the idea that there is something else out there is a belief of mine (another LK'er that never quite mastered Punctuation 90).

People may think that it's foolish or a crutch but it's not their opinion to change. Sure, I'm quite open to hearing other thoughts and opinions or having a lively discussion but faith is a tricky and very personal thing. Why must people always think that their ideas are the only ones that matter? Why is it so hard to accept and let others have their beliefs?

Respect, people, is it really that hard."

Thomas Aquinas you are not, Ms. Piph. Perhaps a few perusals of say Swift's Gulliver's Travels or some Sam Johnson or Voltaire might provide you with a glimpse of what skepticism, eloquence, and non-colloquial English prose is all about.

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