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Date Posted: 20:14:41 10/21/04 Thu
Author: yeah I forgot my pw "I hope this reads ok"
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Subject: Marching on to Shibboleth, across the Gulf of Chevron&
In reply to: doreen peri 's message, "yes - and it's worse" on 11:55:51 10/21/04 Thu

The theory that if you say something often enough, that makes it true, is a
favorite of the neo-cons. But theories and theologies only survive because they
work. If America believes, because of advertising and rampant repetition, that
we need drugs that do us more harm than good and that oatmeal will save us from
heart attacks or that we can lose 20 pounds for 20 dollars, then it's no wonder
that the ideologues at Bushco think they can sell us any old lie. Just repeat it
often enough.

Modern Miracles of Technology, lettuce  face it Technology is our New
Magic, be it TV Radio or this stuff here.  Hitler seems like the first one
to cash in on it big time.  But I don't hate Bush, any friend of Kinky
Friedman is a friend of mine.  Why does this bad shit happen every time we
have a Texan president, thinking about poor old LBJ may he rest in peace.

Repetition is the key to magic. That's why religion is so full of ritual. If
you do or say things over and over again they take on a magic energy. This is
also why running a modern election campaign like an advertising operation makes
sense. The slogans that both parties are using are much like advertising
jingles. They have no real substance but they stick in your mind. And they are
repeated endlessly. It's a matter of image over message. Selling candidates is
like selling toothpaste or pop CD's.



"Marching on to Shibboleth, across the Gulf of Chevron"

I remember posting something somewhere about sitting around an old fashion
floor model radio in a town in Germany back in the nineteen thirties, listening
to his speeches,  The bottom line for the cry baby republicans is Bush is
moral, he is against abortion, gay marriage, and god is on his side. and the
trains are on time, we got two chickens in every pot and and a full lunch pail
and we beat the communists, except for our friends in Red China,  unleash
Chiang Kai-shek, do you remember the cartoons in the forties, the way the
Japs were portrayed in Donald Duck cartoons, kind of like insects it seemed to


I don't know what TV is like in Europe, did a generation of
boomers use the  TV as a babysitter for the kido's.  

or Death

<IMG src="http://www.homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/000Free/000Allegory/source/2.html">


 The silent scrolling of the dead on The News Hour Jim Lehr my favorite
image for keeping my post traumatic stress syndrome from the election of 2000 at
full throttle.  

I wish the this election was over.

Religion is evil my young friend tells me, he believes in punk, but it sure
starts to sound like a religion when he tells me about it.  The pierced generation, the young Americans are very pissed,  I may be
too old to be a punk anarchist  but i been thinking about getting something
pierced myself, maybe something like a key ring so I don't have to spend so much
time looking for my keys.  But where would be a convenient place to hang

I am not sure what is transcendent but I am growing fond of the words sublime
silence, just a time of life thing I guess, crying babies keep me up, but it
might be the garlic tonight

reality TV

"Silence simple understood mahogany rain,

I used to wake up having spoken;

You'll also learn books aren't real." BK

>I miss Illuminara's posts, too. I miss LOTS of
>people's posts. Hell, I miss lots of people and
>connections from litkicks. I wasn't smart enough to
>collect email addresses. I only have a few. So, there
>are people which have gone there way and there's no
>way for me to get in touch with them. *sigh*
>I'm glad you remember that story about us being in the
>restaurant and watching the bombs go off... I was
>sooooo upset! It was nauseating! I did an email blast
>when I got home to everyone on my contact list and
>said, "this makes 9/11 look like a picnic." Needless
>to say, I got some comments back about how stupid I
>was because the buildings had been vacated in Iraq,
>but the point was.... it was frigging terrorism if I
>ever saw it!
>And it gets worse... it's way worse now. Thousands of
>Iraqi's have died... many civilians. This is Vietnam
>all over again with the atrocities that show the
>ugliest sides of human beings.
>I only hope and pray that Kerry gets elected and that
>he doesn't work for the same big corporations as Bush
>and have a similar agenda to take over the world.
>I have nightmares sometimes about all this. I hate it.
>It makes me ill and I worry so much about what my
>children will experience as the years pass if the
>human race doesn't evolve away from violence.
>It's nuts! Good to talk to you.... still trucking, I
>presume? ;)
>>I miss Illuminara's posts on war, I suppose in the
>>long view the slayer and the slain are the same, I
>>tried reading but I could not get past the first page.
>> All I can do is quote old Kurt, "I know. I know. I
>>KNOW! I pretty much can't go to my brother's house.
>>His daughters such adoring fans of W. At this point I
>>just wish it was over. I still feel the way you did
>>that night.
>>>No WMDs in Iraq - thread goes 8 pages... it's been an
>>>excellent discussion
>>>and a couple of more threads on this board
>>>>piqued my curiosity
>>>>which thread?

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