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Date Posted: 17:34:15 10/12/04 Tue
Author: volt
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Subject: Tea Time for Twit-Kicks
In reply to: volt 's message, "a LK's diary entry" on 17:09:39 10/07/04 Thu

OO It's another deep metaphysical episode at Levi 'n the gals' Not-So-Phucking-Great Adventure. Father Time, man, is making an appearance, like the Floyd dewd....I am not worthy!

Let see what Kapn Knips Ahoy, poet laureate of, uh, Phreedom Stall has to offer:

"I am aware of time and its ravaging effects on me. I am aware of the crow's lines developing, the growing skin pouch hanging under my chin and the aches and pains that surface during squash like a memory. I know I am aging, I know my health is deteriorating and I know my bones are getting weary. I am reminded of my advancing years every day and in every action."

Time is not a "thing" that can be pointed to; it's a word for certain aspects of the physical world, of how matter behaves, having to with many verifiable things, such as 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics...lik entropy, man, perhaps you have heard of it.

Kapn Knips Ahoy a Squash player? Always knew u had a certain, uh, three dollar bill quality about ya, paysan.

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