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Date Posted: 11:55:51 10/21/04 Thu
Author: doreen peri
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Subject: yes - and it's worse
In reply to: puckered up in texas 's message, "when you and clay were in the restaurant the night the war started" on 11:43:44 10/21/04 Thu

I miss Illuminara's posts, too. I miss LOTS of people's posts. Hell, I miss lots of people and connections from litkicks. I wasn't smart enough to collect email addresses. I only have a few. So, there are people which have gone there way and there's no way for me to get in touch with them. *sigh*

I'm glad you remember that story about us being in the restaurant and watching the bombs go off... I was sooooo upset! It was nauseating! I did an email blast when I got home to everyone on my contact list and said, "this makes 9/11 look like a picnic." Needless to say, I got some comments back about how stupid I was because the buildings had been vacated in Iraq, but the point was.... it was frigging terrorism if I ever saw it!

And it gets worse... it's way worse now. Thousands of Iraqi's have died... many civilians. This is Vietnam all over again with the atrocities that show the ugliest sides of human beings.

I only hope and pray that Kerry gets elected and that he doesn't work for the same big corporations as Bush and have a similar agenda to take over the world.

I have nightmares sometimes about all this. I hate it. It makes me ill and I worry so much about what my children will experience as the years pass if the human race doesn't evolve away from violence.

It's nuts! Good to talk to you.... still trucking, I presume? ;)

>I miss Illuminara's posts on war, I suppose in the
>long view the slayer and the slain are the same, I
>tried reading but I could not get past the first page.
> All I can do is quote old Kurt, "I know. I know. I
>KNOW! I pretty much can't go to my brother's house.
>His daughters such adoring fans of W. At this point I
>just wish it was over. I still feel the way you did
>that night.
>>No WMDs in Iraq - thread goes 8 pages... it's been an
>>excellent discussion
>>and a couple of more threads on this board
>>>piqued my curiosity
>>>which thread?

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