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Date Posted: 06:53:54 10/14/04 Thu
Author: an English Major's Worse Nightmare
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Subject: typo's corrected I hope
In reply to: Ray Nitzke 's message, "As for experience who has time for that" on 06:05:18 10/14/04 Thu

the adrenalin shakes when I write, I know that is a good thing as spontaneous prose but so many typo's, I suppppppppppose I should proofread but then I start to edit, my vanity creeps in, so , but my fingers shake so much it is hard to hit the right keys hard to lie to one's own glands, but I apologize for my vanity by not editing, it make for a hard road for readers, how some one so young can see so much despair and desolation, I suppose she is an authentic beat, I hope your criticism is helpful to her, I only wish I could make her laugh,
speaking of laughs Doreen could use a few now and then, if I was her i would be watching lots of laurel and hardy, "why did you join the French foreign legion, "we came her to forget" Forget what, "well we forgot so can we go home now.

>I( have read some her posts on the stories to
>sometimes feel nauseous from her substance, she is
>very smart, I wish her well, but I still can't
>understand how someone can walk by a cat swimming in
>one those canals in Venice, and =- I would have
>probably jumped in after it, but then again i am
>certified ''''
>>I read her stuff on the pre-October Earth, pre-police
>>state LitKicks. Some of it was good, though her
>>"poetry" was the typical "I'll be real oblique and
>>people will think I am profound" school, seen in cafe
>>and academic writing everywhere. She think's that she
>>is a much better than she is.

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