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Date Posted: 12:05:15 10/23/04 Sat
Author: Black Elk
Author Host/IP:
Subject: A good death
In reply to: today 's message, "get help" on 16:37:36 10/14/04 Thu

I been told by a lot of very nice people on these literary sites that I need help. Now days I could use a good dentist. I wonder if that is what they meant. A good dentist.
A lot of anger going around a lot of pain, and darker days to come. I been reading October Earth today and wondering about the mind set of the people who ask the questions. A good fight, I have not seen Fight Club but I have a young friend who has. He loved it. The other day he was very wired, barely in control himself he was worried about going off on some one. I was giving him a ride to a resaurant out on the edge of town to meet some guy who is offering him a job a vague sort of glamorous music industry kind of job. Sounded weird, I felt anxious about just dropping him off and leaving. I finally get him agree to let me wait for him. He is acting like primary school ashamed of being seen with his mother kind of thing. Well ok but first we have to stop so he can buy a "wife beater shirt" don't know why but it has something to do with being dressed for the part. I tell him I am not going to just drop him off and leave I will wait out in the car for him. But I way have to come in and piss, this sets him off big time edge of hysteria, I say ok I will piss on a tire. I know this kid very well and I know he is on the edge, I am prepared to take a punch and bleed for him. No thought on my part to fight back. Not sure if I have much testosterone left at my age, when I was younger I never wanted to fight anyone, I just wanted to hurt them bad and quick.

Yeah I went this primary school as you call it back
>>in Mobtown, it was
>>located next to a scrap yard, mountains of chopped up
>>steel, every once in a
>>while a piece would slid under the chain link fence
>>into our school yard, one
>>day I picked up a piece and sliced a kids arm with


testosterone kicks in pretty earl, kill it or fuck
>>it, i suppose i am a
>>devout heterosexual, a simple man with all my eggs in
>>one basket, old enough to
>>distinghuish between my affection for women and my
>>dear sweet lust for them,
>>women and children first amigo,


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>3r6s67792s736361746s6p6s67792r68746q6p" gt>intellectual


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>3r6s67792s736361746s6p6s67792r68746q6p" gt>intellectual

>>>your infatuation is truly primary school

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