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Date Posted: 14:02:30 10/23/04 Sat
Author: stilltrucking
Author Host/IP:
Subject: A day late and a dollar short
In reply to: Lrod 's message, "I just want you to know" on 05:25:30 10/20/04 Wed

I thought the number thingy stayed the same so I been using any name that pops into my head. I actually registered a name here word kook or wordkook but i must have forgot the password (that is why I joined the french foreign legion)
I been too long a schmuck who drives a truck, I admire integrity, what you see what you get kind of people, rednecks some of my best friend, I got one who time in prison when he was in his fifties because he would not name names. Remember that woman Luchesse or something like that, she said she was evil, had that incredible photo portrait of herself on the profile, that black dress the small delicate skull, she talked about history being pretty much corporate the past fifty years. Maybe we should all incorporate. Corporations are eternal, they never die and they have more rights than mere human beings.
going to stick to this one, send you another registration fee when I can. Man all my handles have a million users now or so it seems.
>I just want you to know that I appreciate the fact
>that you most always post under your name.
>Of course since I reset the board to display IP#'s
>it's a little harder to be completely anonymous here.
>But for the record
>I think you are an officer and a gentleman

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