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Date Posted: 22:36:25 10/07/04 Thu
Author: volt
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Subject: Phirsty, Litkicks' own Pee Wee Herman
In reply to: volt 's message, "a LK's diary entry" on 17:09:39 10/07/04 Thu

Here's one to demonstrate that linguistic and literary superficiality and ineptness is not limited to female cyber-nauts:

Anger. Bad.

Posted by Firsty McWords&Such (firsty)

Anger is a negative thing. It causes stress, bad feelings, hatred, etc. (Phirsty Boi's aiming for an A in his high school diploma equivalency composition class!! you go girl)

It can result in positive things, but that doesn't mean it's a positive force. The murder of a child can ultimately result in something good, like the locking up of an asshole, which is good, or the enlightenment of grieving parents, which they can use in a positive way (what a pathetic and inapplicable instance).

But that doesn't mean that murder is a positive force.

Anger. Bad.

(Grade Phor Phirsty: C+)

Carefully re-read what you have written, correct those sections where problems are indicated, and rewrite using all complete sentences. I am sure you will get that sheepskin by next Spring, and make it into your first college writing course.

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